
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: different. 20 total hits in 10 transcripts.
An Even farce (2)
Erro, oːnteč!
erro hoːnte-Č
INTJ different-INS
МЕЖД different-INS
Oh, amazing!
Ой, удивительно!
Spirits (4)
Hoːnteki gerbelken binneŋeːten.
hoːnteki gerbe-lkEn bi-nnEŋEːt-E-N(I)
different name-PROPR be-NEC-0-POSS.3SG
different name-ПРОПР быть-НЕЦ-0-ПОСС.3ЕД
People should have different names.
Разные имена должны быть.
Cannibal story (2)
Ee, bejduk hoːnte.
ee bej -DUk(U) hoːnte
intj man -abl different
intj мужчина -abl different
Oh, different from a human.
Even taboos and customs (1)
Každij [e] ewen, ewen hoːntekiteŋ urečin.
každyj.R ewen ewen hoːntekiteŋ urečin
every.R Even Even different evid
каждый.R Even Even different evid
I think all Evens are different in this.
Каждый эвен делает их по своему.
Even ghost stories (2)
Tar araːhnaj ukčeːnek ečin bọlla.
tar araːhïnaj.Y ukčeːnek er -čIn buolla.Y
dist different.Y story prox -adv ptl.Y
dist different.Y story prox -adv ptl.Y
There are different stories.
Есть разные рассказы про него.
A conversation about Even culture (3)
Hibien goːŋner hunŋil, hoːnteki?
sibien.Y goːn -Gr(E) -R(E) hun -ŋI -L hoːnteki
ghost.Y say -hab -nonfut 2pl.obl -pred.poss -pl different
ghost.Y сказать -hab -nonfut 2pl.obl -pred.poss -pl different
And still different, do your people say 'hibien' (ghost)?
А еще есть другое название, другое слово, хибен.
Tompo in Soviet times (3)
Tadụ araːhnaj họːja aj bejil, ajịl halajaːččịl gurgewčiritnen.
tar -DU araːhïnaj.Y họːja aj bej -E-L aj -L salajaːččï.Y -L gurge -wčI -RI -tEn
dist -dat different.Y many good man -ep-pl good -pl administrator.Y -pl work -vr -pst -poss.3pl
dist -dat different.Y много хороший мужчина -ep-pl хороший -pl administrator.Y -pl работать -vr -pst -poss.3pl
Many different good people worked there, good administrators.
Там работали хорошие начальники, разные люди. / Разные люди работали начальниками.
Biblical stories (1)
Araːs egdʒen ụdandʒịjdʒaːjnakan ńaːn hirkečew geleːtečel ečin.
araːs.Y egdʒen ụdan -D -dʒEːn -REk -E-n(I) ńaːn hirkeče -W gele -Č -čE -L er -čIn
different big rain -prog -dur -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg also hot.weather -acc search -res -pf.ptc -pl prox -adv
different большой rain -prog -dur -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg тоже горячий.weather -acc искать -res -pf.ptc -pl prox -adv
Also, when there was a lot of rain, they required heat.
Людям не нравился большой дожь, посылал жару.
The creation of animals (1)
Minu hoːntel emie dʒebdeːwur ńekkoːtte, esten hepkudeːwur.
min -W hoːnte -L emie.Y dʒeb -DEː -WUr nek -WEːČ -R(E) e -R(E) -tEn hepke -DEː -WUr
1sg.obl -acc different -pl again.Y eat -purp.cvb -prfl.pl do -gnr -nonfut(3pl) neg -nonfut -distr catch -purp.cvb -prfl.pl
1sg.obl -acc different -pl снова.Y есть -purp.cvb -prfl.pl делать -gnr -nonfut(3pl) neg -nonfut -distr catch -purp.cvb -prfl.pl
"Many wanted to eat me, but they couldn't catch me."
- Меня многие хотели съесть, но не могли поймать.
A short chat about family (1)
Nu kańešna, araːhnaj [ebeh] ebehel ikeːtnen họːja bọlla, ee, [ew] ewediw [n] ịaw-karịa nọːtaw haːrị bejdu.
nu.R konečno.R araːhïnaj.Y ewen -SEl ikeː -tEn họːja buolla.Y ee ewen -DI -W ịa -W =kErIE nota.R -W haː -RI bej -DU
ptl.R of.course.R different.Y Even -pl song -poss.3pl many ptl.Y intj Even -adjr -acc what -acc =contr music.note.R -acc know -impf.ptc man -dat
ptl.R of.course.R different.Y Even -pl песня -poss.3pl много ptl.Y intj Even -adjr -acc что -acc =contr music.note.R -acc know -impf.ptc мужчина -dat
Of course, there are many different Even songs, for a person that knows Even, uhm, music notes.
Ну, конечно, эвенских песен много, для человека, знающего эвенские ноты.