
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

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Search: road. 7 total hits in 6 transcripts.
Bear story (1)
Ńumeren họː họtaran.
ńumer -E-n(I) họː họtaran
fright -ep-poss.3sg very road
fright -ep-poss.3sg очень road
It's a terrible road.
Очень страшная дорога.
Pear story (5) (2)
Taraq hurkeːn ńaːn họtarandụla horrin amaskị
tar -k hurkeːn ńaːn họtaran -(dU)LE hor -RI -n(I) amar -skI
dist -nom young.man also road -loc go.away -pst -poss.3sg back.side -all.adv
dist -nom молодой.мужчина тоже road -loc идти.прочь -pst -poss.3sg назад.сторона -весь.adv
That boy then went back on the road.
Pear story (2) (1)
Erek bịlasịpịadalkaːn hurkeːjekeːn ŋenedden họtarandụlị ajkaːkaːń.
er -k velosiped.R -E-lkEːn hurkeːn -jEkEːn ŋen -E-D -R(E) -n(I) họtaran -(dU)LI aj -kEːkEːn -Č
prox -nom bycicle.R -ep-prop young.man -dim go -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg road -prol good -dim -ins
prox -nom bycicle.R -ep-prop молодой.мужчина -dim идти -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg road -prol хороший -dim -ins
That boy with the bicycle was quickly riding along the road.
Even ghost stories (1)
Omnekeːn ammụ itče bihin, urekčeːnduk, bịnọːkụl, gọrịnụk, tegeleŋčičel họtarandụ iː, dʒụkčadụ.
omen -RE -KEːn aman -W it -čE bi -RI -n(I) urekčeːn -DUk(U) binokl'.R gọr -E-nUk tegelen -Č -čE -L họtaran -DU iː dʒụkča -DU
one -iter -dim father -poss.1sg see -pf.ptc be -pst -poss.3sg mountain -abl binocular.R long -ep-abl.adv sit -res -pf.ptc -pl road -dat ptl abandoned.camp -dat
один -iter -dim отец -poss.1sg видеть -pf.ptc быть -pst -poss.3sg гора -abl binocular.R длинный -ep-abl.adv сидеть -res -pf.ptc -pl road -dat ptl abandoned.стоянка -dat
Once my father saw, from the mountain, binocular, from far, they were sitting on a path, at an old abandoned camp.
Однажды мой отец, на горе с бинокля увидел из далека, как они сидели у дороги, у старого стойбища.
Cannibal story (1)
Urukčerduli ečin, nọŋartan ečin-gel, toːrren haːlal-ka tar bičel bihin bïlïrgïdụ bụọlla tar ečin, ịat-kana emgerečel, bụkatịn, urumkuń ịat-kana [họt etk] họtarań emgerečel.
urekčen -L -(dU)LI er -čIn nọŋartan er -čIn =gEl toːr -(dU)LE -n(I) haːlan -L =kkE tar bi -čE -L bi -RI -n(I) bïlïrgï.Y -DU buolla.Y tar er -čIn ịa -Č =kEnE em -Gr(E) -čE -L bukatïn.Y urumkun -Č ịa -Č =kEnE họtaran -Č em -Gr(E) -čE -L
mountain -pl -prol prox -adv 3pl prox -adv =ptl land -loc -poss.3sg knowing -pl =emph dist be -pf.ptc -pl be -pst -poss.3sg antiquity.Y ptl.Y dist prox -adv what -ins =contr come -hab -pf.ptc -pl completely.Y short -ins what -ins =contr road -ins come -hab -pf.ptc -pl
гора -pl -prol prox -adv 3pl prox -adv =ptl земля -loc -poss.3sg knowing -pl =emph dist быть -pf.ptc -pl быть -pst -poss.3sg antiquity.Y ptl.Y dist prox -adv что -ins =contr прийти -hab -pf.ptc -pl completely.Y short -ins что -ins =contr road -ins прийти -hab -pf.ptc -pl
Through the mountains, they seem to have known (their way) through the land in the ancient times, they used to come on, uhm, they used to come on the shortest ways.
Просто ходили по земле, по скалам. Они хорошо запоминали местность, ходили по короткой дороге.
Tompo in Soviet times (1)
Tačịn ajịč [bid] bitčelet anị, biddeket, ọːn ịak-karịa, əə, ere, Tọpọlịnajla ele họtọram aːŋadaːwụr erteki ekspediciaw ịaw tiːnitnen.
tar -čIn aj -E-Č bi -D bi -D -čE -(dU)LE -t(I) anï.Y bi -D -REk -E-t(I) ọːn ịa -k =kErIE əə ere.Y Topolinoe.R -(dU)LE er -(dU)LE họtaran -W aːŋa -DEː -WUr er -t(E)kI ekspedicija.R -W ịa -W tiːn -RI -tEn
dist -adv repair -ep-ins be -prog be -prog -pf.ptc -loc -poss.1pl.in now.Y be -prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.1pl.in how what -nom =contr hesit ptl.Y Topolinoe.R -loc prox -loc road -acc open -purp.cvb -prfl.pl prox -all expedition.R -acc what -acc send -pst -poss.3pl
dist -adv repair -ep-ins быть -prog быть -prog -pf.ptc -loc -poss.1pl.в сейчас.Y быть -prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.1pl.в как что -nom =contr hesit ptl.Y Topolinoe.R -loc prox -loc road -acc открыть -purp.cvb -prfl.pl prox -весь expedition.R -acc что -acc послать -pst -poss.3pl
We lived fine, we lived, uhm, thingo, and then an expedition was sent to Topolinoe to open a road there.
Жили хорошо, в Тополинный отправили экспедицию, чтобы открыть дорогу. //Жили мы так хорошо и вдруг отправили экспедицию, чтобы открыть дорогу в Тополиное.