
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: take. 37 total hits in 13 transcripts.
Birds in love (1)
"Dʒeː biː, taraw asatkam biː gadʒịm, erew Kagana hụnaːdʒwan", gịammar "Biː gadʒịm" goːnin.
dʒeː.Y biː tar-W asatkan-W biː ga-DʒI-m er-W Kagana hụnadʒ-W-E-N(I) gịa-dmEr biː ga-DʒI-m goːn-RI-N(I)
DP.Y 1SG DIST-ACC girl-ACC 1SG take-FUT-1SG PROX-ACC Kagana daughter-ACC-0-POSS.3SG other-EMPH 1SG take-FUT-1SG say-PST-POSS.3SG
DP.Y 1ЕД DIST-АКК girl-АКК 1ЕД взять-ФУТ-1ЕД PROX-АКК Kagana daughter-АКК-0-ПОСС.3ЕД другой-ЭМФ 1ЕД взять-ФУТ-1ЕД сказать-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД
"I'll take that girl, that Kagana's daughter", and the other said: "I'll take her."
Я возьму эту девушку. – Нет, дочь старика Кагана, возьму я!
"Dʒeː biː, taraw asatkam biː gadʒịm, erew Kagana hụnaːdʒwan", gịammar "Biː gadʒịm" goːnin.
dʒeː.Y biː tar-W asatkan-W biː ga-DʒI-m er-W Kagana hụnadʒ-W-E-N(I) gịa-dmEr biː ga-DʒI-m goːn-RI-N(I)
DP.Y 1SG DIST-ACC girl-ACC 1SG take-FUT-1SG PROX-ACC Kagana daughter-ACC-0-POSS.3SG other-EMPH 1SG take-FUT-1SG say-PST-POSS.3SG
DP.Y 1ЕД DIST-АКК girl-АКК 1ЕД взять-ФУТ-1ЕД PROX-АКК Kagana daughter-АКК-0-ПОСС.3ЕД другой-ЭМФ 1ЕД взять-ФУТ-1ЕД сказать-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД
"I'll take that girl, that Kagana's daughter", and the other said: "I'll take her."
Я возьму эту девушку. – Нет, дочь старика Кагана, возьму я!
Bear story (4)
Bejen atalgarar.
bej -E-n(I) atal -Gr(E) -R(E)
self -ep-poss.3sg take -hab -nonfut(3pl)
сам -ep-poss.3sg взять -hab -nonfut(3pl)
They butcher it themselves.
Сами должны разделать.
Pear story (5) (5)
Taraqam naːn "Omem gadʒịm" dʒọmqaːttịdʒị "gadʒịm-gu?", goːnni, "Tarbat-ta", goːnin "kubečen gadaːqụ".
tarakam ńaːn omen -W ga -DʒI -m dʒọn -WkEːn -Č -RIdʒI ga -DʒI -m =GU goːn -n(I) tarbač =dE goːn -RI -n(I) kubeč -E-n(I) ga -DEː -W
then also one -acc take -fut -1sg remember -caus -res -ant.cvb take -fut -1sg =q say -3sg(nonfut) ptl =ptl say -pst -poss.3sg all -ep-poss.3sg take -purp.cvb -poss.1sg
тогда тоже один -acc взять -fut -1sg remember -caus -res -ant.cvb взять -fut -1sg =q сказать -3sg(nonfut) ptl =ptl сказать -pst -poss.3sg весь -ep-poss.3sg взять -purp.cvb -poss.1sg
And then, he thought "I'll take one. Should I take it?", "OK", he said, "let me take them all".
Chat about an Evenki film (12)
Gịrqarịw maːnaːn, əə, gadʒaːqlajị nọŋman, gadʒaːqlajị gịrqarịjaqaːm, gadʒaːqlajị megdinduli ilinduli ŋenren.
gịrkarị -W maː -nE -n(I) əə ga -ČEk -(dU)LE -J nọŋan -W -E-n(I) ga -ČEk -(dU)LE -J gịrkarị -jEkEːn -W ga -ČEk -(dU)LE -J megdin -(dU)LI ilin -(dU)LI ŋen -R(E) -n(I)
wolf -acc kill -intent -3sg hesit take -nr -loc -prfl.sg 3sg -acc -ep-poss.3sg take -res.ptc -loc -prfl.sg wolf -dim -acc take -nr -loc -prfl.sg cliff -prol east -prol go -nonfut -3sg
волк -acc убить -intent -3sg hesit взять -nr -loc -prfl.sg 3sg -acc -ep-poss.3sg взять -res.ptc -loc -prfl.sg волк -dim -acc взять -nr -loc -prfl.sg cliff -prol east -prol идти -nonfut -3sg
He set off to kill the wolf, he went to the east, along the cliffs where he had found him, where he had found the wolf.
Там, где он когда-то его взял. Поднялся на скалистый берег.
