
Suffix glosses for Even (English)

This list of suffix glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: 3pl. 41 total hits in 8 transcripts.
Spirits (13)
Hoːnte toːrle goːweːtte, tačịn goːŋder.
hoːnte toːr-(dU)LE goːn-WEːČ-R(E) tačịn goːn-Gr(E)-R(E)-r
other earth-LOC say-GNR-NONFUT.3PL so say-HAB-NONFUT-3PL
другой earth-ЛОК сказать-GNR-NONFUT.3МН так сказать-ХАБ-NONFUT-3МН
(He is going) to the other earth, that's what they used to say.
(Уезжает) в другую землю, говорят, так говорили.
The sacred reindeer (6)
Nọŋardụlatnan [nọŋar] gụlụntan ere bihni bọlla, ụọnna hoːntetnen ịatnan-da ačča.
nọŋan-L-(dU)LE-tEn nọŋan-E-r gụlụn-tEn ere.Y bi-R(E)-N(I) buolla.Y ụọnna.Y hoːnte-tEn ịak-tEn=dE ačča
3SG-PL-LOC-POSS.3PL 3SG-0-3PL bonfire-POSS.3PL only.Y be-NONFUT-POSS.3SG DP.Y and.Y other-POSS.3PL what-POSS.3PL=DP NEG.EXC
3ЕД-МН-ЛОК-ПОСС.3МН 3ЕД-0-3МН bonfire-ПОСС.3МН only.Y быть-NONFUT-ПОСС.3ЕД DP.Y and.Y другой-ПОСС.3МН что-ПОСС.3МН=DP НЕГ.EXC
They only had a fire burning, and there was nothing else.
У них только огонь горел, ничего другого не было.
A lighthearted exchange (2)
Ee, patamušta hontol čụːndʒịr.
ee potomu čto.R honte-L čụːn-DʒI-r
eh because.R other-PL slip:in-FUT-3PL
eh потому:что.R другой-МН slip:in-ФУТ-3МН
Yeah, because other people will oust you from there.
Э, потому что другие туда зайдут.
An Even farce (6)
Gịakịč umekič dawšawaːtta.
gịakị-Č omekič dawsa-WEːČ-R(E)
various-INS very:much shake-GNR-NONFUT.3PL
various-INS very:much shake-GNR-NONFUT.3МН
They shake everything, with full power.
Они сильно всем трясут.
Glove and love (1)
Dʒepleŋeten, ulleŋeten, miltereː nọkụttan.
dʒeple-ŋ-E-tEn ulre-ŋ-E-tEn miltereː nọk-U-Č-R(E)-N(I)
food-AL-0-POSS.3PL meat-AL-0-POSS.3PL plenty hang-INTR-RES-NONFUT-3SG
еда-AL-0-ПОСС.3МН мясо-AL-0-ПОСС.3МН plenty hang-ИНТР-RES-NONFUT-3ЕД
Loads of food and meat were hanging there.
Еда, мясо, много висит.
The raven and the crow (5)
E, tụraːk, ńọkal goːweːtte.
e turaːχ.Y ńọka-L goːn-WEːČ-R(E)
DP crow.Y Yakut-PL say-GNR-NONFUT(3PL)
DP crow.Y Yakut-МН сказать-GNR-NONFUT(3МН)
'Turaːk', as the Yakuts say.
'Турак', как Якуты говорят.
Birds in love (4)
Taraŋatan kedrovka i sojka, bi-jer bụọlla.
tar-E-ŋ-E-tEn kedrovka.R i.R sojka.R buolla.Y
DIST-0-AL-0-POSS.3PL kedrowka.R and.R sojka.R DP.Y
DIST-0-AL-0-ПОСС.3МН kedrowka.R and.R sojka.R DP.Y
It is "kedrovka i sojka".
Taraŋatan kedrovka i sojka, bi-jer bụọlla.
tar-E-ŋ-E-tEn kedrovka.R i.R sojka.R buolla.Y
DIST-0-AL-0-POSS.3PL kedrowka.R and.R sojka.R DP.Y
DIST-0-AL-0-ПОСС.3МН kedrowka.R and.R sojka.R DP.Y
It is "kedrovka i sojka".
"Кедровка и сойка".