
Lexical words in Even

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Search: tọg. 19 total hits in 10 transcripts.
Black force and White force (3)
"Egdʒen tọg tọgọldakan ńamhị bọdịːdʒị degendʒim", tačịn goːnče.
egdʒen tọg tọg -E-L -REk -E-n(I) ńamsị bọdịː -DʒI deg -E-n -DʒI -m tar -čIn goːn -čE
big fire burn -ep-inch -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg warm fire -inst.prfl.sg fly -ep-mult -fut -1sg dist -adv say -pf.ptc
большой огонь burn -ep-inch -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg теплый огонь -inst.prfl.sg летать -ep-mult -fut -1sg dist -adv сказать -pf.ptc
"If the big fire begins to burn, I will fly away as a hot burning", - said he.
- Когда большой огонь случится, я превратившись в теплый пожар буду летать.
A conversation about Even culture (3)
"Tọgu ečin, ịalị, dʒebukeːli".
tọg -W er -čIn ịa -LI dʒeb -WkEːn -LI
fire -acc prox -adv what -imp.2sg eat -caus -imp.2sg
огонь -acc prox -adv что -imp.2sg есть -caus -imp.2sg
"Feed the fire like this".
"Огонь корми так".
Spirits (3)
Bihoniken tọgọhnin, goːnni, tar amkačandụ.
bi-sE-nIkEn tọg-E-sEn-RI-N(I) goːn-N(I) tar amkačan-DU
be-ATTN-SIM.CVB lie:down(animal)-0-LIM-PST-POSS.3SG say-3SG DIST hill-DAT
быть-ATTN-SIM.КОНВ lie:down(животное)-0-ЛИМ-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД сказать-3ЕД DIST холм-ДАТ
"It lay down just like that, of its own accord", he said, "on that hill".
"Сам по себе лёг,-сказал,-вот на горочке."
Biblical stories (2)
Ọl aːta tar tọgụ hiːwideːji pọtọpụ ọːwkaːndʒịŋawụ.
ol.Y aːta.Y tar tọg -W hiːw -I -DEː -J potop.R -W ọː -WkEːn -DʒIŋE -W
dist.Y ptl.Y dist fire -acc be.extinguished -tr -purp.cvb -prfl.sg flood.R -acc become -caus -hyp.ptc -acc
dist.Y ptl.Y dist огонь -acc быть.extinguished -tr -purp.cvb -prfl.sg flood.R -acc become -caus -hyp.ptc -acc
So that, in order to extinguish the fire, he will cause a flood.
сделает всемирный потоп.
Bear story (1)
Elbuŋur mereːkič allakan tọgọrakan ńulten heːrigčinni, heːriwen ŋendin.
elbun -ŋ -WUr mereːti -Č al -REk -E-n(I) tọg -REk -E-n(I) ńolten hie -RI -G(E)čIn -n(I) hie -RI -W -E-n(I) ŋen -RI -n(I)
big.yurt -aln -prflround -ins reach.out -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg burn -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg sun appear -impf.ptc -sml -poss.3sg appear -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg go -pst -poss.3sg
большой.чум -aln -prflround -ins достичь.из -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg burn -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg солнце появиться -impf.ptc -sml -poss.3sg появиться -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg идти -pst -poss.3sg
Their tents were all around and the fires were lit, and she went there where the sun was going out.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Ńoːreken araj ịak diːčoːnni kočukeken ńọːbatịkakan họnŋačan dehčiče, tọgọtčọːtča.
ńoː-REk-E-N(I) araj.Y ịak diː-KEn-N(I) kočuken-KEn ńọːbatị-kEkEn họnŋačan desči-čE tọg-E-Č-WEːČ-čE
go:out-COND.CVB-0-POSS.3SG suddenly.Y what size-DIM-POSS.3SG small-DIM white-DIM baby:reindeer lie-PF.PTC lie:down(animal)-0-RES-GNR-PF.PTC
выйти-КОНД.КОНВ-0-ПОСС.3ЕД suddenly.Y что size-ДИМ-ПОСС.3ЕД маленький-ДИМ белый-ДИМ baby:reindeer лежать-ПРФ.ПРИЧ lie:down(животное)-0-RES-GNR-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
When he went out, suddenly-there was a tiny something, a little white reindeer baby resting, lying there.
