
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

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Search: truth. 45 total hits in 12 transcripts.
Cannibal story (11)
Tawụr dʒiŋ ajdʒịt biweːtten tar, dʒiŋ, dʒiŋ, ajdʒịt biwren-de.
tar -WUr dʒiŋ.Y ajdʒịt bi -WEːČ -R(E) -n(I) tar dʒiŋ.Y dʒiŋ.Y ajdʒịt bi -Gr(E) -n(I) =dE
dist -prfl.pl truth.Y truth be -gnr -nonfut -3sg dist truth.Y truth.Y truth be -hab -3sg =ptl -3sg =ptl
dist -prfl.pl правда.Y правда быть -gnr -nonfut -3sg dist правда.Y правда.Y правда быть -hab -3sg =ptl -3sg =ptl
That happens indeed, yes, it really happens.
- Это и вправду бывает так.
An Even farce (4)
Iː, ajdʒịt!
iː ajdʒịt
yes truth
yes правда
Yes, okay with me!
Да, я согласна!
The sacred reindeer (4)
Tarịt tarak taŋara bụọlla adʒịt-ta bihni ebit.
tarak-Č tar-E-k taŋara.Y buolla.Y ajdʒịt=dE bi-R(E)-N(I) ebit.Y
Now, god seems to exist indeed.
Оказивается этот бог и правда существует.
A conversation about Even culture (10)
Adʒịt, tačịn.
ajdʒịt tar -čIn
truth dist -adv
правда dist -adv
Right, correct.
Да, так.
Spirits (3)
Aa, ịawaːtta-karịa, adʒịt-ta tar, vapšče eweheldule ečin goːŋdere-i.
aa ịa-WEːČ-R(E)=kErIE ajdʒịt=dE tar voobšče.R ewen-SEl-(dU)LE ečin goːn-Gr(E)-R(E)=I
ah do:what-GNR-NONFUT=CONTR truth=DP DIST in:general.R Even-PL-LOC so say-HAB-NONFUT=DP
ah что:делать-GNR-NONFUT=CONTR правда=DP DIST in:general.R Even-МН-ЛОК так сказать-ХАБ-NONFUT=DP
Oh, that, indeed, uhm, that's how the Evens used to say it.
Aа, так делали, действительно вот, вообще, у эвенов так говорили.
Biblical stories (1)
Dʒiŋ er omodʒilčel.
dʒiŋ.Y er em -E-D -E-L -čE -L
truth.Y prox come -ep-prog -ep-inch -pf.ptc -pl
правда.Y prox прийти -ep-prog -ep-inch -pf.ptc -pl
And truly, they were already arriving.
Вот они уже поднимались,
The sacred reindeer (5)
Tarịt tarak taŋara bụọlla ajdʒịt-ta bihni ebit.
tar -Č tar -k taŋara.Y buolla.Y ajdʒịt =dE bi -R(E) -n(I) ebit.Y
dist -ins dist -nom god.Y ptl.Y truth =ptl be -nonfut -3sg evid.Y
dist -ins dist -nom бог.Y ptl.Y правда =ptl быть -nonfut -3sg evid.Y
Now, god seems to exist indeed.
Оказывается этот бог и правда существует.
The creation of animals (3)
Ajdʒịt-ta bihni ebit, tar ńọːbatị bụrkat, dʒoːr bihni ebit bụkaːtịn.
ajdʒịt =t(E) bi -R(E) -n(I) ebit.Y tar ńọːbatị bụrkat dʒoːr bi -R(E) -n(I) ebit.Y bukatïn.Y
truth =ptl be -nonfut -3sg evid.Y dist white flint two be -nonfut -3sg evid.Y completely.Y
правда =ptl быть -nonfut -3sg evid.Y dist белый flint два быть -nonfut -3sg evid.Y completely.Y
And indeed, there were white flints, two of them.
И действительно, там было два белых кварца.
A short chat about family (1)
Berkejendule bọlla amandụlịwụ, abagalịwụ, Ụsjanala dʒiŋ pradʒedụškalịwụ bihe.
Verkhojansk.R -(dU)LE buolla.Y aman -(dU)LI -W abaga -(dU)LI -W Ust'-Jana.R -(dU)LE dʒiŋ.Y pradeduška.R -(dU)LI -W bi -R(E)
Verkhojansk.R -loc ptl.Y father -prol -poss.1sg grandfather -prol -poss.1sg Ust'-Jana.R -loc truth.Y great-grandfather.R -prol -poss.1sg be -nonfut(3pl)
Verkhojansk.R -loc ptl.Y отец -prol -poss.1sg дед -prol -poss.1sg Ust'-Jana.R -loc правда.Y great-дед.R -prol -poss.1sg быть -nonfut(3pl)
In Verkhojansk in my father's and grandfather's (line), in Ust'-Jana there were (relatives) of my great-grandfather.
В Верхоянске по отцовской линии, в Усть-Яне по прадедушкиной линии.
Even taboos and customs (1)
Goːndʒidgerer, ajdʒịt-karịa ịak-karịa, nọŋan, kočukeːn biddeketi, hụčụnaːńụn bakaldamatkaračawan.
goːn -D -Gr(E) -R(E) ajdʒịt =kErIE ịa -k =kErIE nọŋan kočukeːn bi -D -REk -E-t(I) čụčụna -ńUn bak -E-ldE -mEČ -Gr(E) -čE -W -E-n(I)
say -prog -hab -nonfut(3pl) truth =contr what -nom =contr 3sg small be -prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.1pl.in ghost -com find -ep-soc -rec -hab -pf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg
сказать -prog -hab -nonfut(3pl) правда =contr что -nom =contr 3sg маленький быть -prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.1pl.в ghost -com найти -ep-soc -rec -hab -pf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg
They really said, uhm, that she, when we were little, used to meet with a chuchuna.
Так говорили, что, когда мы были маленькие, они встречались с чучуной.