
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: therefore. 49 total hits in 14 transcripts.
Even taboos and customs (2)
Ọlịhịn muttule esten ịawrar, meːle esten toːrewrer, keːńelič ịač.
ol_ihin.Y mut -(dU)LE e -R(E) -tEn ịa -Gr(E) -R(E) meːne.Y e -R(E) -tEn toːre -Gr(E) -R(E) keːńeli -Č ịa -Č
therefore.Y 1pl.in -loc neg -nonfut -poss.3pl what -hab -neg.cvb simply.Y neg -nonfut -poss.3pl speak -hab -neg.cvb bad -ins what -ins
therefore.Y 1pl.в -loc neg -nonfut -poss.3pl что -hab -neg.cvb ппросто.Y neg -nonfut -poss.3pl говорить -hab -neg.cvb плохой -ins что -ins
Therefore we don't do anything, one don't speak (about the bear) just like that, in a bad way or otherwise.
Поэтому у нас, так просто о нем не говорят, плохо или иначе.
The creation of animals (4)
"Dʒeː tiemi biː tar naːr toːr, ịak-karịa, ọkaːt bụkaːtịn dʒọlọkaglịn mirkeweːtčeːttem", goːnče.
dʒe.Y tiemi biː tar naːr.Y toːr ịa -k =kErIE ọkaːt bukatïn.Y dʒọl -E-K(Ag) -(dU)LI -n(I) mirke -WEːČ -WEːČ -R(E) -m goːn -čE
ptl.Y therefore 1sg dist always.Y earth what -nom =contr river completely.Y stone -ep-coll -prol -poss.3sg crawl -gnr -gnr -nonfut -1sg -1sg say -pf.ptc
ptl.Y therefore 1sg dist всегда.Y earth что -nom =contr river completely.Y камень -ep-coll -prol -poss.3sg ползти -gnr -gnr -nonfut -1sg -1sg сказать -pf.ptc
"Therefore, I always crawl (on) earth, uhm, on the stony bottom of the river", it said.
- Поэтому, я в какой бы в воде не был, всегда по земле, по камням ползаю под водой.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Tiemi hujuttidʒur taraŋụr dʒeptidʒur huklehenčel, ajdʒịt aj biče, dʒalụčal.
tiemi huj -U -Č -RIdʒI -L tar -ŋ -WUr dʒeb -RIdʒI -L hukle -s(E)n -čE -L ajdʒịt aj bi -čE dʒalụ -čE -L
therefore boil -tr -res -ant.cvb -pl dist -aln -prfl.pl eat -ant.cvb -pl sleep -lim -pf.ptc -pl truth good be -pf.ptc be.satiated -pf.ptc -pl
therefore boil -tr -res -ant.cvb -pl dist -aln -prfl.pl есть -ant.cvb -pl спать -lim -pf.ptc -pl правда хороший быть -pf.ptc быть.satiated -pf.ptc -pl
So they boiled them, ate it up and fell asleep - and indeed, it was good, and they were full.
Они сварили их, покушали и легли спать. И правда, хорошо было, oни насытились.
Cannibal story (1)
Ịak-kụl bejil, tar nọŋartan ọlịhịn tar heːjek goːŋrečel, ńuːriteten dʒeː, ŋọnam ńuːritelkeːhel bigrečel.
ịa -k =WUl bej -E-L tar nọŋartan ol_ihin.Y tar heːjek goːn -Gr(E) -čE -L ńuːrit -E-tEn dʒe.Y ŋọnam ńuːrit -E-lkEːn -SEl bi -Gr(E) -čE -L
what -nom =indef man -ep-pl dist 3pl therefore.Y dist demon say -hab -pf.ptc -pl hair -ep-poss.3pl ptl.Y long hair -ep-prop -pl be -hab -pf.ptc -pl
что -nom =indef мужчина -ep-pl dist 3pl therefore.Y dist demon сказать -hab -pf.ptc -pl hair -ep-poss.3pl ptl.Y длинный hair -ep-prop -pl быть -hab -pf.ptc -pl
(They were) some kind of people, but they used to be called demons, (because of) their hair, they had long hair.
они были похожи на людей с длинными волосами.