
Suffix glosses for Even (English)

This list of suffix glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the suffix gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Even.

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Search: 3sg. 223 total hits in 8 transcripts.
Spirits (77)
Nọŋandụn nụmak ụːčak naːda bihin, goːnni.
nọŋan-DU-N(I) nụmak ụːčak nado.R bi-RI-N(I) goːn-N(I)
3SG-DAT-POSS.3SG tame riding:reindeer necessary.R be-PST-POSS.3SG say-NONFUT.3SG
3ЕД-ДАТ-ПОСС.3ЕД tame riding:reindeer necessary.R быть-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД сказать-NONFUT.3ЕД
"He needed a tame, quiet riding reindeer", he said.
"Ему спокойный верховой олень нужен был",-сказал.
Glove and love (31)
Bekečen ọjịn butunni meŋen, kịmargaːkan.
bekeč-E-N(I) ọj-N(I) bütün.Y-N(I) meŋen kịmargaːkan
all-0-POSS.3SG clothes-POSS.3SG all.Y-POSS.3SG silver shiny
весь-0-ПОСС.3ЕД clothes-ПОСС.3ЕД весь.Y-ПОСС.3ЕД серебро shiny
Her whole clothes were silvery, light-coloured.
Вся одежда серебрянная, светлая (белизной).
The sacred reindeer (42)
He was dreaming.
Он грезил.
A lighthearted exchange (15)
Tačịn goːnni!
tačịn goːn-N(I)
so say-3SG
так сказать-3ЕД
That's what they said!
Так сказали!
The raven and the crow (15)
Bigren, tụraːkị bigren edu.
bi-Gr(E)-N(I) tụrakị bi-Gr(E)-N(I) er-DU
be-HAB-3SG crow be-HAB-3SG PROX-DAT
быть-ХАБ-3ЕД crow быть-ХАБ-3ЕД PROX-ДАТ
It stays, the crow stays here.
Бывает, ворон здесь бывает.
An Even farce (15)
Birds in love (14)
"Hinu eten [ejeː] ejelle", goːnin.
hi-(R)U e-DʒI-N(I) ejel-R(E) goːn-RI-N(I)
rise:sun-1PL.EXC NEG-FUT-3SG fall:in:love-NEG.CVB say-PST-POSS.3SG
rise:sun-1МН.EXC НЕГ-ФУТ-3ЕД fall:in:love-НЕГ.КОНВ сказать-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД
"She won't fall in love with you", it said.
Тебя все равно не полюбит.
"Hinu eten [ejeː] ejelle", goːnin.
hi-(R)U e-DʒI-N(I) ejel-R(E) goːn-RI-N(I)
rise:sun-1PL.EXC NEG-FUT-3SG fall:in:love-NEG.CVB say-PST-POSS.3SG
rise:sun-1МН.EXC НЕГ-ФУТ-3ЕД fall:in:love-НЕГ.КОНВ сказать-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД
"She won't fall in love with you", it said.
Тебя все равно не полюбит.