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Search: eːri. 4 total hits in 3 transcripts.
Pear story (5) (1)
Baqrịtan, [ọmọskị] amaskị ńaːn mụčụrịdʒị kiekesnidʒi eːririn.
bak -RI -tEn amar -skI ńaːn mụčụ -RIdʒI kieken -s(E)n -RIdʒI eːri -RI -n(I)
find -pst -poss.3pl back.side -all.adv also return -ant.cvb whistle -lim -ant.cvb call -impf.ptc -poss.3sg
найти -pst -poss.3pl назад.сторона -весь.adv тоже вернуться -ant.cvb whistle -lim -ant.cvb звать -impf.ptc -poss.3sg
They found it, and he (sc. one of the boys) went back, whistled and called him.
Chat about an Evenki film (2)
Qụŋaːqaːjaqaːn eːrinnen taraw [ŋịn] ŋịnị, gịqkarịŋandʒaj.
kụŋaː -KEːn -jEkEːn eːri -n -R(E) -n(I) tar -W ŋịn ŋịn -J gịrkarị -ŋ -E-ndʒE -J
child -dim -dim call -mult -nonfut -3sg dist -acc dog dog wolf -aln -ep-aug
ребенок -dim -dim звать -mult -nonfut -3sg dist -acc собака собака волк -aln -ep-aug
The boy was calling his dog, his wolf.
Мальчик звал свою собаку, волка.
Spirits (1)
Racịjala minu eːriridʒi goːnni: Nata biː bụọllaːna, itli, mịamhịw ittem.
racija.R-(dU)LE min-W eːri-RIdʒI goːn-N(I) Nata biː buollaγïna.Y it-RI mịamsị-W it-R(E)-m
portable:radio:set.R-LOC 1SG.OBL-ACC call-ANT.CVB say-3SG Nata 1SG DP.Y see-IMPF.PTC strange-ACC see-NONFUT-1SG
portable:radio:set.R-ЛОК 1ЕД.ОБЛ-АКК звать-ANT.КОНВ сказать-3ЕД Nata 1ЕД DP.Y видеть-ИМПФ.ПРИЧ strange-АКК видеть-NONFUT-1ЕД
He called me with the radio set and said: "Nata, look, I've seen something strange."
По рации меня вызвал, сказал: "Ната, смотри, я увидел что-то удивительное".