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Search: čịkị. 8 total hits in 4 transcripts.
Cannibal story (2)
čịkị -WEːČ -R(E) -gnr -nonfut(3pl)
резать.off -gnr -nonfut(3pl)
They cut them.
Spirits (2)
Inŋewen čịkịdʒịr.
inŋe-W-E-N(I) čịkị-DʒI-r
navel-ACC-0-POSS.3SG cut:off-FUT-3PL
navel-АКК-0-ПОСС.3ЕД cut:off-ФУТ-3МН
The umbilical cord is cut off.
Пупок отрежут.
Even taboos and customs (3)
Tar Borew iːndʒilben čịkịrịdʒị tiːnče tačịn.
tar börö.Y -W iːndʒi -L -W -E-n(I) čịkị -RIdʒI tiːn -čE tar -čIn
dist wolf.Y -acc tendon -pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg -ant.cvb release -pf.ptc dist -adv
dist волк.Y -acc tendon -pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg резать.off -ant.cvb release -pf.ptc dist -adv
Then he let Boro (wolf) go, having cut off his tendons.
Так отрезав жилы, он отпустил
Bear story (1)
Telgemi-mi tar ullen dʒapkalịn, bokotčin, enikeːn čịkịr, ullen dʒapkan ečin, telgewren.
telge -mI =mI tar ulre -n(I) dʒapka -(dU)LI -n(I) bekeč -čIn e -nIkEːn čịkị -R(E) ulre -n(I) dʒapka -n(I) er -čIn telge -Gr(E) -n(I)
cut.meat -cond.cvb =ptl dist meat -poss.3sg seam -prol -poss.3sg all -adv neg -sim.cvb -neg.cvb meat -poss.3sg seam -poss.3sg prox -adv cut.meat -hab -3sg(nonfut)
резать.мясо -cond.cvb =ptl dist мясо -poss.3sg seam -prol -poss.3sg весь -adv neg -sim.cvb резать.off -neg.cvb мясо -poss.3sg seam -poss.3sg prox -adv резать.мясо -hab -3sg(nonfut)
When (sc. the bear) is cut to pieces, then the meat must (be cut) along the seams, whole pieces, without cutting it off, the meat must in pieces, like that, they cut it so.
Надо разделывать целиком не разрезая на мелкие куски.