
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

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Search: evid. 30 total hits in 10 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (5)
Hoːnte, hoːnte ebit.
hoːnte hoːnte ebit.Y
other other evid.Y
другой другой evid.Y
Probably different.
По-другому, наверное.
Even taboos and customs (1)
Každij [e] ewen, ewen hoːntekiteŋ urečin.
každyj.R ewen ewen hoːntekiteŋ urečin
every.R Even Even different evid
каждый.R Even Even different evid
I think all Evens are different in this.
Каждый эвен делает их по своему.
The creation of animals (1)
Ajdʒịt-ta bihni ebit, tar ńọːbatị bụrkat, dʒoːr bihni ebit bụkaːtịn.
ajdʒịt =t(E) bi -R(E) -n(I) ebit.Y tar ńọːbatị bụrkat dʒoːr bi -R(E) -n(I) ebit.Y bukatïn.Y
truth =ptl be -nonfut -3sg evid.Y dist white flint two be -nonfut -3sg evid.Y completely.Y
правда =ptl быть -nonfut -3sg evid.Y dist белый flint два быть -nonfut -3sg evid.Y completely.Y
And indeed, there were white flints, two of them.
И действительно, там было два белых кварца.
The sacred reindeer (7)
"Taraw boːn urečin", goːnče.
tar -W boː -n(I) urečin goːn -čE
dist -acc give -3sg evid say -pf.ptc
dist -acc дать -3sg evid сказать -pf.ptc
"So he seems to have given me this one", he said.
"Оказывается, он дал", - говорит (мужчина).
Pear story (1) (1)
Tarịč, ịan, komolohre urečin.
tar -E-Č ịa -n(I) kömölös.Y -R(E) urečin
dist -ep-ins what -3sg help.Y -nonfut(3pl) evid
dist -ep-ins что -3sg помогать.Y -nonfut(3pl) evid
Then, what, they helped him, it seems.
Pear story (2) (3)
Talawụr bọllaːna họː nọːd bụgalkaːhal bičel ebit.
tar -(dU)LE -WUr buollaγïna.Y họː nọːd bụg -E-lkEːn -SEl bi -čE -L ebit.Y
dist -loc -prfl.pl ptl.Y very beautiful homeland -ep-prop -pl be -pf.ptc -pl evid.Y
dist -loc -prfl.pl ptl.Y очень beautiful homeland -ep-prop -pl быть -pf.ptc -pl evid.Y
They apparently had a very beautiful country there.
Cannibal story (8)
Moːntelhe biče urečin, hinkeːlden ečin, haːtaralča.
moːntelse bi -čE urečin hinkeː -L -R(E) -n(I) er -čIn haːtar -E-L -čE
early.autumn be -pf.ptc evid get.dark -pl -nonfut -3sg prox -adv darken -ep-inch -pf.ptc
рано.autumn быть -pf.ptc evid получить.темный -pl -nonfut -3sg prox -adv темнеть -ep-inch -pf.ptc
It must have been early autumn, it grew dark, it got dark.
Это было глубокой осенью, в сумерках стемнело.
Bear story (1)
Tiek pekteren-de dʒọːjan ennewen gad, tačịn ebit.
tiek pekteren =dE dʒoγojon.Y e -nnE -W -E-n(I) ga -R(E) tar -čIn ebit.Y
now shoot(neg.cvb) =ptl for.nothing.Y neg -nec.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg take -neg.cvb dist -adv evid.Y
сейчас стрелять(neg.cvb) =ptl for.ничего.Y neg -nec.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg взять -neg.cvb dist -adv evid.Y
Also, one wasn't supposed to take a gun for no reason, that's how it was.
И ружье нельзя было просто так брать.
Pear story (3) (2)
Tar meːndʒi tar grụːšaw tar kụŋaːjakaːn boːn, boːrin urečin gụrụːšaŋgan, ometeldʒi, taraw dʒebnikeːkeːn horžen.
tar meːn -DʒI tar gruša.R -W tar kụŋaː -jEkEːn boː -n(I) boː -RI -n(I) urečin gruša.R -ŋ -GE -n(I) omen -tEl -DʒI tar -W dʒeb -nIkEːn -KEːn hor -R(E) -n(I)
dist self -inst.prfl.sg dist pear.R -acc dist child -dim give -3sg give -pst -poss.3sg evid pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg one -distr -inst.prfl.sg dist -acc eat -sim.cvb -dim go.away -nonfut -3sg
dist сам -inst.prfl.sg dist pear.R -acc dist ребенок -dim дать -3sg дать -pst -poss.3sg evid pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg один -distr -inst.prfl.sg dist -acc есть -sim.cvb -dim идти.прочь -nonfut -3sg
Then that kid himself gave (her) a pear, he gave her a pear, one by one, I think, and (she?) left eating it.
Tompo in Soviet times (1)
Horridʒur dʒeː taraw, Ïtanńak, əə, ittidʒur dʒeː, tịmịnnị mụnńaktarịdʒụr dʒeː, Ïtanńaktụ dʒụːw ọːndụ hop eleken ebit goːnikeheːl, ịar...
hor -RIdʒI -L dʒe.Y tar -W Ïtanńak əə it -RIdʒI -L dʒe.Y tịmịn -n(I) munńakhta.Y -RIdʒI -L dʒe.Y Ïtanńak -DU dʒụː -W ọː -n -DU söp.Y eleken ebit.Y goːn -nIkEːn -SEl ịa -R(E)
go.away -ant.cvb -pl ptl.Y dist -acc Ïtannyak hesit see -ant.cvb -pl ptl.Y tomorrow -poss.3sg organise.assembly.Y -ant.cvb -pl ptl.Y Ïtannyak -dat house -acc do -anr -dat correct.Y enough evid.Y say -sim.cvb -pl what -nonfut(3pl)
идти.прочь -ant.cvb -pl ptl.Y dist -acc Ïtannyak hesit видеть -ant.cvb -pl ptl.Y завтра -poss.3sg organise.assembly.Y -ant.cvb -pl ptl.Y Ïtannyak -dat дом -acc делать -anr -dat correct.Y досиаточно evid.Y сказать -sim.cvb -pl что -nonfut(3pl)
They went there, took a look at that, Ïtannyak, and on the next day, they convened an assembly, decided that it would be good to build houses on Ïtannyak, and so on...
Осмотрели Ытанньак и решили на завтрашнем собрании строить дома на Ытанньаке.