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Search: toːre. 62 total hits in 16 transcripts.
Biblical stories (6)
Tar nọnọn ukčeːnedgerere, omen toːrelkeːr bičel, vsivo.
tar nọn -E-n ukčeːn -E-D -Gr(E) -R(E) omen toːre -n -lkEːn -L bi -čE -L vsego.R
dist begin -ep-anr tell -ep-prog -hab -nonfut(3pl) one speak -anr -prop -pl be -pf.ptc -pl
dist начать -ep-anr говорить -ep-prog -hab -nonfut(3pl) один говорить -anr -prop -pl быть -pf.ptc -pl весь.в.весь.R
And they say that all had one language in the beginning.
Раньше так рассказывали, что у людей был один язык.
The creation of animals (1)
Araj ọldaŋan toːrehenče, ịak, "Biː-de ọlda bihem", goːnče.
araj.Y ọlra -ŋ -E-n(I) toːre -s(E)n -čE ịa -k biː =dE ọlra bi -R(E) -m goːn -čE
ptl.Y fish -aln -ep-poss.3sg speak -lim -pf.ptc what -nom 1sg =ptl fish be -nonfut -1sg say -pf.ptc
ptl.Y рыба -aln -ep-poss.3sg говорить -lim -pf.ptc что -nom 1sg =ptl рыба быть -nonfut -1sg сказать -pf.ptc
And the fish then started to speak: "I'm a fish, too!"
Рыба ответила: - Я тоже, рыба!
Birds in love (1)
Ọŋalčan bimi orelderidʒi-ke gaːdač ogiːli ọkaːttụk bargịla mụdan gaːdač toːreniken deggeːtten.
ọŋalčan bi-mI orelde-RIdʒI=kE gaːsač oj-(dU)LI ọkaːt-DUk(U) bargị-(dU)LE mụdan gaːsač toːre-nIkEn deg-WEːČ-R(E)-N(I)
kedrowka.R be-COND.CVB rejoice-ANT.CVB=EMPH permanently top-PROL river-ABL opposite:side:of:river-LOC until permanently speak-SIM.CVB fly-GNR-NONFUT-3SG
kedrowka.R быть-КОНД.КОНВ rejoice-ANT.КОНВ=ЭМФ permanently top-ПРОЛ river-АБЛ opposite:side:of:river-ЛОК until permanently говорить-SIM.КОНВ летать-GNR-NONFUT-3ЕД
The KEDROVKA was so happy that it started to fly from one bank of the river to another, singing all the time.
А кедровка от радости с того берега, на другой, над рекой высоко летает.
Ọŋalčan bimi orelderidʒi-ke gaːdač ogiːli ọkaːttụk bargịla mụdan gaːdač toːreniken deggeːtten.
ọŋalčan bi-mI orelde-RIdʒI=kE gaːsač oj-(dU)LI ọkaːt-DUk(U) bargị-(dU)LE mụdan gaːsač toːre-nIkEn deg-WEːČ-R(E)-N(I)
kedrowka.R be-COND.CVB rejoice-ANT.CVB=EMPH permanently top-PROL river-ABL opposite:side:of:river-LOC until permanently speak-SIM.CVB fly-GNR-NONFUT-3SG
kedrowka.R быть-КОНД.КОНВ rejoice-ANT.КОНВ=ЭМФ permanently top-ПРОЛ river-АБЛ opposite:side:of:river-ЛОК until permanently говорить-SIM.КОНВ летать-GNR-NONFUT-3ЕД
The KEDROVKA was so happy that it started to fly from one bank of the river to another, singing all the time.
А кедровка от радости с того берега, на другой, над рекой высоко летает.
Even ghost stories (1)
Dʒeː ewedile araːhnaj toːren họːja, arịwkị-da goːweːtte, higin-de - higin gerbe ńọkadịč bọlla.
dʒe.Y ewen -DI -(dU)LE araːhïnaj.Y toːre -n họːja arịwkị =dE goːn -WEːČ -R(E) higin =dE - higin gerbe ńọka -DI -Č buolla.Y
ptl.Y Even -adjr -loc different.Y speak -anr many evil.spirit =ptl say -gnr -nonfut evil.spirit =ptl - evil.spirit name Yakut -adjr -ins ptl.Y
ptl.Y Even -adjr -loc different.Y говорить -anr много evil.spirit =ptl сказать -gnr -nonfut evil.spirit =ptl - evil.spirit name Yakut -adjr -ins ptl.Y
There, there are different words in Even, 'ariwki' (evil spirit) is used, also 'higin' (evil spirit) - 'higin' is Yakut.
У эвенов очень много слов, они по разному говорят, и аривки говорят, и хигин - хигин - это по якутски.
Pear story (2) (1)
Urekčen-de bihni, ọkaːt-ta iːgen iːhni, čịwkačan-da miltereː toːren, daže, ịak-kana, dʒewetel-de ịal-da araj dʒirgerimdehel.
urekčen =dE bi -R(E) -n(I) ọkaːt =dE iːg -E-n(I) iː -R(E) -n(I) čịwkačan =dE miltereː toːre -n(I) daže.R ịa -k =kEnE dʒewet -E-L =dE ịa -L =dE araj.Y dʒirge -RI -mdEs -E-L
mountain =ptl be -nonfut -3sg river =ptl sound -ep-poss.3sg be.heard -nonfut -3sg songbird =ptl plenty speak -3sg even.R what -nom =contr wasp -ep-pl =ptl what -pl =ptl ptl.Y buzz -impf.ptc -sml -ep-pl
гора =ptl быть -nonfut -3sg river =ptl звук -ep-poss.3sg быть.heard -nonfut -3sg songbird =ptl plenty говорить -3sg even.R что -nom =contr wasp -ep-pl =ptl что -pl =ptl ptl.Y buzz -impf.ptc -sml -ep-pl
There were mountains there, a sound of the river was heard, lots of birds were singing, and it appears that even, uhm bees or something were buzzing once .