
Lexical words in Even

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Search: ńaːn. 146 total hits in 23 transcripts.
An Even farce (8)
Ńaːn-nụ-lụ ńaːn...
ńaːn(nu)(lu) ńaːn
also also
тоже тоже
Well, yes, yes...
Ну да, ну да...
Pear story (4) (7)
Ńaːn ... fso.
ńaːn vse.R
also all.R
тоже весь.R
And ... That's it.
A conversation about Even culture (14)
Ńaːn ịak?
ńaːn ịa -k
also what -nom
тоже что -nom
What else?
Что еще?
Chat about an Evenki film (42)
Qụŋaːqaːjaqaːn, qụŋaːqaːjaqaːm ńaːn ajran, bejdʒi ńaːn, bejjen ńaːn gịrqarịkaːjaw gịrqarịl maːr.
kụŋaː -KEːn -jEkEːn kụŋaː -KEːn -jEkEːn -W ńaːn aj -R(E) -n(I) bej -DʒI ńaːn bej -W -E-n(I) ńaːn gịrkarị -kEːjE -W gịrkarị -L maː -R(E)
child -dim -dim child -dim -dim -acc also repair -nonfut -3sg self -inst.prfl.sg also self -acc -ep-poss.3sg also wolf -aug -acc wolf -pl kill -nonfut(3pl)
ребенок -dim -dim ребенок -dim -dim -acc тоже repair -nonfut -3sg сам -inst.prfl.sg тоже сам -acc -ep-poss.3sg тоже волк -aug -acc волк -pl убить -nonfut(3pl)
The little boy, he helped the little boy, and himself, the wolf himself was killed by the wolves.
Помог ребёнку, а самого волка убили.
Biblical stories (9)
Egreče goːn, ńaːn-da nọkkarača, ńaːn-da hokulukeːŋnečiče.
e -Gr(E) -čE goːn ńaːn =dE nụk -Gr(E) -čE ńaːn =dE hok -E-L -WkEːn -č -čE
neg -hab -pf.ptc say also =ptl take.off -hab -pf.ptc also =ptl be.hot -ep-inch -caus -res -pf.ptc
neg -hab -pf.ptc сказать тоже =ptl взять.off -hab -pf.ptc тоже =ptl быть.горячий -ep-inch -caus -res -pf.ptc
He (sc. the dog) didn't say (anything), and then he (Satan) took off (his clothes), and then made (the weather) hot.
А затем он снял с неё шубу, и сделал так, чтобы стало жарко.
Pear story (5) (24)
Grụːšaw čaqaddịn, ńaːn, haːrtụqị miltereːmkeːnidʒi ewrin ńaːn karzịːnala neːdni.
gruša.R -W čak -E-D -RI -n(I) ńaːn fartuk.R -J miltereːn -WkEːn -RIdʒI ew -RI -n(I) ńaːn korzina.R -(dU)LE neː -R(E) -n(I)
pear.R -acc gather -ep-prog -pst -poss.3sg also apron.R -prfl.sg get.full -caus -ant.cvb go.down -pst -poss.3sg also basket -loc put -nonfut -3sg
pear.R -acc собиратть -ep-prog -pst -poss.3sg тоже apron.R -prfl.sg получить.full -caus -ant.cvb идти.down -pst -poss.3sg тоже basket -loc положить -nonfut -3sg
He collected pears, and, after he had filled his apron, he went down and put them into a basket.
Spirits (2)
Inučen binneŋeːten, ńaːn ńọːgụhụtan.
inuče-N(I) bi-nnEŋEːt-E-N(I) ńaːn ńọːgụhụtan
pack:reindeer-POSS.3SG be-NEC-0-POSS.3SG also leading:reindeer
pack:reindeer-ПОСС.3ЕД быть-НЕЦ-0-ПОСС.3ЕД тоже leading:reindeer
After that, it should be the pack reindeer, and then the reindeer leading the caravan.
Потом олень для того должен быть, чтобы возить вьюки, и ведующий олень.
Bear story (6)
Ńaːn emče, horče, moːleče [...]
ńaːn em -čE hor -čE moːle -čE
also come -pf.ptc go.away -pf.ptc fetch.water -pf.ptc
тоже прийти -pf.ptc идти.прочь -pf.ptc принести.вода -pf.ptc
So whe came, went, fetched water [...].
она пошла за водой.
Cannibal story (5)
Tar, horrilen tar atịkaːn tutkereče, tikereken ńaːn-da ečin ịldịdʒị, ńaːn-da ịlụkaːŋdača, ńaːn-da tutukeːŋdeče.
tar hor -RI -(dU)LE -n(I) tar atịkaːn tut -Gr(E) -čE tik -REk -E-n(I) ńaːn =dE er -čIn ịl -RIdʒI ńaːn =dE ịl -WkEːn -Gr(E) -čE ńaːn =dE tut -WkEːn -Gr(E) -čE
dist go.away -impf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg dist old.woman run -hab -pf.ptc fall -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg also =ptl prox -adv stand.up -ant.cvb also =ptl stand.up -caus -hab -pf.ptc also =ptl run -caus -hab -pf.ptc
dist идти.прочь -impf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg dist старый.женщина бежать -hab -pf.ptc fall -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg тоже =ptl prox -adv стоять.вверх -ant.cvb тоже =ptl стоять.вверх -caus -hab -pf.ptc тоже =ptl бежать -caus -hab -pf.ptc
While he was going, that old woman was running, and when she fell, she would stand up, he would raise her again and make her run again.
А когда падала он поднимал ее, и опять заставлял бежать.
The raven and the crow (3)
[ešč] Ńaːn nọŋman esče ọːlịńdʒa goːweːtte.
* ńaːn nọŋan-W-E-N(I) ešče.R ọːlịńdʒa goːn-WEːČ-R(E)
* also 3SG-ACC-0-POSS.3SG also.R raven say-GNR-NONFUT(3PL)
* тоже 3ЕД-АКК-0-ПОСС.3ЕД тоже.R raven сказать-GNR-NONFUT(3МН)
It is also called 'ọːlịńdʒa'.
Ворона еще 'олиндя' называют.