
Lexical words in Even

This list of lexical words found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: isu. 7 total hits in 3 transcripts.
Stories of God and the Devil (5)
Tala eče, eče isuwkeːn.
tar -(dU)LE e -čE e -čE isu -WkEːn
dist -loc neg -pf.ptc neg -pf.ptc grow -caus(neg.cvb)
dist -loc neg -pf.ptc neg -pf.ptc расти -caus(neg.cvb)
He hadn't fully raised him by then.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Dʒe tarič gịa anŋanịla mụdan bihin, erek edʒekeŋen ńọːbatịjakan ọrčanni ihuče, bukaːtịn.
dʒe.Y tarak-E-Č gịa anŋan-(dU)LE mụdan bi-RI-N(I) er-E-k edʒek-E-ŋ-E-N(I) ńọːbatị-jEkEn ọran-KEn-N(I) isu-čE bukatïn.Y
DP.Y DIST-0-INS other year-LOC end be-PST-POSS.3SG PROX-0-NOM sacred:reindeer-0-AL-0-POSS.3SG white-DIM reindeer-DIM-POSS.3SG grow-PF.PTC in:general.Y
DP.Y DIST-0-INS другой год-ЛОК конец быть-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД PROX-0-NOM sacred:reindeer-0-AL-0-ПОСС.3ЕД белый-ДИМ олень-ДИМ-ПОСС.3ЕД расти-ПРФ.ПРИЧ in:general.Y
And so, another year passed by, that sacred reindeer grew up and became a white reindeer.
И вот прошел год, священный олень подрос и превратился в белого оленя.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Dʒe tarič gịa anŋanịla mụdan bihin, erek edʒekeŋen ńọːbatịjakaːn ọrčaːn ihuče, bụkaːtịn.
dʒe.Y tar -E-Č gịa anŋan -(dU)LE mụdan bi -RI -n(I) er -k edʒek -E-ŋ -E-n(I) ńọːbatị -jEkEːn ọran -KEːn isu -čE bukatïn.Y
ptl.Y dist -ep-ins other year -loc end be -pst -poss.3sg prox -nom sacred.reindeer -ep-aln -ep-poss.3sg white -dim reindeer -dim grow -pf.ptc completely.Y
ptl.Y dist -ep-ins другой год -loc конец быть -pst -poss.3sg prox -nom sacred.олень -ep-aln -ep-poss.3sg белый -dim олень -dim расти -pf.ptc completely.Y
And so, another year passed by, that sacred reindeer grew up and became a white reindeer.
И вот прошел год, священный олень подрос и превратился в белого оленя.