
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: completely. 70 total hits in 11 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (24)
Glove and love (1)
Bukeːtin ajịč.
bukatïn.Y aj-E-Č
completely.Y good-0-INS
completely.Y хороший-0-INS
Quite beautifully.
Совсем, очень красиво.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Bujuŋeńdʒej ịan-karịa bukaːtịn maːhannan.
bujun-ŋ-E-ńdʒE-J ịa-N(I)=kArV bukatïn.Y maː-s(E)N-R(E)-N(I)
wild:reindeer-AL-0-AUG-POSS.REFL.SG do:what-3SG CONTR completely.Y kill-LIM-NONFUT-3SG
дикий:олень-AL-0-AUG-ПОСС.РЕФЛ.ЕД что:делать-3ЕД CONTR completely.Y убить-ЛИМ-NONFUT-3ЕД
He, uhm, killed the big wild reindeer.
Он попал в этого большого дикого оленя.
The creation of animals (7)
Bụkaːtịn họː-ńun iːpkij.
bukatïn.Y họː =ńUn iːpkij
completely.Y very =only soft
completely.Y очень =only soft
And very very soft/flabby.
Очень рыхлая.
Spirits (1)
Bukeːten durniken ńoːweːtten dụːhan, goːnni.
bukatïn.Y DUR-nIkEn ńoː-WEːČ-R(E)-N(I) duša.R-N(I) goːn-N(I)
completely.Y burn-SIM.CVB go:out-GNR-NONFUT-3SG soul.R-POSS.3SG say-3SG
completely.Y burn-SIM.КОНВ выйти-GNR-NONFUT-3ЕД soul.R-ПОСС.3ЕД сказать-3ЕД
"When the body burns up completely, the soul comes out", he said.
"Совсем сгоря, выходит душа",-сказал.
Cannibal story (23)
Nu, ŋọnọm bụkatịn bisin.
nu.R ŋọnam bukatïn.Y bi -RI -n(I)
ptl.R long completely.Y be -pst -poss.3sg
ptl.R длинный completely.Y быть -pst -poss.3sg
But it was very long.
Even ghost stories (2)
Tar bụkaːtịn amtantan [...] ajị-da ajị.
tar bukatïn.Y amta -n -tEn aj =dE aj
dist completely.Y smell -mult -poss.3pl good =ptl good
dist completely.Y smell -mult -poss.3pl хороший =ptl хороший
They have a very good sense of smell.
У них очень развит нюх.
The sacred reindeer (5)
Hiːgridʒur bụkaːtịn adị-da dọlbọnịw dʒepte bọlla.
hiːg -RIdʒI -L bukatïn.Y adị =dE dọlbanị -W dʒeb -R(E) buolla.Y
flay -ant.cvb -pl completely.Y how.much =ptl night -acc eat -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y
flay -ant.cvb -pl completely.Y как.много =ptl ночь -acc есть -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y
When he flayed it, they ate it for a couple of days.
Мясо тарбагана они ели несколько дней.
Tompo in Soviet times (1)
Tarak goːnni: "Erek bụkaːtịn keːńelidu-de ọːpča", goːnni.
tar -k goːn -n(I) er -k bukatïn.Y keːńeli -DU =dE ọː -B -čE goːn -n(I)
dist -nom say -3sg prox -nom completely.Y bad -dat =ptl do -med -pf.ptc say -3sg
dist -nom сказать -3sg prox -nom completely.Y плохой -dat =ptl делать -med -pf.ptc сказать -3sg
He said: "All that is built on a very bad location".
Он ответил: «Это все, строительство и постройки сделали на плохой местности». /Он сказал: «На очень плохом месте построили»,- говорит.
Black force and White force (4)
"Hakarịm [ńọːbatị], hakarịm mergem bụkaːtịn aːtčaltadʒịm", goːnče.
hakarịn -W ńọːbatị hakarịn -W mergen -W bukatïn.Y aːtča -ltE -DʒI -m goːn -čE
black -acc white black -acc force -acc completely.Y neg.ex -vr -fut -1sg say -pf.ptc
черный -acc белый черный -acc force -acc completely.Y neg.ex -vr -fut -1sg сказать -pf.ptc
"I will completely destroy the Black [White], Black Force", he said.
- Сделаю так, чтоб черная сила изчезла.