
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Even.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: who. 46 total hits in 15 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (4)
Spirits (5)
Ŋiː-de ennedʒin haːjụr ŋiː-de laːbahtaːnnah ogin.
ŋiː=DE e-nnE-Č-N(I) haːjụ-R(E) ŋiː=DE labaz.R-LEː.Y-nnE-s(I) ogi-N(I)
It's put on a high storage platform, so that nobody can damage it all.
Чтобы не сломал никто, кладишь на лабаз, высоко.
Glove and love (2)
"Hiː ŋiːw ilkeːnenni?", goːnče.
hiː ŋiː-W ilkeː-E-nrI goːn-čE
2SG who-ACC watch-0-2SG say-PF.PTC
2ЕД кто-АКК наблюдать-0-2ЕД сказать-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
"Who are you looking at",-she said.
"Ты кого присматриваешь?",-сказала.
An Even farce (1)
Iː, ŋiː-de-titte eč dọldar.
iː ŋiː=dE=tIttE e-RI dọlda-R(E)
yes who=DP=DP NEG-PST hear-NEG.CVB
yes кто=DP=DP НЕГ-ПРОШ слышать-НЕГ.КОНВ
Nobody has heard it before.
Да, никто еще не слышал.
Chat about an Evenki film (5)
[...] ŋiːje?
* ŋiː -IE
* who -assoc.pl
* кто -assoc.pl
The creation of animals (13)
"Ŋiː gerbe erroːčin bọlla?"
ŋiː gerbe er -WEːčIn buolla.Y
who name prox -qual ptl.Y
кто name prox -qual ptl.Y
"What on earth is that?"
Как тебя зовут, такого?
Cannibal story (1)
Ŋiːw-gu erelduk, [dʒoːre] dʒoːrduk-te ŋiːw-gu, ŋiːw-gu edeːj tiːn nekče urečin.
ŋiː -W =GU er -L -DUk(U) dʒoːr -DUk(U) =dE ŋiː -W =GU ŋiː -W =GU e -DEː -J tiːn nek -čE urečin
who -acc =q prox -pl -abl two -abl =ptl who -acc =q who -acc neg -purp.cvb -prfl.sg let(neg.cvb) do -pf.ptc evid
кто -acc =q prox -pl -abl два -abl =ptl кто -acc =q кто -acc neg -purp.cvb -prfl.sg let(neg.cvb) делать -pf.ptc evid
One of those, (I thought that) probably (the earth) wouldnt let one of those two (pass through).
Я думала кого-то из двоих земля не хочет принимать.
The sacred reindeer (2)
Taraw nụbaw tawrịdʒụr iritteket ńiːduk-te aj bidʒin, dʒalụbgan binnemdeh,-goːnče.
tar-W nụba-W taw-RIdʒI-L ir-I-Č-REk-E-t(I) ŋiː-DUk(U)=dE aj bi-DʒI-N(I) dʒalụbgan bi-nnE-mdEs-goːn-čE
DIST-ACC root-ACC gather-ANT.CVB-PL be:cooked-TR-RES-COND.CVB-0-POSS.1PL.IN who-ABL=DP good be-FUT-3SG satiating be-NEC.PTC-SML-say-PF.PTC
DIST-АКК root-АКК собиратть-ANT.КОНВ-МН be:cooked-TR-RES-КОНД.КОНВ-0-ПОСС.1МН.IN кто-АБЛ=DP хороший быть-ФУТ-3ЕД satiating быть-НЕЦ.ПРИЧ-СИМ-сказать-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
"Once we have collected them, If we cook these roots, it will be excellent ('better than anything'), it might keep us full", she said.
"Когда соберем, мы их сварим, это будет очень вкусно и сытно (= из них получится сытная хорошая еда)",-сказала она.
A short chat about family (1)
Mindu naprimeːr ŋiː-karịa Lamụtskaj-da [ti] kńịːgalnị biheː, ŋiː-kana-de, Ńịkụlaj Tarabụkịn-da.
min -DU na primer.R ŋiː =kErIE Lamutskij.R =dE kniga.R -L -n(I) bi -R(E) -ː ŋiː =kEnE =dE Nikolaj.R Tarabukin.R =dE
1sg.obl -dat for.instance.R who =contr Lamutsky.R =ptl book.R -pl -poss.3sg be -nonfut -ints(3pl) who =contr =ptl Nikolay.R Tarabukin.R =ptl
1sg.obl -dat for.instance.R кто =contr Lamutsky.R =ptl книга.R -pl -poss.3sg быть -nonfut -ints(3pl) кто =contr =ptl Nikolay.R Tarabukin.R =ptl
For instance, I have books by, uhm, Lamutsky, and, uhm, by Nikolay Tarabukin.
У меня, например, есть книги П. Ламутского и Н. Тарабукина.
Bear story (2)
Ŋiːje tala er tegette-le?
ŋiː -IE tar -(dU)LE er teg -E-Č -R(E) =l(E)
who -assoc.pl dist -loc prox sit -ep-res -nonfut(3pl) =ints
кто -assoc.pl dist -loc prox сидеть -ep-res -nonfut(3pl) =ints
Who lives there?
А кто там живет?