
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: very. 22 total hits in 13 transcripts.
Chat about an Evenki film (2)
Eńidmer, "Hegdelridʒi kujirgij horrin", goːnin, họːč iː.
eńen -E-dmEr hegdel -RIdʒI kujirgi -J hor -RI -n(I) goːn -RI -n(I) họː -Č iː
mother -ep-emph tear.apart -ant.cvb chain -prfl.sg go.away -pst -poss.3sg say -pst -poss.3sg very -ins ptl
мать -ep-emph рвать.apart -ant.cvb chain -prfl.sg идти.прочь -pst -poss.3sg сказать -pst -poss.3sg очень -ins ptl
Mother told him: "He tore the chain and left", so.
Мать сказала сыну: - Он оборвал свою цепь и ушёл.
Stories of God and the Devil (2)
Erek-te mụlgattịdʒị mụlgatta(n) erek: "Mụlaːn, ńaman emie họː biče".
er -k =dE mụlga -Č -RIdʒI mụlga -Č -R(E) -n(I) er -k mụlaːn ńam -E-n(I) emie.Y họː bi -čE
prox -nom =ptl think -res -ant.cvb think -res -nonfut -3sg prox -nom pity warm -ep-poss.3sg again.Y very be -pf.ptc
prox -nom =ptl think -res -ant.cvb think -res -nonfut -3sg prox -nom pity теплый -ep-poss.3sg снова.Y очень быть -pf.ptc
And he thought and thought: "It would be a pity, its warmth is so good."
The sacred reindeer (1)
"Biː tol'ka erew edʒekeŋi họːč ajịč helbetnikeːn biheku hin bej ọːdʒamnawụ ebit", goːnče.
biː tol'ko.R er -W edʒek -E-ŋ -J họː -Č aj -Č helbe -Č -nIkEːn bi -REk -W sin.Y bej ọː -D -E-mnE -W ebit.Y goːn -čE
1sg only.R prox -acc sacred.reindeer -ep-aln -prfl.sg very -ins good -ins treat -res -sim.cvb be -cond.cvb -poss.1sg ptl.Y man become -prog -ep-hyp -poss.1sg evid.Y say -pf.ptc
1sg only.R prox -acc sacred.олень -ep-aln -prfl.sg очень -ins хороший -ins обращаться -res -sim.cvb быть -cond.cvb -poss.1sg ptl.Y мужчина become -prog -ep-hyp -poss.1sg evid.Y сказать -pf.ptc
"If I only keep on taking good care of my sacred reindeer, I may become a man (=live well)", he said.
"Только вот надо очень хорошо присматривать за своим священным оленем. Тогда я стану человеком (= буду хорошо жить)", - сказал.