
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

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Search: advrs. 38 total hits in 13 transcripts.
Pear story (1) (1)
A conversation about Even culture (7)
Even ghost stories (6)
Ọttọ(n) heːjek?
otton.Y heːjek
advrs.ptl.Y demon
advrs.ptl.Y demon
And what is heyek then?
А тогда хэек, кто?
Even taboos and customs (2)
Dʒulle ukčeːngerer ọttọn.
dʒul -(dU)LE ukčeːn -Gr(E) -R(E) otton.Y
front.side -loc tell -hab -nonfut(3pl) advrs.ptl.Y
перед.сторона -loc говорить -hab -nonfut(3pl) advrs.ptl.Y
Yes, they used to tell stories.
Да, рассказывали.
Biblical stories (2)
Togomi tar aːč toːrene goːwri ŋịn ọːča.
tiemi tar aːč toːre -n -LE goːn -W -RI ŋịn ọː -čE
therefore dist neg speak -anr -prv say -advrs -impf.ptc dog become -pf.ptc
therefore dist neg говорить -anr -prv сказать -advrs -impf.ptc собака become -pf.ptc
That's why dogs became unable to speak.
С тех пор собака перестала говорить.
Chat about an Evenki film (3)
"Maːn, er, er nasụqawram [nen] nendekeːčeːmi."
maː -n(I) er er nas -E-k -E-W -R(E) -m nendekeː -KEːn -J
kill -3sg prox prox tear -ep-nom -ep-advrs -nonfut -1sg tunic -dim -prfl.sg
убить -3sg prox prox рвать -ep-nom -ep-advrs -nonfut -1sg tunic -dim -prfl.sg
"He hurt me, there, he tore my tunic!"
Вот, порванная рубаха!
Cannibal story (8)
Ehni ọttọn tar, ečin-de dʒọŋčịmị-de eten, himbir ewer tarbačal ọttọn ečel bihi bidʒir.
e -R(E) -n(I) otton.Y tar er -čIn =dE dʒọŋčị -mI =dE e -DʒI -n(I) sin biːr.Y ewen -L tarbač -E-L otton.Y e -čE -L bi -RI bi -DʒI -r
neg -nonfut -3sg advrs.ptl.Y dist prox -adv =ptl remember -cond.cvb =ptl neg -fut -3sg anyway.Y Even -pl such -ep-pl advrs.ptl.Y neg -pf.ptc -pl be -impf.ptc be -fut -3pl
neg -nonfut -3sg advrs.ptl.Y dist prox -adv =ptl remember -cond.cvb =ptl neg -fut -3sg anyway.Y Even -pl such -ep-pl advrs.ptl.Y neg -pf.ptc -pl быть -impf.ptc быть -fut -3pl
But of course, it is not the case, even though I remember it, right, nevertheless, the Evens were probably not like that.
Такую помню, но эвены не были такими.
Bear story (1)
Ee, haːwan dʒe awgịdawan-ka asịdụ esten dʒebukeːŋner.
ee haː -W -E-n(I) dʒe.Y aw -gIdE -W -E-n(I) =kkE asị -DU e -R(E) -tEn dʒeb -WkEːn -Gr(E) -R(E)
intj few -advrs -ep-poss.3sg ptl.Y which -nr -acc -ep-poss.3sg =emph woman -dat neg -nonfut -poss.3pl eat -caus -hab -neg.cvb
intj несколько -advrs -ep-poss.3sg ptl.Y который -nr -acc -ep-poss.3sg =emph женщина -dat neg -nonfut -poss.3pl есть -caus -hab -neg.cvb
Ah, a few pieces from some part of him are not given to women.
Э, какую-то часть не дают женщине.
The creation of animals (1)
"Dʒeː, ọttọn entekeːje ere dʒebemelmi, tarakam ere baγar minu bejŋuwreli", goːnče.
dʒe.Y otton.Y entekeːje ere.Y dʒeb -E-m -E-L -mI tarakam ere.Y baγar.Y min -W bejŋe -Gr(E) -LI goːn -čE
ptl.Y advrs.ptl.Y very only.Y eat -ep-des -ep-inch -cond.cvb then only.Y maybe.Y 1sg.obl -acc hunt -hab -imp.2sg say -pf.ptc
ptl.Y advrs.ptl.Y очень only.Y есть -ep-des -ep-inch -cond.cvb тогда only.Y может:быть.Y 1sg.obl -acc охотиться -hab -imp.2sg сказать -pf.ptc
"And, only if you get very hungry, only then should you perhaps hunt me", it said.
- Если только очень сильно захочешь есть, тогда только охоться на меня.
Tompo in Soviet times (2)
Tar Guluŋkeːn gerbe kadaːr ịamị gerbewteŋen? Ịak-karịa, bulumen, ńaːmịčaːn kadaːrdụk tikče.
tar Guluŋkeːn gerbe kadaːr ịa -mI gerbe -W -DEŋ -E-n(I) ịa -k =kErIE [?] ńaːmịčaːn kadaːr -DUk(U) tik -čE
dist Gulunken name rock do.what -cond.cvb call -advrs -pst.ptc -ep-poss.3sg what -nom =contr [?] wild.reindeer.cow rock -abl fall -pf.ptc
dist Gulunken name камень делать.что -cond.cvb звать -advrs -pst.ptc -ep-poss.3sg что -nom =contr [?] wild.олень.корова камень -abl fall -pf.ptc
Why was this rock named Gulunken? - Uhm, yeah, a wild reindeer cow [?] fell from that rock.
Почему местность так называется Гулункэн, да потому, что с этой скалы [?] упала самка дикого оленя.