
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: speak. 61 total hits in 17 transcripts.
Bear story (1)
Anị abagaŋata tar toːreče:
anï.Y abaga -ŋ -E-t(I) tar toːre -čE
now.Y grandfather -aln -ep-poss.1pl.in dist speak -pf.ptc
сейчас.Y дед -aln -ep-poss.1pl.в dist говорить -pf.ptc
Then this bear said:
Медветь сказал:
Cannibal story (2)
Ee, tarịč tar ịlụkaːnịdʒị toːreče.
ee tar -E-Č tar ịl -WkEːn -RIdʒI toːre -čE
intj dist -ep-ins dist stand.up -caus -ant.cvb speak -pf.ptc
intj dist -ep-ins dist стоять.вверх -caus -ant.cvb говорить -pf.ptc
And so, when he raised her [sc. after she had fell], he spoke.
Когда поднимал говорил:
Biblical stories (6)
Togomi tar aːč toːrene goːwri ŋịn ọːča.
tiemi tar aːč toːre -n -LE goːn -W -RI ŋịn ọː -čE
therefore dist neg speak -anr -prv say -advrs -impf.ptc dog become -pf.ptc
therefore dist neg говорить -anr -prv сказать -advrs -impf.ptc собака become -pf.ptc
That's why dogs became unable to speak.
С тех пор собака перестала говорить.
Stories of God and the Devil (3)
"Ịadaːjị goːnis", goːnikeːn, "edʒi toːrer".
ịa -DEː -J goːn -RI -s(I) goːn -nIkEːn e -LI toːre -R(E)
what -purp.cvb -prfl.sg say -pst -poss.2sg say -sim.cvb neg -imp.2sg speak -neg.cvb
что -purp.cvb -prfl.sg сказать -pst -poss.2sg сказать -sim.cvb neg -imp.2sg говорить -neg.cvb
"Why did you say?", he said, "Don't speak!"
The creation of animals (1)
Araj ọldaŋan toːrehenče, ịak, "Biː-de ọlda bihem", goːnče.
araj.Y ọlra -ŋ -E-n(I) toːre -s(E)n -čE ịa -k biː =dE ọlra bi -R(E) -m goːn -čE
ptl.Y fish -aln -ep-poss.3sg speak -lim -pf.ptc what -nom 1sg =ptl fish be -nonfut -1sg say -pf.ptc
ptl.Y рыба -aln -ep-poss.3sg говорить -lim -pf.ptc что -nom 1sg =ptl рыба быть -nonfut -1sg сказать -pf.ptc
And the fish then started to speak: "I'm a fish, too!"
Рыба ответила: - Я тоже, рыба!
Even ghost stories (2)
Arịwkị [ger] gerbe dien bọlla haːmaj, ịaw-kana, keːńeliw ọːčịmŋa, saŋarara.
arịwkị gerbe dien.Y buolla.Y samyj.R ịa -W =kEnE keːńeli -W ọː -Č -mŋE saŋar.Y -Er.Y -E.Y
evil.spirit name saying.Y ptl.Y self.R what -advrs =contr bad -acc do -res -ag.nr speak.Y -prs.ptc.Y -3sg.poss.Y
evil.spirit name saying.Y ptl.Y сам.R что -advrs =contr плохой -acc делать -res -ag.nr говорить.Y -prs.ptc.Y -3sg.poss.Y
Ariwki is the one that does most evil, they say.
Он делает плохое.
Pear story (2) (1)
Urekčen-de bihni, ọkaːt-ta iːgen iːhni, čịwkačan-da miltereː toːren, daže, ịak-kana, dʒewetel-de ịal-da araj dʒirgerimdehel.
urekčen =dE bi -R(E) -n(I) ọkaːt =dE iːg -E-n(I) iː -R(E) -n(I) čịwkačan =dE miltereː toːre -n(I) daže.R ịa -k =kEnE dʒewet -E-L =dE ịa -L =dE araj.Y dʒirge -RI -mdEs -E-L
mountain =ptl be -nonfut -3sg river =ptl sound -ep-poss.3sg be.heard -nonfut -3sg songbird =ptl plenty speak -3sg even.R what -nom =contr wasp -ep-pl =ptl what -pl =ptl ptl.Y buzz -impf.ptc -sml -ep-pl
гора =ptl быть -nonfut -3sg river =ptl звук -ep-poss.3sg быть.heard -nonfut -3sg songbird =ptl plenty говорить -3sg even.R что -nom =contr wasp -ep-pl =ptl что -pl =ptl ptl.Y buzz -impf.ptc -sml -ep-pl
There were mountains there, a sound of the river was heard, lots of birds were singing, and it appears that even, uhm bees or something were buzzing once .