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Search: mult. 7 total hits in 4 transcripts.
Spirits (1)
Tarịč er degenedʒeːndʒin, goːnni.
tar-E-Č er deg-E-N-E-dʒEːn-DʒI-N(I) goːn-N(I)
DIST-0-INS PROX летать-0-MULT-0-ДУБ-ФУТ-3ЕД сказать-3ЕД
"Later it will be flying around", he said.
"Потом вот будет летать",-сказал.
The raven and the crow (3)
Gịa bimi họŋọdʒọlannan, edu.
gịa bi-mI họŋ-E-D-E-L-E-N-R(E)-N(I) er-DU
другой быть-КОНД.КОНВ плакать-0-PROG-0-ИНХ-0-MULT-NONFUT-3ЕД PROX-ДАТ
The other one began to cry, then.
Другой стал плакать.
Glove and love (2)
Haːrakọtkačča, nọːdač-ta nọːdač tetče, ajịč.
haːrak-E-Č-kEČ-čE nọːd-E-Č=dE nọːd-E-Č tet-čE aj-E-Č
be:foreigner-0-RES-MULT-PF.PTC beautiful-0-INS=DP beautiful-0-INS wear-PF.PTC good-0-INS
be:foreigner-0-RES-MULT-ПРФ.ПРИЧ beautiful-0-INS=DP beautiful-0-INS носить-ПРФ.ПРИЧ хороший-0-INS
He went to visit, and he was very smartly dressed, nicely.
Пошел, красиво-красиво оделся.
An Even farce (1)
Biː olloːčiddem tar diːwukegli, kojeːnni, tar diːwukegemkerduli, ụːldakačịddam.
biː hol-WEːČ-E-D-R(E)-m tar diːwukeg-(dU)LI kojeː-nrI tar diːwukeg-E-mkEr-(dU)LI hụːlda-kEČ-E-D-R(E)-m
1SG go-GNR-0-PROG-NONFUT-1SG DIST birch:grove-PROL look-2SG DIST birch:grove-0-AUG-PROL ski-MULT-0-PROG-NEG.CVB-1SG
1ЕД идти-GNR-0-PROG-NONFUT-1ЕД DIST birch:grove-ПРОЛ смотреть-2ЕД DIST birch:grove-0-AUG-ПРОЛ ski-MULT-0-PROG-НЕГ.КОНВ-1ЕД
I went through the birch grove, you see, through the big birch grove over there, I am going on skis.
Я ходила по березнику, видишь, вон по большому березнику, на лыжах хожу.