
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: tell. 73 total hits in 17 transcripts.
The sacred reindeer (2)
Ńịmkam ukčeːndeːku oːhirep oːhirep biː abaganịlbụ ukčeːnemkiwutne.
ńịmkan -W ukčeːn -DEː -W oːsi -rEp oːsi -rEp biː abaga -SEl -W ukčeːn -E-mkI -W -tEn
tale -acc tell -purp.cvb -poss.1sg ancient -temp ancient -temp 1sg grandfather -pl -poss.1sg tell -ep-iter.ptc? -acc -poss.3pl
tale -acc говорить -purp.cvb -poss.1sg стыринный -temp стыринный -temp 1sg дед -pl -poss.1sg говорить -ep-iter.ptc? -acc -poss.3pl
Let me tell you a story which my ancestors used to tell a long long time ago.
Расскажу сказку, которую давным-давно рассказывали мои дедушки.
Pear story (4) (1)
Haːwan-da bụːdịč ukčeːnrem.
haː -W -E-n(I) dE bụːdị -Č ukčeːn -R(E) -m
other -acc -ep-poss.3sg ptl mottley -ins tell -nonfut -1sg
другой -acc -ep-poss.3sg ptl mottley -ins говорить -nonfut -1sg
I have told the rest luxuriously.
Остальное пестрым рассказала.
Chat about an Evenki film (3)
Ŋiːńun-de-tič ọddịn ukčeːnmettij.
ŋiː -ńUn =dE =tIt ọd -RI -n(I) ukčeːn -mEČ -RI -J
who -com =ptl =ptl finish -pst -poss.3sg tell -rec -impf.ptc -prfl.sg
кто -com =ptl =ptl закончить -pst -poss.3sg говорить -rec -impf.ptc -prfl.sg
He stopped talking to everybody.
The creation of animals (2)
Tačịn goːnikeːn ukčeːngerer ńịmkaːtčịl, ńịmkaːtčaːtta. Dʒeː tar.
tar -čIn goːn -nIkEːn ukčeːn -Gr(E) -r ńịmkaːn -Č -RI -L ńịmkaːn -Č -WEːČ -R(E) dʒe.Y tar
dist -adv say -sim.cvb tell -hab -3pl narrate -res -impf.ptc -pl narrate -res -gnr -nonfut ptl.Y dist
dist -adv сказать -sim.cvb говорить -hab -3pl narrate -res -impf.ptc -pl narrate -res -gnr -nonfut ptl.Y dist
That' what the narrators used to say, to narrate. And that's it.
Так рассказывали (сказочники) сказители.
Stories of God and the Devil (2)
Ŋịnaŋan [bọ] toːrelkeːn, irew taraw ukčeːngereče-tte erek.
ŋịn -E-ŋ -E-n(I) toːre -n -lkEːn ir -W tar -W ukčeːn -Gr(E) -čE =ttE er -k
dog -ep-aln -ep-poss.3sg speak -anr -prop which -acc dist -acc tell -hab -pf.ptc =ptl prox -nom
собака -ep-aln -ep-poss.3sg говорить -anr -prop который -acc dist -acc говорить -hab -pf.ptc =ptl prox -nom
The dog was able to speak, and he would tell different things.
Pear story (1) (1)
Ečin ukčeneːnnewu, ịaw ittiŋi goːnnem, da?.
er -čIn ukčeːn -E-nnE -W ịa -W it -DEŋ -J goːn -nnE -m da.R
prox -adv tell -ep-nec.ptc -poss.1sg what -acc see -pst.ptc -prfl.sg say -nec.ptc -1sg yes.R
prox -adv говорить -ep-nec.ptc -poss.1sg что -acc видеть -pst.ptc -prfl.sg сказать -nec.ptc -1sg yes.R
I should tell it like that, tell (you) what I saw, right?
A short chat about family (1)
Tar goːnmi taran, əə, nọŋọrtan, Tarabụkịn Ńịkụlaj edu hagdịl bejil ukčeːndeketnen biː eńmu haːnịn ebit, ajmakan.
tar goːn -mI tar -E-n(I) əə nọŋartan Tarabukin.R Nikolaj.R er -DU hagdị -L bej -L ukčen -REk -E-tEn biː eńen -W haːnị -n(I) e.Y -BIt.Y ajmaχ.Y -E-n(I)
dist say -cond.cvb dist -ep-poss.3sg hesit 3pl Tarabukin.R Nikolay.R prox -dat old -pl man -pl tell -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl 1sg mother -poss.1sg blood.relative -poss.3sg be.Y -past.ptc.Y relative.Y -ep-poss.3sg
dist сказать -cond.cvb dist -ep-poss.3sg hesit 3pl Tarabukin.R Nikolay.R prox -dat старый -pl мужчина -pl говорить -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl 1sg мать -poss.1sg blood.relative -poss.3sg быть.Y -past.ptc.Y relative.Y -ep-poss.3sg
So to say, Tarabukin Nikolay, old men here say that he is related to my mother, too.
Говорят так, по рассказу старых людей, Н. Тарабукин родственник моей матери.