
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

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Search: burn. 7 total hits in 5 transcripts.
Spirits (2)
Bukeːten durniken ńoːweːtten dụːhan, goːnni.
bukatïn.Y DUR-nIkEn ńoː-WEːČ-R(E)-N(I) duša.R-N(I) goːn-N(I)
completely.Y burn-SIM.CVB go:out-GNR-NONFUT-3SG soul.R-POSS.3SG say-3SG
completely.Y burn-SIM.КОНВ выйти-GNR-NONFUT-3ЕД soul.R-ПОСС.3ЕД сказать-3ЕД
"When the body burns up completely, the soul comes out", he said.
"Совсем сгоря, выходит душа",-сказал.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Dʒe tarpač nọŋartan gụlụŋawụr ịat-karịa bụrkatač kụlụtnịkahal bičel.
dʒe.Y tarbač nọŋartan gụlụn-GE-WUr ịak-Č=kArV bụrkat-E-Č kụlụt-nIkEn-SEl bi-čE-L
They lit their fire with, uhm, flints.
Огонь они разжигали посредством натерания камня о камень.
Black force and White force (2)
"Egdʒen tọg tọgọldakan ńamhị bọdịːdʒị degendʒim", tačịn goːnče.
egdʒen tọg tọg -E-L -REk -E-n(I) ńamsị bọdịː -DʒI deg -E-n -DʒI -m tar -čIn goːn -čE
big fire burn -ep-inch -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg warm fire -inst.prfl.sg fly -ep-mult -fut -1sg dist -adv say -pf.ptc
большой огонь burn -ep-inch -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg теплый огонь -inst.prfl.sg летать -ep-mult -fut -1sg dist -adv сказать -pf.ptc
"If the big fire begins to burn, I will fly away as a hot burning", - said he.
- Когда большой огонь случится, я превратившись в теплый пожар буду летать.
Tompo in Soviet times (1)
Butumen tọggọn duruttiwen ịawan, atapalenịalkaːn ịlkan dʒụːw ọːwkaːn-da.
büttüːn.Y -W -E-n(I) tọg -GE -n(I) dur -U -Č -RI -W -E-n(I) ịa -W -E-n(I) otoplenie.R -lkEːn ịlkan dʒụː -W ọː -WkEːn =dE
all.Y -acc -ep-poss.3sg fire -desig -poss.3sg burn -tr -res -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg what -acc -ep-poss.3sg heating.R -prop real house -acc do -caus(-nonfut.3pl) =ptl
весь.Y -acc -ep-poss.3sg огонь -desig -poss.3sg burn -tr -res -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg что -acc -ep-poss.3sg heating.R -prop настоящий дом -acc делать -caus(-nonfut.3pl) =ptl
And they made electricity burning for all [lit.: burning of the fire for all] etc., and proper houses with heating.
И стали в Тополинном строить благоустроенные дома. Надо провести свет, отопление.
Bear story (1)
Elbuŋur mereːkič allakan tọgọrakan ńulten heːrigčinni, heːriwen ŋendin.
elbun -ŋ -WUr mereːti -Č al -REk -E-n(I) tọg -REk -E-n(I) ńolten hie -RI -G(E)čIn -n(I) hie -RI -W -E-n(I) ŋen -RI -n(I)
big.yurt -aln -prflround -ins reach.out -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg burn -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg sun appear -impf.ptc -sml -poss.3sg appear -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg go -pst -poss.3sg
большой.чум -aln -prflround -ins достичь.из -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg burn -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg солнце появиться -impf.ptc -sml -poss.3sg появиться -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg идти -pst -poss.3sg
Their tents were all around and the fires were lit, and she went there where the sun was going out.