
Lexical words in Even

This list of lexical words found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: toːre. 62 total hits in 16 transcripts.
Chat about an Evenki film (2)
[ew] Ewedič toːrer, ewenkiskejt [toːr] toːrer.
ewen -DI -Č toːre -R(E) ewenkijskij.R -Č toːre -R(E)
Even -adjr -ins speak -nonfut(3pl) Evenki -ins speak -nonfut(3pl)
Even -adjr -ins говорить -nonfut(3pl) Evenki -ins говорить -nonfut(3pl)
They spoke Even, uhm, Evenki they spoke.
Чисто говорили по-эвенкийский.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Tọlkọntụnịkan toːreče.
tọlkọntụ-nIkEn toːre-čE
dream-SIM.CVB speak-PF.PTC
dream-SIM.КОНВ говорить-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
In his dream, he spoke.
Он говорил в сне.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Tọlkọntụnịkaːn toːreče.
tọlkantụ -nIkEːn toːre -čE
dream -sim.cvb speak -pf.ptc
dream -sim.cvb говорить -pf.ptc
He spoke in his dream.
Он говорил во сне.
A conversation about Even culture (32)
toːre =kkE
word =emph
слово =emph
Such word?
Такое слово?
Even taboos and customs (3)
Tar taraw emie ennej meːle toːrer, egdʒen ennej toːrer.
tar tar -W emie.Y ennej meːne.Y toːre -R(E) egdʒen ennej toːre -R(E)
dist dist -acc again.Y sin simply.Y speak -neg.cvb big sin speak -neg.cvb
dist dist -acc снова.Y sin ппросто.Y говорить -neg.cvb большой sin говорить -neg.cvb
And it is simply a sin to call it like that, it is a big sin to call it so.
И это просто так нельзя называть, это большой грех.
Bear story (1)
Anị abagaŋata tar toːreče:
anï.Y abaga -ŋ -E-t(I) tar toːre -čE
now.Y grandfather -aln -ep-poss.1pl.in dist speak -pf.ptc
сейчас.Y дед -aln -ep-poss.1pl.в dist говорить -pf.ptc
Then this bear said:
Медветь сказал:
Stories of God and the Devil (3)
"Ịadaːjị goːnis", goːnikeːn, "edʒi toːrer".
ịa -DEː -J goːn -RI -s(I) goːn -nIkEːn e -LI toːre -R(E)
what -purp.cvb -prfl.sg say -pst -poss.2sg say -sim.cvb neg -imp.2sg speak -neg.cvb
что -purp.cvb -prfl.sg сказать -pst -poss.2sg сказать -sim.cvb neg -imp.2sg говорить -neg.cvb
"Why did you say?", he said, "Don't speak!"
Cannibal story (2)
Ee, tarịč tar ịlụkaːnịdʒị toːreče.
ee tar -E-Č tar ịl -WkEːn -RIdʒI toːre -čE
intj dist -ep-ins dist stand.up -caus -ant.cvb speak -pf.ptc
intj dist -ep-ins dist стоять.вверх -caus -ant.cvb говорить -pf.ptc
And so, when he raised her [sc. after she had fell], he spoke.
Когда поднимал говорил:
Glove and love (2)
Erek ahaːtkan kojeːčiddʒe, kojeːčiddʒe, egreče toːrer.
er-k asatkan kojeː-Č-E-D-čE kojeː-Č-E-D-čE e-Gr(E)-čE toːre-R(E)
That girl observed and observed him, but didn't say anything.
Эта девушка смотрела…смотрела…не разговаривала (ни говорила).
Tompo in Soviet times (4)
Kandịga gerbe toːren ịadụk hiečeːdʒin, ịak toːrenni tar Kandịga gerbe, ewedi-gu, ńọkadị-gu?
Khandyga.R gerbe toːre -n ịa -DUk(U) hie -čEːdʒI -n(I) ịa -k toːre -n -n(I) tar Khandyga.R gerbe ewen -DI =GU ńọka -DI =GU
Khandyga.R name speak -anr what -abl appear -prob -3sg what -nom speak -anr -poss.3sg dist Khandyga.R name Even -adjr =q Yakut -adjr =q
Khandyga.R name говорить -anr что -abl появиться -prob -3sg что -nom говорить -anr -poss.3sg dist Khandyga.R name Even -adjr =q Yakut -adjr =q
The word 'Khandyga', where does it come from, what kind of word is it, 'Khandyga', Even or Yakut?
Откуда произошло слово «хандыга», это эвенское слово или якутское?