Cannibal story (2)
Ečin dʒiŋ araːhat gagračal, ọːhọllan gakatčal, ečin čampańa ele mụdan.
er -čIn dʒiŋ.Y ïraːs.Y -E-Č ga -Gr(E) -čE -L ọːsal -W -E-n(I) ga -kEČ -čE -L er -čIn čampańa er -(dU)LE mụdan
prox -adv truth.Y clean.Y -ep-ins take -hab -pf.ptc -pl leg.fur -acc -ep-poss.3sg take -mult -pf.ptc -pl prox -adv naked prox -loc until
prox -adv правда.Y clean.Y -ep-ins взять -hab -pf.ptc -pl нога.мех -acc -ep-poss.3sg взять -mult -pf.ptc -pl prox -adv naked prox -loc until
They would take off (the skin) neatly, they used to take off the leg fur, all the way to the flesh.
Хэеки разделывали оленей забирали. Raisa: - Они очень чисто снимали, взяли камусы, до гола снимали.
The raven and the crow (1)
Erek mangịr bimi hutčelken [ọː ọː] ọːdịdʒị hukujukečerbi dʒebukendej, erek, ịadụk-kana, tụraːkịdụk tewteŋmen gadịdʒị dʒe hutti uliːnnen.
er-k mangịr bi-mI hute-KEn-lkEn ọː ọː ọː-RIdʒI hukujuken-KEn-L-J dʒeb-WkEn-DE-J er-k ịak-DUk(U)=kEnE tụrakị-DUk(U) tewte-ŋ-W-E-N(I) ga-RIdʒI dʒe.Y hute-DI uleː-N-R(E)-N(I)
DP-NOM raven быть-КОНД.КОНВ ребенок-ДИМ-ПРОПР become become become-ANT.КОНВ chick-ДИМ-МН-ПОСС.РЕФЛ.ЕД есть-CAUS-ПУРП.КОНВ-ПОСС.РЕФЛ.ЕД PROX-NOM что-АБЛ=CONTR crow-АБЛ berry-AL-АКК-0-ПОСС.3ЕД взять-ANT.КОНВ DP.Y ребенок-ДАТ.ПОСС.РЕФЛ.ЕД бросать-MULT-NONFUT-3ЕД
And the raven, it got children and in order to feed its chicks, uhm, it took the berries from the crow and fed its child.
У ворона появились дети, чтоб их накормить, он взял ягоды у вороны и кормил своего ребенка.
A conversation about Even culture (2)
Tarakam, bụkaːtan meːne ịaw-da enneh gad bụkaːtan.
tarakam bukatïn.Y meːne.Y ịa -W =dE e -nnE -s(I) ga -R(E) bukatïn.Y
then completely.Y simply.Y what -acc =ptl neg -nec.ptc -poss.2sg take -neg.cvb completely.Y
тогда completely.Y ппросто.Y что -acc =ptl neg -nec.ptc -poss.2sg взять -neg.cvb completely.Y
At that time, you simply couldn't (weren't allowed to) buy anything.
Тогда просто ничего не должен был покупать.
Tompo in Soviet times (3)
Emnikeːhel, əə, dʒeː atïːkhïttar, atïːkhïtal irew taraw boːtkerer bọllaːna, tüːleːku eduk ganịkaːn, owohelduk ganịkaːn.
em -nIkEːn -SEl əə dʒe.Y atïːkhït.Y -LAr.Y atïːkhït.Y -E-L ir -W tar -W boː -Č -Gr(E) -R(E) buollaγïna.Y tüːleːkh.Y -W er -DUk(U) ga -nIkEːn ewen -SEl -DUk(U) ga -nIkEːn
come -sim.cvb -pl hesit ptl.Y merchant.Y -pl.Y merchant.Y -ep-pl which -acc dist -acc give -res -hab -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y fur.Y -acc prox -abl take -sim.cvb Even -pl -abl take -sim.cvb
прийти -sim.cvb -pl hesit ptl.Y merchant.Y -pl.Y merchant.Y -ep-pl который -acc dist -acc дать -res -hab -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y мех.Y -acc prox -abl взять -sim.cvb Even -pl -abl взять -sim.cvb
These merchants would come and give this and that, taking furs from here, from the Evens.
Приезжали и обменивали товары на пушнину у эвенов.
Even ghost stories (2)
Tarańdʒal ekčil bičel, gadịdʒụr tutennikeːn, gadda-da-kka ehni [ude] hịrkaːń hučehne, [tač] tačịn dʒepte.
tar -ndʒE -L er -G(E)čIn -L bi -čE -L ga -RIdʒI -L tut -E-n -nIkEːn ga -R(E) -R(E) =dE =kkE e -R(E) -n(I) hịrkaːn -Č hut -E-s(E)n -R(E) tar -čIn dʒeb -R(E)
dist -aug -pl prox -sml -pl be -pf.ptc -pl take -ant.cvb -pl run -ep-mult -sim.cvb take -neg.cvb -nonfut(3pl) =ptl =emph neg -nonfut -3sg knife -ins stick.in -ep-lim -nonfut(3pl) dist -adv eat -nonfut(3pl)
dist -aug -pl prox -sml -pl быть -pf.ptc -pl взять -ant.cvb -pl бежать -ep-mult -sim.cvb взять -neg.cvb -nonfut(3pl) =ptl =emph neg -nonfut -3sg нож -ins больной.в -ep-lim -nonfut(3pl) dist -adv есть -nonfut(3pl)
They were such creatures, they would hunt and run, and when they hunted something down, they would stab it with the knife and ate like that.
Они были невозможные, бежали ловили добычу и ножом убивали, так и съедали.