
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: both. 6 total hits in 4 transcripts.
Birds in love (2)
Taraŋman ittidʒur [g] ịadʒalannaːttan??? teːrintekin
tar-ŋ-W-E-N(I) it-RIdʒI-L teːrin-t(E)kI-N(I)
DIST-AL-АКК-0-ПОСС.3ЕД видеть-ANT.КОНВ-МН both-весь-ПОСС.3ЕД
Увидев ее, стали говорить:
Taraŋman ittidʒur [g] ịadʒalannaːttan??? teːrintekin
tar-ŋ-W-E-N(I) it-RIdʒI-L teːrin-t(E)kI-N(I)
DIST-AL-АКК-0-ПОСС.3ЕД видеть-ANT.КОНВ-МН both-весь-ПОСС.3ЕД
Увидев ее, стали говорить:
A conversation about Even culture (1)
Teːrin iː, tawụr ịlga gerben.
teːrin iː tar -WUr ịlga gerbe -n(I)
both.sides ptl dist -prfl.pl ornament name -poss.3sg
both.sides ptl dist -prfl.pl ornament name -poss.3sg
On both sides, that's called 'ịlga' (ornament on female coats around the waist).
Это называют илга.
Bear story (1)
Tawụr kurgenni teːringič, [...] ńaːn detle er.
tar -WUr korgen -n(I) teːrin -GIČ ńaːn det -(dU)LE er
dist -prfl.pl bellows -poss.3sg both.sides -elat also tundra -loc prox
dist -prfl.pl bellows -poss.3sg both.sides -elat тоже тундра -loc prox
Bellows were on both sides, and from there in the tundra.