
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: com. 24 total hits in 9 transcripts.
Even ghost stories (1)
Beju-diː beledeːwur-ńun.
bej -W =dIː.Y bel -DEː -WUr -ńUn
man -acc =emph.Y help -purp.cvb -prfl.pl -com
мужчина -acc =emph.Y помогать -purp.cvb -prfl.pl -com
Only in order to help people.
A conversation about Even culture (9)
Ŋuːnet-ńun haŋaːngarar goːli.
ŋuːn -E-Č -ńUn haŋaːn -Gr(E) -R(E) goːn -LI
straight -ep-ins -com sew -hab -nonfut(3pl) say -imp.2sg
straight -ep-ins -com шить -hab -nonfut(3pl) сказать -imp.2sg
They simply sew them (sc. male coats) straight.
Просто прямо шьют.
Chat about an Evenki film (4)
Ŋiːńun-de-tič ọddịn ukčeːnmettij.
ŋiː -ńUn =dE =tIt ọd -RI -n(I) ukčeːn -mEČ -RI -J
who -com =ptl =ptl finish -pst -poss.3sg tell -rec -impf.ptc -prfl.sg
кто -com =ptl =ptl закончить -pst -poss.3sg говорить -rec -impf.ptc -prfl.sg
He stopped talking to everybody.
Even taboos and customs (3)
Dʒupkeki beju ọːn ịmaːgračal, bej kokeːreken?
dʒupkeki bej -W ọːn ịmaː -Gr(E) -čEl bej kokeː -REk -E-n(I)
precisely man -acc how bury -hab -com.rel man die -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg
precisely мужчина -acc как bury -hab -com.rel мужчина умереть -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg
And before, how were people buried when they died?
- А раньше, как хоронили человека когда он умирал?
The sacred reindeer (1)
Dʒe, emdidʒi, dʒụːlaj emdidʒi, oreŋčinikeːčeːkeːr er, ịaŋčaːnčal, edʒek ọrčaːnčal emnikeːn.
dʒe.Y em -RIdʒI dʒụː -(dU)LE -J em -RIdʒI oren -Č -nIkEːn -kEːkEːn -L er ịa -ŋ -KEːn -čEl edʒek ọran -KEn -čEl em -nIkEːn
ptl.Y come -ant.cvb house -loc -prfl.sg come -ant.cvb get.happy -res -sim.cvb -dim -pl prox what -aln -dim -com.rel sacred.reindeer reindeer -dim -com.rel come -sim.cvb
ptl.Y прийти -ant.cvb дом -loc -prfl.sg прийти -ant.cvb получить.счастливый -res -sim.cvb -dim -pl prox что -aln -dim -com.rel sacred.олень олень -dim -com.rel прийти -sim.cvb
So, when he went, went home, they were both happy, when he came with his, uhm, little sacred reindeer.
Когда он вернулся домой, они очень радовались, когда вернулся с олененком.
Cannibal story (2)
No, staːdagčin bih bụọlla ečin beketčur ịal-kana uruːl-de ịal-da, omettu tar ịal-kana, dʒaːlčal, dʒaːlčal beketčur omettu-de.
no.R stado.R -G(E)čIn bi -R(E) buolla.Y er -čIn bekeč -DʒUr ịa -L =kEnE uruː.Y -L =dE ịa -L =dE omettu tar ịa -L =kEnE dʒaː -L -čEl dʒaː -L -čEl bekeč -DʒUr omettu =dE
but.R herd.R -sml be -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y prox -adv all -inst.prfl.pl what -pl =contr relative.Y -pl =ptl what -pl =ptl together dist what -pl =contr relative -pl -com.rel relative -pl -com.rel all -inst.prfl.pl together =ptl
но.R herd.R -sml быть -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y prox -adv весь -inst.prfl.pl что -pl =contr relative.Y -pl =ptl что -pl =ptl together dist что -pl =contr relative -pl -com.rel relative -pl -com.rel весь -inst.prfl.pl together =ptl
As a herd, all the, uhm, relatives and others all lived together, uhm, with relatives, with all the relatives together.
Как в стаде жили все родственники, с родственниками вместе.
Tompo in Soviet times (1)
Tarak Čụdịnaːp Kụmkanda naːldịdụn ọskọlaw ọːwkaːnịn, internaːtńụn omendu.
tar -k Čudinov.R Kụmkanda naːldị -DU -n(I) škola.R -W ọː -WkEːn -RI -n(I) internat.R -ńUn omen -DU
dist -nom Chudinov.R Kumkanda tributary -dat -poss.3sg school.R -acc do -caus -pst -poss.3sg boarding.school.R -com one -dat
dist -nom Chudinov.R Kumkanda tributary -dat -poss.3sg школа.R -acc делать -caus -pst -poss.3sg boarding.школа.R -com один -dat
That Chudinov had the school built on a tributary of Kumkanda, (a school) and a boarding school in one.
По распоряжению Чудинова, где-то на притоке реки Комканди, построили школу и интернат.
Biblical stories (2)
Mụralkaːn ọranńụn ịaw-ka ịaw-ka tesčimettoːtte, esem dʒọŋčịr.
mụran -E-lkEːn ọran -ńUn ịa -W =kkE ịa -W =kkE tes -sčI -mEČ -WEːČ -R(E) e -R(E) -m dʒọn -Č -R(E)
horse -ep-prop reindeer -com what -acc =emph what -acc =emph delouse -conat -rec -gnr -nonfut(3pl) neg -nonfut -1sg remember -res -neg.cvb
horse -ep-prop олень -com что -acc =emph что -acc =emph delouse -conat -rec -gnr -nonfut(3pl) neg -nonfut -1sg remember -res -neg.cvb
Reindeer and horse used to delouse each other or something, I don't remember.
Лошадь и олень до этого что-то не поделили, я не помню.
Pear story (4) (1)
Aːwmị-da beririn, tala tikewrin, ńaːn qụŋaːlńun nọŋan tawụddịn.
aːwan -W -J =dE beri -RI -n(I) tar -(dU)LE tik -E-W -RI -n(I) ńaːn kụŋaː -L -ńUn nọŋan taw -E-D -RI -n(I)
hat -acc -prfl.sg =ptl lose -pst -poss.3sg dist -loc fall -ep-advrs -pst -poss.3sg also child -pl -com 3sg gather -ep-prog -pst -poss.3sg
hat -acc -prfl.sg =ptl потерять -pst -poss.3sg dist -loc fall -ep-advrs -pst -poss.3sg тоже ребенок -pl -com 3sg собиратть -ep-prog -pst -poss.3sg
And he lost his hat, he dropped it there, and he was collecting (sc. his stuff) together with the children.
И шапку потерял, там уронил, и стал подбирать с ребятами.