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Search: čụčụna. 12 total hits in 4 transcripts.
Even ghost stories (3)
čụčụna -L
ghost -pl
ghost -pl
Even taboos and customs (3)
Čụčụna tar ečin [...]?
čụčụna tar er -čIn
ghost dist prox -adv
ghost dist prox -adv
Or about chuchuna (demon)?
- И про черта рассказ, про чучуну?
Cannibal story (5)
Taralbụ-tụ čụčụna goːnčeten?
tar -L -W =tU čụčụna goːn -čE -tEn
dist -pl -acc =ptl ghost say -pf.ptc -poss.3pl
dist -pl -acc =ptl ghost сказать -pf.ptc -poss.3pl
And they were called chuchuna?
- Их наверное называли чучунами?
A conversation about Even culture (1)
Čụčụna-da dʒụgụlịn bideːn.
čụčụna =dE dʒụgụ -(dU)LI -n(I) bi -DEː -n(I)
ghost =ptl about -prol -poss.3sg be -purp.cvb -poss.3sg
ghost =ptl about -prol -poss.3sg быть -purp.cvb -poss.3sg
It could be about a ghost (chuchuna).
Пусть будет про чучуну.