
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: 2sg. 145 total hits in 12 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (45)
Hiː kụŋaːhlị.
hiː kụŋaː -L -s(I)
2sg child -pl -poss.2sg
2sg ребенок -pl -poss.2sg
Your children.
Твои дети.
The creation of animals (29)
"Tarpač ŋiː gerbeh hiː?"
tarbač ŋiː gerbe -s(I) hiː
ptl who name -poss.2sg 2sg
ptl кто name -poss.2sg 2sg
"And what's your name?"
- Тогда как тебя зовут?
Even taboos and customs (4)
Hiː ọːn dʒọmkaːčịnnị?
hiː ọːn dʒọn -WkEːn -Č -R(E) -nrI
2sg how remember -caus -res -nonfut -2sg
2sg как remember -caus -res -nonfut -2sg
What do you think?
Как ты думаешь?
Black force and White force (15)
"hiː minu beletčindi,"
hiː min -W bel -E-Č -DʒI -nrI
2sg 1sg.obl -acc stroke -ep-res -fut -2sg
2sg 1sg.obl -acc stroke -ep-res -fut -2sg
"only you can help me,"
Ты только можешь мне помочь,
Cannibal story (9)
Hịakịta-da bili, ịak-ta mọː-da bili, moː-de bili.
hịakịta =dE bi -LI ịa -k =dE mọː =dE bi -LI moː =dE bi -LI
tree =ptl be -imp.2sg what -nom =ptl wood =ptl be -imp.2sg water =ptl be -imp.2sg
дерево =ptl быть -imp.2sg что -nom =ptl wood =ptl быть -imp.2sg вода =ptl быть -imp.2sg
It is (so) with trees, with wood, with water./// - Be it trees, be it wood, be it water.
У деревьев, у палки, у воды есть душа и мысли.
Biblical stories (8)
"Hịːlalị, hịːlalị!" [...]
hịːl -LI hịːl -E-(dU)LI
suffer -imp.2sg suffer -ep-prol
suffer -imp.2sg suffer -ep-prol
"Suffer, suffer!" [...].
– Мучайся, мучайся! – говорил Сатана.
Tompo in Soviet times (2)
"Tavarịs Ịspịrịdọːnọv, hiː otčo idu dʒụːw ọːndụ eleken goːnenni?"
tovariš.R Spiridonov.R hiː össö.Y ir -DU dʒụː -W ọː -n -DU eleken goːn -R(E) -nrI
comrade.R Spiridonov.R 2sg still.Y.R which -dat house -acc do -anr -dat enough say -nonfut -2sg
comrade.R Spiridonov.R 2sg все:еще.Y.R который -dat дом -acc делать -anr -dat досиаточно сказать -nonfut -2sg
"Comrade Spiridonov, where do you think is a good place for building houses?"
«Товарищ Спиридонов, где ты думаешь можно построить дома?».
Chat about an Evenki film (7)
"Hiː edlen haːtaralra horri-de".
hiː e -dle -n(I) haːtar -E-L -R(E) hor -LI =dE
2sg neg -trm.cvb -poss.3sg darken -ep-inch -neg.cvb go.away -imp.2sg =ptl
2sg neg -trm.cvb -poss.3sg темнеть -ep-inch -neg.cvb идти.прочь -imp.2sg =ptl
"You go before it get's dark".
- Ты возвращайся, пока не стемнело.
The sacred reindeer (5)
"Dʒụːlaj mụčụli!"
dʒụː -(dU)LE -J mụčụ -LI
house -loc -prfl.sg return -imp.2sg
дом -loc -prfl.sg вернуться -imp.2sg
"Go back home!"
"Вернись домой".
Stories of God and the Devil (12)
"Ịadaːjị goːnis", goːnikeːn, "edʒi toːrer".
ịa -DEː -J goːn -RI -s(I) goːn -nIkEːn e -LI toːre -R(E)
what -purp.cvb -prfl.sg say -pst -poss.2sg say -sim.cvb neg -imp.2sg speak -neg.cvb
что -purp.cvb -prfl.sg сказать -pst -poss.2sg сказать -sim.cvb neg -imp.2sg говорить -neg.cvb
"Why did you say?", he said, "Don't speak!"