
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: away. 72 total hits in 17 transcripts.
Cannibal story (16)
Tar [hor]...
tar hor
dist go.away
dist идти.прочь
That ...
Spirits (1)
Kịbịttịdʒur ńan golinneh idu-de ŋiː-de ennedun huŋdir, gọrịn.
kïbït.Y-RIdʒI-L ńaːn goli-nnE-s(I) ir-DU=DE ŋiː=DE e-nnE-DU-N(I) huŋri-R(E) gọr
press:down.Y-ANT.CVB-PL and lay-NEC.PTC-POSS.2SG which-DAT=DP who=DP NEG-NEC.PTC-DAT-POSS.3SG touch-NEG.CVB away
press:down.Y-ANT.КОНВ-МН and lay-НЕЦ.ПРИЧ-ПОСС.2ЕД который-ДАТ=DP кто=DP НЕГ-НЕЦ.ПРИЧ-ДАТ-ПОСС.3ЕД touch-НЕГ.КОНВ прочь
Once it has been pressed down, one has to bury it somewhere, so that nobody can touch it, far away.
Придавив, ещё захоронишь где-нибудь, чтобы никто не трогал, далеко.
Pear story (4) (3)
Horriten qụŋaːl.
hor -RI -tEn kụŋaː -L
go.away -pst -poss.3pl child -pl
идти.прочь -pst -poss.3pl ребенок -pl
The children went away.
Ушли ребята.
The creation of animals (5)
Erek bej horče, horridʒi, goːnni, urekčeːm, kadaːrụ ọjčịča.
er -k bej hor -čE hor -RIdʒI goːn -n(I) urekčeːn -W kadaːr -W ọjčị -čE
prox -nom man go.away -pf.ptc go.away -ant.cvb say -3sg mountain -acc rock -acc climb -pf.ptc
prox -nom мужчина идти.прочь -pf.ptc идти.прочь -ant.cvb сказать -3sg гора -acc камень -acc climb -pf.ptc
And this man left, and when he left, he probably climbed a mountain, a rock.
Этот человек пошел дальше. Поднялся на горы, на скалы и смотрит.
Pear story (2) (3)
Dʒeː tarpač tar horehenen.
dʒe.Y tarbač tar hor -E-s(E)n -R(E) -n(I)
ptl.Y ptl dist ptl go.away -ep-lim -nonfut -3sg
ptl.Y ptl dist ptl идти.прочь -ep-lim -nonfut -3sg
So he finally set off.
Pear story (5) (10)
[veːl'ik, veːli] Vilosipeːdle neːdidʒi horrin.
velik.R velosiped.R -(dU)LE neː -RIdʒI hor -RI -n(I)
bicycle.R bycicle.R -loc put -ant.cvb go.away -pst -poss.3sg
bicycle.R bycicle.R -loc положить -ant.cvb идти.прочь -pst -poss.3sg
He put it on a bicycle and left.
A conversation about Even culture (3)
Orendi [laughter], talị horroːtten iː!
oren -RI tar -(dU)LI hor -WEːČ -R(E) -n(I) iː
get.happy -impf.ptcdist -prol go.away -gnr -nonfut -3sg ptl
получить.счастливый -impf.ptcdist -prol идти.прочь -gnr -nonfut -3sg ptl
Cheerful... he went there.
Там пошел.
Bear story (3)
Ńaːn emče, horče, moːleče [...]
ńaːn em -čE hor -čE moːle -čE
also come -pf.ptc go.away -pf.ptc fetch.water -pf.ptc
тоже прийти -pf.ptc идти.прочь -pf.ptc принести.вода -pf.ptc
So whe came, went, fetched water [...].
она пошла за водой.
Chat about an Evenki film (13)
"Ọːq-ta emuken horre", goːnikeːn.
ọːk =dE e -miken hor -R(E) goːn -nIkEːn
when =ptl neg -imp.2sg go.away -neg.cvb say -sim.cvb
когда =ptl neg -imp.2sg идти.прочь -neg.cvb сказать -sim.cvb
"Don't ever come back", he said.
- Никогда не возвращайся! - сказал.
Pear story (3) (3)
Ee, meːndʒi čakrịdʒị horžen.
ee meːn -DʒI čak -RIdʒI hor -R(E) -n(I)
intj self -inst.prfl.sg gather -ant.cvb go.away -nonfut -3sg
intj сам -inst.prfl.sg собиратть -ant.cvb идти.прочь -nonfut -3sg
So, having gathered them by himself, he went away.