
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: pred. 22 total hits in 6 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (11)
Tara ịan-kana, ahị, ahịŋị, ńarịŋị bọlla ŋuːne.
tar ịa -n(I) =kEnE asị asị -ŋI ńarị -ŋI buolla.Y ŋuːn
dist what -poss.3sg =contr woman woman -pred.poss man -pred.poss ptl.Y straight
dist что -poss.3sg =contr женщина женщина -pred.poss мужчина -pred.poss ptl.Y straight
That's, erm, female, male (coats) are straight.
Так у женщин, у мальчиков бывает прямым.
Chat about an Evenki film (4)
bej -E-L -ŋI -W =t(E)kEn
man -ep-pl -pred.poss -acc =restr
мужчина -ep-pl -pred.poss -acc =restr
Only male?
Только мужское?
The raven and the crow (1)
Eče, egreče họːja bis huten, dʒoːr ịlan bigreče, mangịrŋi.
e-čE e-Gr(E)-čE họːja bi-R(E) hute-N(I) dʒoːr ịlan bi-Gr(E)-čE mangịr-ŋI
NEG-PF.PTC NEG-HAB-PF.PTC many be-NEG.CVB child-POSS.3SG two three be-HAB-PF.PTC raven-pred.POSS
НЕГ-ПРФ.ПРИЧ НЕГ-ХАБ-ПРФ.ПРИЧ много быть-НЕГ.КОНВ ребенок-ПОСС.3ЕД два три быть-ХАБ-ПРФ.ПРИЧ raven-pred.ПОСС
It didn't have many children, two or three, the raven.
Не много детей, а два, три у него, у ворона.
The creation of animals (1)
Araj taraŋčaːnnị goːnče: "Taː, erek diː, hiː, bejŋe, hiː erek itli, minu taŋara errečkeːmen ọːrịn - ịnŋatụ ńegčekeŋi, kọrọtụ ńegčekeŋi, ọːŋọtụ. hịalụmụ bọllaːna ŋịnŋị, [bọ] kọkčịmụ ụːjamkaːnŋị", goːnče.
araj.Y tar -E-ŋ -KEːn -n(I) goːn -čE taː er -k diː hiː bej -ŋE hiː er -k it -LI min -W taŋara er -WEːčIn -KEːn -W -E-n(I) ọː -RI -n(I) ịnŋat -W ńegčeke -ŋI kọrat -W ńegčeke -ŋI ọːŋat -W hịalụn -W buollaγïna.Y ŋịn -ŋI kọkčịn -W ụːjamkaːn -ŋI goːn -čE
suddenly.Y dist -ep-aln -dim -poss.3sg say -pf.ptc intj prox -nom size 2sg self -pol.voc 2sg prox -nom see -imp.2sg 1sg.obl -acc god prox -qual -dim -acc -ep-poss.3sg do -pst -poss.3sg hair -poss.1sg elk -pred.poss ear -poss.1sg elk -pred.poss nose -poss.1sg nostril -poss.1sg ptl.Y dog -pred.poss hoof -poss.1sg wild.ram -pred.poss say -pf.ptc
suddenly.Y dist -ep-aln -dim -poss.3sg сказать -pf.ptc intj prox -nom size 2sg сам -pol.voc 2sg prox -nom видеть -imp.2sg 1sg.obl -acc бог prox -qual -dim -acc -ep-poss.3sg делать -pst -poss.3sg hair -poss.1sg elk -pred.poss ear -poss.1sg elk -pred.poss nose -poss.1sg nostril -poss.1sg ptl.Y собака -pred.poss hoof -poss.1sg wild.ram -pred.poss сказать -pf.ptc
And he said: "Hey, you, human, look here, God made me like this: my hair is like that of elk, my ears are like elk's, my nose and nostrils are from the dog, and my hoofs from the wild ram", he said.
Этот говорит: - Эй ты человек, посмотри на меня. Это Бог меня вот таким вот сделал, шерсть короткая, уши короткие, нос и ноздри собачьи, копыта горного барана.
Even taboos and customs (4)
A to, kụŋaːl, kụŋaːŋị biwren tar bebe, ịak, [...] kụŋaː, ịak, beben ebit tar kaŋka tar tarrọːčịn, taraw enni [n], enni nọːdụwrar, kụŋaːŋịw.
a to.R kụŋaː -L kụŋaː -ŋI bi -Gr(E) -n(I) tar bebe ịa -k kụŋaː ịa -k bebe -n(I) e.Y -BIt.Y tar kaŋka tar tar -WEːčIn tar -W e -R(E) -n(I) e -R(E) -n(I) ńọːda -Gr(E) -R(E) kụŋaː -ŋI -W
and.R that.R child -pl child -pred.poss be -hab -3sg dist cradle what -nom child what -nom cradle -poss.3sg be.Y -past.ptc.Y dist children's.saddle dist dist -qual dist -acc neg -nonfut -3sg neg -nonfut -3sg throw -hab -nonfut(3pl) child -pred.poss -acc
and.R тот.R ребенок -pl ребенок -pred.poss быть -hab -3sg dist cradle что -nom ребенок что -nom cradle -poss.3sg быть.Y -past.ptc.Y dist children's.saddle dist dist -qual dist -acc neg -nonfut -3sg neg -nonfut -3sg бросать -hab -nonfut(3pl) ребенок -pred.poss -acc
And there, children, there's children's cradles and stuff there, children's cradles and saddles for children, like that (showing at the one in the hall), these he doesn't throw around, children's things.
Там находится и детская люлька, это странно он не бросает.
A short chat about family (1)
Abagaw minŋi mịan ńamadụkụj huleken bihin, ńama mịandʒoːr. Cто двенадцать лет прожил у меня дед.
abaga -W min -ŋI mịan ńama -DUk(U) -J hulek -E-n(I) bi -RI -n(I) ńama mịan dʒoːr
grandfather -poss.1sg 1sg.obl -pred.poss ten hundred -abl -prfl.sg surplus -ep-poss.3sg be -pst -poss.3sg hundred ten two
дед -poss.1sg 1sg.obl -pred.poss десять стоянка -abl -prfl.sg surplus -ep-poss.3sg быть -pst -poss.3sg стоянка десять два
My grandfather was 110 years old, he was 112. My grandfather lived 112 years.
Мой дед прожил сто двенадцать лет.Cто двенадцать лет прожил у меня дед.