
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: propr. 5 total hits in 5 transcripts.
Biblical stories (1)
Teːrektepti erič, nu, tụndraːgčịn ịak.
teːrekte -pčVn er -E-Č nu.R tundra.R -G(E)čIn ịa -k
plain -int.propr prox -ep-ins ptl.R tundra.R -sml what -nom
долина -int.propr prox -ep-ins ptl.R тундра.R -sml что -nom
It (sc. the earth) was full of plains, like this, well, like a tundra, in a way.
До этого вся земля, была как тундра.
A conversation about Even culture (1)
Ergide bụkaːtịn, ịak-kana, dʒọlọpčị egin toːr.
er -gIdE bukatïn.Y ịa -k =kEnE dʒọl -E-pčV(n) egin.Y toːr
prox -nr completely.Y what -nom =contr stone -ep-int.propr ptl.Y earth
prox -nr completely.Y что -nom =contr камень -ep-int.propr ptl.Y earth
In this region, the earth is all stony.
Эта земля вся каменистая.
Cannibal story (1)
Erek akannị bọlla, tawụr holneče bej, ọrapčị biče bej, ọrapčị biče.
er -E-k akan -n(I) buolla.Y tar -WUr holne -čE bej ọran -pčV(n) bi -čE bej ọran -pčVn bi -čE
prox -ep-nom older.brother -poss.3sg ptl.Y dist -prfl.pl visit.afar -pf.ptc man reindeer -int.propr be -pf.ptc man reindeer -int.propr be -pf.ptc
prox -ep-nom older.брат -poss.3sg ptl.Y dist -prfl.pl посетить.afar -pf.ptc мужчина олень -int.propr быть -pf.ptc мужчина олень -int.propr быть -pf.ptc
That older brother, the one that visited them, was rich, he had a lot of reindeer. He had a lot of reindeer.
Старший брат был богатый, у него было много оленей.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Dʒe tarịč, dʒe taraptụkụn dʒe erek ewen ọrapčị ọːča uhu.
dʒe.Y tar -Č dʒe.Y tar -rEp -DUk(U) -n(I) dʒe.Y er -k ewen ọran -pčVn ọː -čE ühü.Y
ptl.Y dist -ins ptl.Y dist -temp.nr -abl -poss.3sg ptl.Y prox -nom Even reindeer -int.propr become -pf.ptc evid.Y
ptl.Y dist -ins ptl.Y dist -temp.nr -abl -poss.3sg ptl.Y prox -nom Even олень -int.propr become -pf.ptc evid.Y
Thus, from that time this Even became rich in reindeer, I think.
С тех пор у этого Эвена стало очень много оленей.
The creation of animals (1)
"Biː [ko] boːdelčeːmu nemkun-de bičeklij họː hụːndačịptị bihem."
biː boːdel -KEːn -W nemkun =dE bi -čE -klI -J họː hụːndač -E-pčVn bi -R(E) -m
1sg leg -dim -poss.1sg short =ptl be -pf.ptc -all.prol -prfl.sg very flexibility -ep-int.propr be -nonfut -1sg
1sg нога -dim -poss.1sg short =ptl быть -pf.ptc -весь.prol -prfl.sg очень flexibility -ep-int.propr быть -nonfut -1sg
"Even though my legs are short, I am still very lithe."
- Хоть мои ноги и короткие, но я очень гибкий.