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The sacred reindeer (3)
"Tar-ka taŋara goːnin minteki, haːtar edʒekkeh boːdʒiŋewu."
tar =kE taŋara.Y goːn -RI -n(I) min -t(E)kI saːtar.Y edʒek -GE -s(I) boː -DʒIŋE -W
dist =emph god.Y say -pst -poss.3sg 1sg.obl -all ptl.Y sacred.reindeer -desig -poss.2sg give -hyp.ptc -poss.1sg
dist =emph бог.Y сказать -pst -poss.3sg 1sg.obl -весь ptl.Y sacred.олень -desig -poss.2sg дать -hyp.ptc -poss.1sg
"God told me that he would give me a sacred reindeer."
"Бог сказал мне, что подарит мне священного оленя."
Stories of God and the Devil (3)
Tarịt tịmịnịn emnidʒi erek [ar] arịwkị ńaːn-da: "Ge ičukeːli!", goːnikeːn ịača ŋentakị.
tar -E-Č tịmịna -n(I) em -RIdʒI er -k arịwkị ńaːn =dE ge it -WkEːn -LI goːn -nIkEːn ịa -čE ŋịn -t(E)kI
dist -ep-ins tomorrow -poss.3sg come -ant.cvb prox -nom evil.spirit also =ptl ptl see -caus -imp.2sg say -sim.cvb what -pf.ptc dog -all
dist -ep-ins завтра -poss.3sg прийти -ant.cvb prox -nom evil.spirit тоже =ptl ptl видеть -caus -imp.2sg сказать -sim.cvb что -pf.ptc собака -весь
So, on the next day that devil came and said to the dog: "Show me now!"
Pear story (2) (1)
Dʒeː, taraw kojeːčidnikeːn bọlla bịlasịpịattụkụj tikren, karzịːnadụkụn gụrụːšaŋan bokotkeːnni oŋkelben.
dʒe.Y tar -W kojeː -Č -E-D -nIkEːn buolla.Y velosiped.R -DUk(U) -J tik -R(E) -n(I) korzina.R -DUk(U) -n(I) gruša.R -ŋ -E-n(I) bekeč -KEːn -n(I) oŋke -LbE -n(I)
ptl.Y dist -acc look -res -ep-prog -sim.cvb ptl.Y bycicle.R -abl fall -nonfut -3sg basket -abl -poss.3sg pear.R -aln -ep-poss.3sg all -dim -poss.3sg pour -vr -3sg
ptl.Y dist -acc смотреть -res -ep-prog -sim.cvb ptl.Y bycicle.R -abl fall -nonfut -3sg basket -abl -poss.3sg pear.R -aln -ep-poss.3sg весь -dim -poss.3sg pour -vr -3sg
While he was looking at her, he fell from the bicycle, and all his pears spilt out from his basket.