
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: cvb. 728 total hits in 18 transcripts.
Biblical stories (93)
Tar [pu] bej ịanịkaːn, kokeːnikeːn toːr goːnikeːn.
tar bej ịa -nIkEːn kokeː -nIkEːn toːr goːn -nIkEːn
dist man what -sim.cvb die -sim.cvb earth say -sim.cvb
dist мужчина что -sim.cvb умереть -sim.cvb earth сказать -sim.cvb
So that man, erm, dies on that earth.
Chat about an Evenki film (80)
ịa -mI
what -cond.cvb
что -cond.cvb
Cannibal story (108)
ịmaː -R(E)
bury -neg.cvb
bury -neg.cvb
A conversation about Even culture (137)
ịa -mI
what -cond.cvb
что -cond.cvb
Stories of God and the Devil (37)
Ŋen bim(i) edeːji ičukeːn ńekče.
ŋịn bi -mI e -DE -J it -WkEːn nek -čE
dog be -cond.cvb neg -purp.cvb -prfl.sg see -caus(neg.cvb) do -pf.ptc
собака быть -cond.cvb neg -purp.cvb -prfl.sg видеть -caus(neg.cvb) делать -pf.ptc
The dog didn't want to show.
Black force and White force (15)
"ereger hịawịtnịkaːn,"
ereger hịawịt -nIkEːn
always illuminate -sim.cvb
всегда illuminate -sim.cvb
"always shining,"
и свети,
Even taboos and customs (29)
Tar ụrawmị ịamị ennej meːle dʒepte, ečin kewedʒi ịanịkaːn-ka, iːtči ịanịkaːn-kana, [...] čịkịnịkaːn hịrkaːń ịanịkaːn dʒebennej, tọbọń ịanịkaːn.
tar ụra -W -mI ịa -mI ennej meːne.Y dʒeb -R(E) er -čIn kewe -DʒI ịa -nIkEːn =kkE iːt -DʒI ịa -nIkEːn =kEnE čịkị -nIkEːn hịrkaːn -Č ịa -nIkEːn dʒeb -E-nnE -J topor.R -Č ịa -nIkEːn
dist miss.aim -advrs -cond.cvb what -cond.cvb sin simply.Y eat -neg.cvb prox -adv jaw -inst.prfl.sg what -sim.cvb =emph tooth -inst.prfl.sg what -sim.cvb =contr cut.off -sim.cvb knife -ins what -sim.cvb eat -ep-nec.ptc -prfl.sg axe.R -ins what -sim.cvb
dist пропустить.aim -advrs -cond.cvb что -cond.cvb sin ппросто.Y есть -neg.cvb prox -adv jaw -inst.prfl.sg что -sim.cvb =emph зуб -inst.prfl.sg что -sim.cvb =contr резать.off -sim.cvb нож -ins что -sim.cvb есть -ep-nec.ptc -prfl.sg топор.R -ins что -sim.cvb
And if it (gets accidentally shot by) missing (the real target) or something like that, it is a sin to eat it just like that, doing it like that with the jaws, doing it with the teeth, but it has to be eaten so that (pieces) are cut off with a knife, or with an axe.
Если промахнулся (на охоте) и это нельзя просто так съесть, и мясо нельзя жевать зубами, и ножом резать, соскаблевать с костей, топором рубя.
The sacred reindeer (37)
Tačịn goːnikeːn mịalča hukleːdnikeːn.
tar -čIn goːn -nIkEːn mịal -čE hukleː -D -nIkEːn
dist -adv say -sim.cvb awake -pf.ptc sleep -prog -sim.cvb
dist -adv сказать -sim.cvb awake -pf.ptc спать -prog -sim.cvb
Thinking about this, he woke up from his sleep.
Так думая и проснулся.
Tompo in Soviet times (37)
"Emi, emi ụtụlda taraw kojeːčelde, erew teŋkew."
e -mI e -mI ụtal -R(E) tar -W kojeː -Č -(LI)lrE er -W teŋke -W
neg -cond.cvb neg -cond.cvb understand -neg.cvb dist -acc look -res -imp.2pl prox -acc dense.forest -acc
neg -cond.cvb neg -cond.cvb understand -neg.cvb dist -acc смотреть -res -imp.2pl prox -acc dense.лес -acc
"If you don't believe this, take a look at it, at that forest, for yourselves."
«Если не верите посмотрите сами». /«Идите осмотрите этот лес».
Pear story (5) (24)
Ịaw-da enikeːn goːn horre.
ịa -W =dE e -nIkEːn goːn hor -R(E)
what -acc =ptl neg -sim.cvb say(neg.cvb) go.away -nonfut(3pl)
что -acc =ptl neg -sim.cvb сказать(neg.cvb) идти.прочь -nonfut(3pl)
They said nothing and left.