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Search: miltereːn. 2 total hits in 2 transcripts.
Pear story (4) (1)
Bejmker tewlidden, ieken miltereːnin, taraw teːwrin, hịakịta hatlan.
bej -mkEr tewte -lI -D -R(E) -n(I) ieke -n(I) miltereːn -RI -n(I) tarak -W teːw -RI -n(I) hịakịta hat -(dU)LE -n(I)
man -aug berry -vr.mult -prog -nonfut -3sg cauldron -poss.3sg get.full -pst -poss.3sg dist -acc put.down -pst -poss.3sg tree near -loc -poss.3sg
мужчина -aug berry -vr.mult -prog -nonfut -3sg cauldron -poss.3sg получить.full -pst -poss.3sg dist -acc положить.down -pst -poss.3sg дерево near -loc -poss.3sg
A man was collecting berries, his cauldron was full and he put it down, by the tree.
Человек собирал, его посуда наполнилась и он её поставил у дерева.
Pear story (5) (1)
Grụːšaw čaqaddịn, ńaːn, haːrtụqị miltereːmkeːnidʒi ewrin ńaːn karzịːnala neːdni.
gruša.R -W čak -E-D -RI -n(I) ńaːn fartuk.R -J miltereːn -WkEːn -RIdʒI ew -RI -n(I) ńaːn korzina.R -(dU)LE neː -R(E) -n(I)
pear.R -acc gather -ep-prog -pst -poss.3sg also apron.R get.full -caus -ant.cvb go.down -pst -poss.3sg also basket -loc put -nonfut -3sg
pear.R -acc собиратть -ep-prog -pst -poss.3sg тоже apron.R получить.full -caus -ant.cvb идти.down -pst -poss.3sg тоже basket -loc положить -nonfut -3sg
He collected pears, and, after he had filled his apron, he went down and put them into a basket.