
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: size. 13 total hits in 5 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (4)
Aa, tardịːn!
aa tar diː -n(I)
ah dist size -poss.3sg
ah dist size -poss.3sg
Wow, that many!
The sacred reindeer (1)
Ńoːreken araj ịak diːčoːnni kočukeken ńọːbatịkakan họnŋačan dehčiče, tọgọtčọːtča.
ńoː-REk-E-N(I) araj.Y ịak diː-KEn-N(I) kočuken-KEn ńọːbatị-kEkEn họnŋačan desči-čE tọg-E-Č-WEːČ-čE
go:out-COND.CVB-0-POSS.3SG suddenly.Y what size-DIM-POSS.3SG small-DIM white-DIM baby:reindeer lie-PF.PTC lie:down(animal)-0-RES-GNR-PF.PTC
выйти-КОНД.КОНВ-0-ПОСС.3ЕД suddenly.Y что size-ДИМ-ПОСС.3ЕД маленький-ДИМ белый-ДИМ baby:reindeer лежать-ПРФ.ПРИЧ lie:down(животное)-0-RES-GNR-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
When he went out, suddenly-there was a tiny something, a little white reindeer baby resting, lying there.
Вышел и вдруг видет лежащего маленкого белого олененка.
The creation of animals (4)
"Anị-damar ịah-kana bụọllaːna, koːjeh bụọlla ŋiː diːn, adị-da dịl diːn", goːnče.
anï.Y =dmEr ịa -s(I) =kEnE buollaγïna.Y koːje -s(I) buolla.Y ŋiː diː -n(I) adị =dE dịl diː -n(I) goːn -čE
now.Y =emph what -poss.2sg =contr ptl.Y ram.horn -poss.2sg ptl.Y who size -poss.3sg how.much =ptl head size -poss.3sg say -pf.ptc
сейчас.Y =emph что -poss.2sg =contr ptl.Y ram.рог -poss.2sg ptl.Y кто size -poss.3sg как.много =ptl голова size -poss.3sg сказать -pf.ptc
"Now, your, uhm, your horns are how big (in the size of whom), big as a couple of heads.", he said.
- Маленькая голова, твои рога размером в несколько голов.
Biblical stories (3)
Er kụlịčaːn bimi er ọŋalčaːn dịːn biče, čọŋkannan-da bej kokeːkeːn.
er kụlị -KEːn bi -mI er ọŋalčaːn dịː -n(I) bi -čE čọŋka -n -R(E) -n(I) =dE bej kokeː -KEːn
prox mosquito -dim be -cond.cvb prox nutcracker size -poss.3sg be -pf.ptc peck.with.beak -mult -nonfut -poss.3sg =ptl man die -dim
prox mosquito -dim быть -cond.cvb prox nutcracker size -poss.3sg быть -pf.ptc peck.с.beak -mult -nonfut -poss.3sg =ptl мужчина умереть -dim
Mosquitoes were big as nutcrackers, they would peck a man and he would die.
они были ростом как кедровка - как клюнут человека, он сразу умирал.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Ńoːreken araj ịak diːčuunni kočukeːkeːn ńọːbatịkakaːn họnŋačaːn dehčiče, tọgọtčọːtča.
ńoː -REk -E-n(I) araj.Y ịa -k diː -KEːn -OO -n(I) kočukeːn -KEːn ńọːbatị -kEkEːn họnŋačaːn desči -čE tọg -E-Č -WEːČ -čE
go.out -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg suddenly.Y what -nom size -dim -ints -poss.3sg small -dim white -dim fawn lie -pf.ptc lie.down(animal) -ep-res -gnr -pf.ptc
идти.из -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg suddenly.Y что -nom size -dim -ints -poss.3sg маленький -dim белый -dim fawn лежать -pf.ptc лежать.down(животное) -ep-res -gnr -pf.ptc
When he went out, suddenly - there was a tiny something, a little white reindeer baby resting, lying there.
Вышел и вдруг видит лежащего маленкого белого олененка.