
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: much. 23 total hits in 10 transcripts.
Even ghost stories (1)
Họːja, họːjawụ ukčeːngerečel.
họːja họːja -W ukčeːn -Gr(E) -čE -L
much much -acc tell -hab -pf.ptc -pl
много много -acc говорить -hab -pf.ptc -pl
I was told a lot, a lot.
Мне очень много, много рассказывали.
A conversation about Even culture (6)
Ee, adụkụ(n).
ee adị -kUN
intj how.much -adjr
intj как.много -adjr
Oh, a couple.
Ээ, несколько.
Cannibal story (4)
Adịkụn ọrčaːlkaːhal bičel.
adị -kUN ọran -KEːn -lkEːn -SEl bi -čE -L
how.much -adjr reindeer -dim -prop -pl be -pf.ptc -pl
как.много -adjr олень -dim -prop -pl быть -pf.ptc -pl
They had some reindeer.
У них было несколько оленей.
Pear story (5) (1)
Nọŋan tačịn adịrakaːn-da ńekrin.
nọŋan tar -čIn adị -RE -KEːn =dE nek -RI -n(I)
3sg dist -adv how.much -iter -dim =ptl do -pst -poss.3sg
3sg dist -adv как.много -iter -dim =ptl делать -pst -poss.3sg
He did this a couple of times.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Hiːgridʒur bụkaːtịn adị-da dọlbọnịw dʒepte bọlla.
hiːg -RIdʒI -L bukatïn.Y adị =dE dọlbanị -W dʒeb -R(E) buolla.Y
flay -ant.cvb -pl completely.Y how.much =ptl night -acc eat -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y
flay -ant.cvb -pl completely.Y как.много =ptl ночь -acc есть -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y
When he flayed it, they ate it for a couple of days.
Мясо тарбагана они ели несколько дней.
Chat about an Evenki film (1)
[ap] Apqattakan taraw neŋeketten họːjaw, họːjaw neŋeketten, nokukeːnellin.
a -B apka -Č -REk -E-n(I) tar -W neŋ -E-kEČ -R(E) -n(I) họːja -W họːja -W neŋ -E-kEČ -R(E) -n(I) nokukeːn -E-L -RI -n(I)
and.R -med strangle -res -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg dist -acc complain -ep-mult -nonfut -3sg much -acc much -acc bow -ep-mult -nonfut -3sg sidestep -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg
and.R -med strangle -res -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg dist -acc complain -ep-mult -nonfut -3sg много -acc много -acc лук -ep-mult -nonfut -3sg sidestep -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg
When he (sc. the wolf) strangled him (sc. the dog), he (the owner of the dog) complained a lot, he complained a lot, he (sc. the wolf) stepped away.
Когда придушил, он жаловался, жаловался, отскочил в сторону.
The creation of animals (3)
"Boːdulu alụs dedenič ọːča, keːńeli tarak."
boːdel -W olus.Y deden -E-Č ọː -čE keːńeli tar -k
leg -poss.1sg too.much.Y tired -ep-ins become -pf.ptc bad dist -nom
нога -poss.1sg тоже.много.Y уставший -ep-ins become -pf.ptc плохой dist -nom
"My legs are too weak, that's bad."
- Мои ноги чересчур слабые, это плохо.
Tompo in Soviet times (3)
"Tar naːldịm hitledun akhan baγar dʒụːw ọːndụ hop" goːnni.
tar naːldị hitle -DU -n(I) akhan.Y baγar.Y dʒụː -W ọː -n -DU söp.Y goːn -n(I)
dist tributary space.between.rivers -dat -poss.3sg much.Y even.Y house -acc do -anr -dat correct.Y say -3sg
dist tributary space.между.rivers -dat -poss.3sg много.Y even.Y дом -acc делать -anr -dat correct.Y сказать -3sg
"Between these tributaries is a good place for building as much as you wish.", he said.
«Там сколько угодно можно постороить домов», -говорит.
Pear story (1) (1)
Tarịč adịw dʒoːr karzịːnaw [taw] tawčalan, ńaːn-da, ńaːn-da tarịč ogehki ọjčịn tawdaːj.
tar -E-Č adị -W dʒoːr korzina.R -W taw taw -čE -(dU)LE -n(I) ńaːn =dE ńaːn =dE tar -E-Č oj -E-skI ọjčị -n(I) taw -DEː -J
dist -ep-ins how.much -acc two basket -acc gather gather -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg also =ptl also =ptl dist -ep-ins top -ep-all.adv climb -3sg gather -purp.cvb -prfl.sg
dist -ep-ins как.много -acc два basket -acc собиратть собиратть -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg тоже =ptl тоже =ptl dist -ep-ins top -ep-весь.adv climb -3sg собиратть -purp.cvb -prfl.sg
Then, having gathered, how many, two baskets, he again climbed up (the tree) to gather (further).
Biblical stories (2)
"Če erdiːn-ńun anŋanịw iːnedeːji, če ńama adị anŋanị, tadụk huːlek, [...] ịak-kana, minu ataγịsčịr" goːnikeːn, Satana, taːk.
če.Y er dịː -n(I) =ńUn anŋan -W iːn -DEː -J če.Y ńama adị anŋan tar -DUk(U) hulek ịa -k =kEnE min -W ataγastaː.Y -R(E) goːn -nIkEːn Satana.R taːk.R
ptl.Y prox size -poss.3sg =only year -acc be.alive -purp.cvb -prfl.sg ptl.Y hundred how.much year dist -abl surplus what -nom =contr 1sg.obl -acc depart.Y -nonfut say -sim.cvb Satan.R so.R
ptl.Y prox size -poss.3sg =only год -acc быть.alive -purp.cvb -prfl.sg ptl.Y стоянка как.много год dist -abl surplus что -nom =contr 1sg.obl -acc отправиться.Y -nonfut сказать -sim.cvb Satan.R так.R
"Live only this much, not hundred or more than that, [...], erm, go away from me", said Satan.
Меня все обижают, с этого дня будешь жить не сто лет, сказал Сатана.