
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: and. 34 total hits in 18 transcripts.
Tompo in Soviet times (8)
Birds in love (1)
Taraŋatan kedrovka i sojka, bi-jer bụọlla.
tar-E-ŋ-E-tEn kedrovka.R i.R sojka.R buolla.Y
DIST-0-AL-0-POSS.3PL kedrowka.R and.R sojka.R DP.Y
DIST-0-AL-0-ПОСС.3МН kedrowka.R and.R sojka.R DP.Y
It is "kedrovka i sojka".
Taraŋatan kedrovka i sojka, bi-jer bụọlla.
tar-E-ŋ-E-tEn kedrovka.R i.R sojka.R buolla.Y
DIST-0-AL-0-POSS.3PL kedrowka.R and.R sojka.R DP.Y
DIST-0-AL-0-ПОСС.3МН kedrowka.R and.R sojka.R DP.Y
It is "kedrovka i sojka".
"Кедровка и сойка".
A lighthearted exchange (2)
Neːridʒi kataːram, ńaːn-dakaːja emedden, Piečka.
neː-RIdʒI khataː.Y-R(E)-m ńaːn=DE-kEːjE em-E-D-R(E)-N(I), Pet'ka
put-ANT.CVB lock.Y-NONFUT-1SG and=DP-AUG come-0-PROG-NONFUT-3SG Pet'ka
положить-ANT.КОНВ lock.Y-NONFUT-1ЕД and=DP-AUG прийти-0-PROG-NONFUT-3ЕД Pet'ka
I put them in and locked them up, and there he's coming again, Pet'ka.
Положила вот это все, закрыла, он опять идет, Петька.
The raven and the crow (2)
Ńamsị toːrle horgeren, a vọːrọn edu bih(ni).
ńamsị toːr-(dU)LE hor-Gr(E)-N(I) a.R voron.R er-DU bi-R(E)-N(I)
warm land-LOC go:away-HAB-3SG and.R raven.R PROX-DAT be-NONFUT-3SG
теплый земля-ЛОК go:away-ХАБ-3ЕД and.R raven.R PROX-ДАТ быть-NONFUT-3ЕД
It goes to the south, and the raven stays here.
Вороны улетают в теплые края, а ворон здесь бывает.
The sacred reindeer (3)
Nọŋardụlatnan [nọŋar] gụlụntan ere bihni bọlla, ụọnna hoːntetnen ịatnan-da ačča.
nọŋan-L-(dU)LE-tEn nọŋan-E-r gụlụn-tEn ere.Y bi-R(E)-N(I) buolla.Y ụọnna.Y hoːnte-tEn ịak-tEn=dE ačča
3SG-PL-LOC-POSS.3PL 3SG-0-3PL bonfire-POSS.3PL only.Y be-NONFUT-POSS.3SG DP.Y and.Y other-POSS.3PL what-POSS.3PL=DP NEG.EXC
3ЕД-МН-ЛОК-ПОСС.3МН 3ЕД-0-3МН bonfire-ПОСС.3МН only.Y быть-NONFUT-ПОСС.3ЕД DP.Y and.Y другой-ПОСС.3МН что-ПОСС.3МН=DP НЕГ.EXC
They only had a fire burning, and there was nothing else.
У них только огонь горел, ничего другого не было.
Spirits (2)
Kịbịttịdʒur ńan golinneh idu-de ŋiː-de ennedun huŋdir, gọrịn.
kïbït.Y-RIdʒI-L ńaːn goli-nnE-s(I) ir-DU=DE ŋiː=DE e-nnE-DU-N(I) huŋri-R(E) gọr
press:down.Y-ANT.CVB-PL and lay-NEC.PTC-POSS.2SG which-DAT=DP who=DP NEG-NEC.PTC-DAT-POSS.3SG touch-NEG.CVB away
press:down.Y-ANT.КОНВ-МН and lay-НЕЦ.ПРИЧ-ПОСС.2ЕД который-ДАТ=DP кто=DP НЕГ-НЕЦ.ПРИЧ-ДАТ-ПОСС.3ЕД touch-НЕГ.КОНВ прочь
Once it has been pressed down, one has to bury it somewhere, so that nobody can touch it, far away.
Придавив, ещё захоронишь где-нибудь, чтобы никто не трогал, далеко.
Black force and White force (1)
Hakarịn mergen ńaːn ńọːbatị mergen ukčeːnmečeketnen.
hakarịn mergen ńaːn ńọːbatị mergen ukčeːnmeček -E-tEn
black force and white force conversation -ep-poss.3pl
черный force and белый force conversation -ep-poss.3pl
A Conversation between the Black Force and the White Force
Разговор черной силы и белой силы.
Even taboos and customs (2)
I, ịak-kana, emie iːndʒij, [...] maːča.
i.R ịa -k =kEnE emie iːndʒi -J maː -čE
and.R what -nom =contr again tendon -prfl.sg hurt -pf.ptc
and.R что -nom =contr снова tendon -prfl.sg hurt -pf.ptc
And he, uhm, also hurt his own tendons [...]
A conversation about Even culture (2)
Tarawụ ụọnna ọškọla etlewu iːre.
tar -W uonna.Y škola.R e -dle -W iː -R(E)
dist -acc and.Y school.R neg -trm.cvb -poss.1sg come.in -neg.cvb
dist -acc and.Y школа.R neg -trm.cvb -poss.1sg прийти.в -neg.cvb
And that was before I went to school.
Тогда я еще не ходил в школу.