
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

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Search: gather. 46 total hits in 15 transcripts.
The sacred reindeer (2)
Biː nụbaw tawram,-goːnče.
biː nụba-W taw-R(E)-m-goːn-čE
1SG root-ACC gather-NONFUT-1SG-say-PF.PTC
1ЕД root-АКК собиратть-NONFUT-1ЕД-сказать-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
"I collected some roots", she said.
"Я собрала корни",-сказала.
Spirits (2)
Ŋiː kọmụjannan tar, nọŋman ịmaːrịh bọlla.
ŋiː khomuj.Y-E-nnE-N(I) tar nọŋan-W-E-N(I) ịmaː-RI-s(I) buollar.Y
who gather.Y-0-NEC.PTC-POSS.3SG thus 3SG-ACC-0-POSS.3SG bury-PST-POSS.2SG DP.Y
кто собиратть.Y-0-НЕЦ.ПРИЧ-ПОСС.3ЕД thus 3ЕД-АКК-0-ПОСС.3ЕД bury-ПРОШ-ПОСС.2ЕД DP.Y
The one who would gather it together, that's the one who has been buried.
Кто соберёт вот, его ведь похоронили.
Cannibal story (4)
Ee, tawnịkaːn.
ee taw -nIkEːn
intj gather -sim.cvb
intj собиратть -sim.cvb
Yes, collecting.
The raven and the crow (1)
Tụraːkị ńaːn mangịr ńimeːrel ọːdịdʒụr gịa tewtew tawnịkan, gịa irew taraw tawnịkan hutti uliːtkereče.
tụrakị ńaːn mangịr ńimeːr-E-L ọː-RIdʒI-L gịa tewte-W taw-nIkEn gịa ir-W tar-W taw-nIkEn hute-DI uleː-Č-Gr(E)-čE
crow also raven neighbour-0-PL become-ANT.CVB-PL other berry-ACC gather-SIM.CVB other which-ACC DIST-ACC gather-SIM.CVB child-DAT.POSS.REFL.SG throw-RES-HAB-PF.PTC
crow тоже raven neighbour-0-МН become-ANT.КОНВ-МН другой berry-АКК собиратть-SIM.КОНВ другой который-АКК DIST-АКК собиратть-SIM.КОНВ ребенок-ДАТ.ПОСС.РЕФЛ.ЕД бросать-RES-ХАБ-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
When the crow and the raven became neighbours, one collected berries, the other collected this and that and fed its child.
Стали они cоседями, воронa и ворон, одна собирала ягоды, а второй собирал всякое разное и кормил своего ребенка.
Pear story (3) (4)
Tarakọm meːndʒi xomujridʒi horžen, čakrịdʒị.
tarakam meːn -DʒI khomuj.Y -RIdʒI hor -R(E) -n(I) čak -RIdʒI
then self -inst.prfl.sg gather.Y -ant.cvb go.away -nonfut -3sg gather -ant.cvb
тогда сам -inst.prfl.sg собиратть.Y -ant.cvb идти.прочь -nonfut -3sg собиратть -ant.cvb
Then, after he had collected them by himself, he went away, after he had gathered them.
Glove and love (1)
Ńọbatị ụːčakkajị muŋereŋgeji-de ịagaj-da čakrịdʒị beketen emedʒeːnče.
ńọːbatị ụːčak-GE-J muŋere-G-GE-J=dE ịak-GE-J=dE čak-RIdʒI bekeč-E-N(I) em-E-dʒEːn-čE
white riding:reindeer-DESIG-POSS.REFL.SG saddle:bag-V-DESIG-POSS.REFL.SG=DP what-DESIG-POSS.REFL.SG=DP gather-ANT.CVB all-0-POSS.3SG come-0-DUR-PF.PTC
белый riding:reindeer-ДЕСИГ-ПОСС.РЕФЛ.ЕД saddle:bag-ГЛ-ДЕСИГ-ПОСС.РЕФЛ.ЕД=DP что-ДЕСИГ-ПОСС.РЕФЛ.ЕД=DP собиратть-ANT.КОНВ весь-0-ПОСС.3ЕД прийти-0-ДУБ-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
He took his white riding reindeer, collected his saddle bags and all that, and came to her.
Он взял белого учака (оленя для верховой езды), собрал хэруки (вещевые мешки) и все остальное и приехал.
The sacred reindeer (2)
"Biː nụbaw tawram", goːnče.
biː nụba -W taw -R(E) -m goːn -čE
1sg root -acc gather -nonfut -1sg say -pf.ptc
1sg root -acc собиратть -nonfut -1sg сказать -pf.ptc
"I collected some roots", she said.
"Я собрала корни", - сказала.
Pear story (1) (5)
Tarịč adịw dʒoːr karzịːnaw [taw] tawčalan, ńaːn-da, ńaːn-da tarịč ogehki ọjčịn tawdaːj.
tar -E-Č adị -W dʒoːr korzina.R -W taw taw -čE -(dU)LE -n(I) ńaːn =dE ńaːn =dE tar -E-Č oj -E-skI ọjčị -n(I) taw -DEː -J
dist -ep-ins how.much -acc two basket -acc gather gather -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg also =ptl also =ptl dist -ep-ins top -ep-all.adv climb -3sg gather -purp.cvb -prfl.sg
dist -ep-ins как.много -acc два basket -acc собиратть собиратть -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg тоже =ptl тоже =ptl dist -ep-ins top -ep-весь.adv climb -3sg собиратть -purp.cvb -prfl.sg
Then, having gathered, how many, two baskets, he again climbed up (the tree) to gather (further).
Pear story (4) (2)
[tawr] Tawrịdʒị unet-te horurin.
* taw -RIdʒI unet =dE hor -U -RI -n(I)
* gather -ant.cvb still =ptl go.away -tr -pst -poss.3sg
* собиратть -ant.cvb все:еще =ptl идти.прочь -tr -pst -poss.3sg
He collected (his stuff) and then carried it away.
Собрал и увез.
Pear story (5) (13)
Grụːšaŋgan-da kubečen čaqra, ńaːn, čaqrịdʒụr, belridʒur horre.
gruša.R -ŋ -GE -n(I) =dE kubeč -E-n(I) čak -R(E) ńaːn čak -RIdʒI -L bel -RIdʒI -L hor -R(E)
pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg =ptl all -ep-poss.3sg gather -nonfut(3pl) also gather -ant.cvb -pl help -ant.cvb -pl go.away -nonfut(3pl)
pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg =ptl весь -ep-poss.3sg собиратть -nonfut(3pl) тоже собиратть -ant.cvb -pl помогать -ant.cvb -pl идти.прочь -nonfut(3pl)
They collected all the pears for him and, when they collected them and helped him, they left.