
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: little. 6 total hits in 5 transcripts.
Spirits (1)
Ee, dʒe kočeč ịaram-karịa, tačịn goːneken.
ee dʒe.Y koč-E-Č ịak-R(E)-m=kErIE rọːčịn goːn-REk-E-N(I)
"Ee, it's a little thing I did", that's what he said.
"Ээ, маленько сделал",-так сказал.
A conversation about Even culture (2)
Tọrọkọm kụŋaːwụ, kolletkuːn kụŋaː.
tarakam kụŋaː -W kolletkeːn -OO kụŋaː
then child -poss.1sg little -ints child
тогда ребенок -poss.1sg маленький -ints ребенок
I was a child then, a tiny little child.
Тогда я еще была маленькой.
The creation of animals (1)
"«Miː kočukeːkeːn tọbọńa bimhem», goːniw", goːnni.
biː koč -kEːkEːn tọːbańa bi -m -R(E) -m goːn -RI -W goːn -n(I)
1sg little -dim neat be -des -nonfut -1sg say -pst -poss.1sg say -3sg
1sg маленький -dim neat быть -des -nonfut -1sg сказать -pst -poss.1sg сказать -3sg
"«I want to be gracious and small», I said", he said.
- Я хотел быть маленьким как олень.
Tompo in Soviet times (1)
Ụọnna biː aːwahụ, ńọka, uːteːlkeːn bihin, kočeč.
uonna.Y biː aːwas -W ńọka üːteːn.Y -lkEːn bi -RI -n(I) koč -E-Č
and.Y 1sg brother-in-law.older -poss.1sg Yakut Yakut.house -prop be -pst -poss.3sg little -ep-ins
and.Y 1sg брат-в-law.older -poss.1sg Yakut Yakut.дом -prop быть -pst -poss.3sg маленький -ep-ins
My brother-in-law, a Yakut, had a Yakut house, little.
Еще у моего зятя якута была изба.
Cannibal story (1)
"Tar ereli kojeːtteku", goːnni ečin, "araj ọstọl boːdellen ečin debeńe, ịalkaːn, debeńe ọjalkaːn", goːnni ečin, "ewudi, ewedič tetutti kočuːkeːkeːn", goːnni, "etikeːn bụkatịn ečin ewudi aːwalkaːn, ewudi mụkalkaːn, tar, debuli astaːlkaːn, ụntalkaːn", goːnni ečin, ečin, "gaːdač", goːnni ečin tar ịawụ-kana ečin, "ọstọl boːdelen herdewen ečin delbi", goːnni ečin, "ịan-kana...".
tar ereli kojeː -Č -REk -W goːn -n(I) er -čIn araj.Y stol.R boːdel -(dU)LE -n(I) er -čIn debeńe ịa -lkEːn debeńe ọj -E-lkEːn goːn -n(I) er -čIn ewen -DI ewen -DI -Č tet -U -Č -RI koč -ː -kEːkEːn goːn -n(I) etikeːn bukatïn.Y er -čIn ewen -DI aːwan -E-lkEːn ewen -DI mụka -lkEːn tar debuli štany.R -lkEːn ụnta -lkEːn goːn -n(I) er -čIn er -čIn gaːsač goːn -n(I) er -čIn tar ịa -W =kEnE er -čIn stol.R buːdel -E-n(I) her -dE -W -E-n(I) er -čIn delbi.Y goːn -n(I) er -čIn ịa -n(I) =kEnE
dist around look -res -cond.cvb -poss.1sg say -3sg prox -adv ptl.Y table.R leg -loc -poss.3sg prox -adv hairy what -prop hairy clothes -ep-prop say -3sg prox -adv Even -adjr Even -adjr -ins wear -tr -res -impf.ptc little -ints -dim say -3sg old.man completely.Y prox -adv Even -adjr hat -ep-prop Even -adjr fur.coat -prop dist furry trousers.R -prop fur.boot -prop say -3sg prox -adv prox -adv permanently say -3sg prox -adv dist what -acc =contr prox -adv table.R foot -ep-poss.3sg down -nr -acc -ep-poss.3sg prox -adv strongly.Y say -3sg prox -adv what -3sg =contr
dist around смотреть -res -cond.cvb -poss.1sg сказать -3sg prox -adv ptl.Y стол.R нога -loc -poss.3sg prox -adv hairy что -prop hairy clothes -ep-prop сказать -3sg prox -adv Even -adjr Even -adjr -ins носить -tr -res -impf.ptc маленький -ints -dim сказать -3sg старый.мужчина completely.Y prox -adv Even -adjr hat -ep-prop Even -adjr мех.верхняя:одежда -prop dist furry штаны.R -prop мех.сапог -prop сказать -3sg prox -adv prox -adv permanently сказать -3sg prox -adv dist что -acc =contr prox -adv стол.R ступня -ep-poss.3sg down -nr -acc -ep-poss.3sg prox -adv strongly.Y сказать -3sg prox -adv что -3sg =contr
"Around it", she said, "at the leg of the table, a tiny old man dressed in Even way, in furry, uhm, furry clothes, with an Even hat, Even fur coat, with thick fur trousers, with fur boots", she said, "permanently, she said whatchamacallit, around the table legs so, she said, he very much thingoed".
У ног стола стоит маленький старик в эвенской одежде и бегает вокруг ножек стола. В эвенской окрашенной из ольхи одежде, в эвенской шапке, в унтах бегает и бегает.