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Search: dmer. 10 total hits in 6 transcripts.
Chat about an Evenki film (3)
Meːrkeːsel-demer er kartụskariwụn.
meːn -KEːn -SEl =dmEr er kartụska -RI -WUn
self -dim -pl =emph prox record -pst -poss.1pl.ex
сам -dim -pl =emph prox record -pst -poss.1pl.ex
We had better recorded it ourselves!
Лучше бы сами снимали.
Black force and White force (1)
Tarbač ńọːbatị-tmar goːnče, ikeːhenče:
tarbač ńọːbatị =dmEr goːn -čE ikeː -s(E)n -čE
ptl white =emph say -pf.ptc sing -lim -pf.ptc
ptl белый =emph сказать -pf.ptc sing -lim -pf.ptc
The white one said, he began to sing:
Тогда белая сила поет:
Pear story (4) (1)
Ńaːn bejkeːje-dmer ewrin, [t] ịaŋan, ieken aːtča bisin, nọŋan.
ńaːn bej -kEːjE =dmEr ew -RI -n(I) ịa -ŋ -E-n(I) ieke -n(I) aːtča bi -RI -n(I) nọŋan
also man -aug =emph go.down -pst -poss.3sg what -aln -ep-poss.3sg cauldron -poss.3sg neg.ex be -pst -poss.3sg 3sg
тоже мужчина -aug =emph идти.down -pst -poss.3sg что -aln -ep-poss.3sg cauldron -poss.3sg neg.ex быть -pst -poss.3sg 3sg
And that man came down (from the tree), uhm, his cauldron was gone, that.
Человек тот спустился, посуды нет.
Pear story (5) (1)
Aa, erek hurkeːn-demer [vi] vilosipeːdle neːdni karzịːnaw, horedʒilrin čaːskị, hiruni.
aa er -k hurkeːn =dmEr velosiped.R -(dU)LE neː -R(E) -n(I) korzina.R -W hor -E-D -E-L -RI -n(I) čaːg -skI hiru -n(I)
intj prox -nom =emph bycicle.R -loc put -nonfut -3sg basket -acc go.away -ep-prog -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg next -all.adv ride -3sg(nonfut)
intj prox -nom молодой.мужчина =emph bycicle.R -loc положить -nonfut -3sg basket -acc идти.прочь -ep-prog -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg next -весь.adv ехать:верхом -3sg(nonfut)
And that boy put the basket on the bike, left further and rode (on a bike).
The creation of animals (1)
"Anị-damar ịah-kana bụọllaːna, koːjeh bụọlla ŋiː diːn, adị-da dịl diːn", goːnče.
anï.Y =dmEr ịa -s(I) =kEnE buollaγïna.Y koːje -s(I) buolla.Y ŋiː diː -n(I) adị =dE dịl diː -n(I) goːn -čE
now.Y =emph what -poss.2sg =contr ptl.Y ram.horn -poss.2sg ptl.Y who size -poss.3sg how.much =ptl head size -poss.3sg say -pf.ptc
сейчас.Y =emph что -poss.2sg =contr ptl.Y ram.рог -poss.2sg ptl.Y кто size -poss.3sg как.много =ptl голова size -poss.3sg сказать -pf.ptc
"Now, your, uhm, your horns are how big (in the size of whom), big as a couple of heads.", he said.
- Маленькая голова, твои рога размером в несколько голов.
Cannibal story (3)
Tara, noːhogčer ahatkaːr eγin họːjal biwrečel, tar ahaːl-dmar hebdʒeːnmi-gu ịamị-gụ tar...
tar noːsegčen -L asatkaːn -L eγin.Y họːja -L bi -Gr(E) -čE -L tar asị -L =dmEr hebdʒeːn -mI =GU ịa -mI =GU tar
dist young -pl girl -pl ptl.Y many -pl be -hab -pf.ptc -pl dist woman -pl =emph -cond.cvb =q what -cond.cvb =q dist
dist молодой -pl girl -pl ptl.Y много -pl быть -hab -pf.ptc -pl dist женщина -pl =emph -cond.cvb =q что -cond.cvb =q dist
Then, there were many young girls there, and these women, having fun and stuff, uhm ...
Тогда девушек было много, они собирались, просто чтоб повеселиться.