
Suffix glosses for Even (English)

This list of suffix glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the suffix gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Even.

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Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: neg. 91 total hits in 8 transcripts.
Glove and love (6)
Ehem itte.
e-R(E)-m it-R(E)
I hadn't seen it.
Я не видел.
An Even farce (19)
Eːw, ešenni taːd?
eːw e-R(E)-nrI taː-R(E)
oh NEG-NONFUT-2SG recognise-NEG.CVB
oh НЕГ-NONFUT-2ЕД recognise-НЕГ.КОНВ
Didn't you recognise me?
Что, не узнала?
A lighthearted exchange (4)
Ịak gerbew ńụčịdị? Natal'a Mihajlowna, edʒi emgerer, torut edʒi emgerer!
ịak gerbe-W ńụča-DI Natalja Mihajlovna e-LI em-Gr(E)-R törüt.Y e-LI em-Gr(E)-R
what name-ACC Russian-ADJ Natalia Mihajlovna NEG-IMP.2SG come-HAB-NEG.CVB quite.Y NEG-IMP.2SG come-HAB-NEG.CVB
что name-АКК русский-ПРИЛ Natalia Mihajlovna НЕГ-ИМП.2ЕД прийти-ХАБ-НЕГ.КОНВ quite.Y НЕГ-ИМП.2ЕД прийти-ХАБ-НЕГ.КОНВ
And why do you speak Russian all the time, then? Natalia Mikhajlovna, don't come, don't come at all!
А почему все время по-русски говорите? Наталья Михайловна, не приходи, вообще не приходи!
Spirits (40)
Edʒilde meːngere-de, hagara.
e-(LI)lrE meːnge-R(E)=dE hagara
NEG-IMP.2PL clamour-NEG.CVB=DP hush
НЕГ-ИМП.2МН clamour-НЕГ.КОНВ=DP hush
"Don't make any noise, hush!"
"Не шумите, тс!"
The raven and the crow (2)
Eče, egreče họːja bis huten, dʒoːr ịlan bigreče, mangịrŋi.
e-čE e-Gr(E)-čE họːja bi-R(E) hute-N(I) dʒoːr ịlan bi-Gr(E)-čE mangịr-ŋI
NEG-PF.PTC NEG-HAB-PF.PTC many be-NEG.CVB child-POSS.3SG two three be-HAB-PF.PTC raven-pred.POSS
НЕГ-ПРФ.ПРИЧ НЕГ-ХАБ-ПРФ.ПРИЧ много быть-НЕГ.КОНВ ребенок-ПОСС.3ЕД два три быть-ХАБ-ПРФ.ПРИЧ raven-pred.ПОСС
It didn't have many children, two or three, the raven.
Не много детей, а два, три у него, у ворона.
Birds in love (5)
"Hinu eten [ejeː] ejelle", goːnin.
hi-(R)U e-DʒI-N(I) ejel-R(E) goːn-RI-N(I)
rise:sun-1PL.EXC NEG-FUT-3SG fall:in:love-NEG.CVB say-PST-POSS.3SG
rise:sun-1МН.EXC НЕГ-ФУТ-3ЕД fall:in:love-НЕГ.КОНВ сказать-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД
"She won't fall in love with you", it said.
Тебя все равно не полюбит.
"Hinu eten [ejeː] ejelle", goːnin.
hi-(R)U e-DʒI-N(I) ejel-R(E) goːn-RI-N(I)
rise:sun-1PL.EXC NEG-FUT-3SG fall:in:love-NEG.CVB say-PST-POSS.3SG
rise:sun-1МН.EXC НЕГ-ФУТ-3ЕД fall:in:love-НЕГ.КОНВ сказать-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД
"She won't fall in love with you", it said.
Тебя все равно не полюбит.
The sacred reindeer (10)
Dʒe, ehem haːr, dọgọr!
dʒe.Y e-R(E)-m haː-R(E) doγor.Y
"Oh, I have no idea!"
"О, не знаю!"