Вышел и вдруг видет лежащего маленкого белого олененка.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Ńoːreken araj ịak diːčuunni kočukeːkeːn ńọːbatịkakaːn họnŋačaːn dehčiče, tọgọtčọːtča.
ńoː -REk -E-n(I) araj.Y ịa -k diː -KEːn -OO -n(I) kočukeːn -KEːn ńọːbatị -kEkEːn họnŋačaːn desči -čE tọg -E-Č -WEːČ -čE
go.out -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg suddenly.Y what -nom size -dim -ints -poss.3sg small -dim white -dim fawn lie -pf.ptc lie.down(animal) -ep-res -gnr -pf.ptc
идти.из -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg suddenly.Y что -nom size -dim -ints -poss.3sg маленький -dim белый -dim fawn лежать -pf.ptc лежать.down(животное) -ep-res -gnr -pf.ptc
When he went out, suddenly - there was a tiny something, a little white reindeer baby resting, lying there.
Вышел и вдруг видит лежащего маленкого белого олененка.
Tompo in Soviet times (1)
Butumen tọggọn duruttiwen ịawan, atapalenịalkaːn ịlkan dʒụːw ọːwkaːn-da.
büttüːn.Y -W -E-n(I) tọg -GE -n(I) dur -U -Č -RI -W -E-n(I) ịa -W -E-n(I) otoplenie.R -lkEːn ịlkan dʒụː -W ọː -WkEːn =dE
all.Y -acc -ep-poss.3sg fire -desig -poss.3sg burn -tr -res -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg what -acc -ep-poss.3sg heating.R -prop real house -acc do -caus(-nonfut.3pl) =ptl
весь.Y -acc -ep-poss.3sg огонь -desig -poss.3sg burn -tr -res -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg что -acc -ep-poss.3sg heating.R -prop настоящий дом -acc делать -caus(-nonfut.3pl) =ptl
And they made electricity burning for all [lit.: burning of the fire for all] etc., and proper houses with heating.
И стали в Тополинном строить благоустроенные дома. Надо провести свет, отопление.
Cannibal story (3)
Eče. Biː-de eču uleːr, ịak-ta, tọg-da atča.
e -čE biː =dE e -čE -W uleː -R(E) ịa -k =dE tọg =dE aːtča
neg -pf.ptc 1sg =ptl neg -pf.ptc -poss.1sg give.ritual.gift -neg.cvb what -nom =ptl fire =ptl neg.ex
neg -pf.ptc 1sg =ptl neg -pf.ptc -poss.1sg дать.ritual.gift -neg.cvb что -nom =ptl огонь =ptl neg.ex
No, he didn't. I didn't throw anything, either - there is nothing (here), not even fire.
- Нет. Я тоже не бросила, ничего ведь нет, даже огня.
Stories of God and the Devil (1)
Tačịn ịadʒaːjnịdʒị iŋeńsi ọːča, iŋeńen-de họː biče, tọg-da gerbe aːtča biče.
tar -čIn ịa -dʒEːn -RIdʒI iŋeń -RI ọː -čE iŋeń -E-n =dE họː bi -čE tọg =dE gerbe aːčča bi -čE
dist -adv what -dur -ant.cvb be.cold -impf.ptc become -pf.ptc be.cold -ep-anr =ptl very be -pf.ptc fire =ptl name neg.ex be -pf.ptc
dist -adv что -dur -ant.cvb быть.холодный -impf.ptc become -pf.ptc быть.холодный -ep-anr =ptl очень быть -pf.ptc огонь =ptl name neg.ex быть -pf.ptc
And while this was going on, it got cold, it was very cold, there was no fire then.