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Search: now. 111 total hits in 18 transcripts.
The sacred reindeer (2)
Erek anị-da họnŋačaːčaːmị anị elgeweːčen ọːča erek, bụkaːtịn, nụmak-ta nụmak ọːča.
er -k anï.Y =dE họnŋačaːn -KEːn -J anï.Y elge -WEːčIn ọː -čE er -E-k bukatïn.Y nụmak =dE nụmak ọː -čE
prox -nom now.Y =ptl fawn -dim now.Y lead.on.leash -qual become -pf.ptc prox -ep-nom completely.Y tame =ptl tame become -pf.ptc
prox -nom сейчас.Y =ptl fawn -dim сейчас.Y lead.на.leash -qual become -pf.ptc prox -ep-nom completely.Y tame =ptl tame become -pf.ptc
He began to lead his little reindeer around on a leash all the time, and it became perfectly tame.
Он постоянно таскал олененка с собой, и тот стал совершенно домашним, прирученным.
Tompo in Soviet times (17)
Tadụk bọllaːna Ịspịrịdọnọp Bïlas Ụjbaːnọvas anị toːren, bïstụpajdan.
tar -DUk(U) buollaγïna.Y Spiridonov.R Vlas.R Ivanovič.R anï.Y toːre -n(I) vystupit'.R -R(E) -n(I)
dist -abl ptl.Y Spiridonov.R Vlas.R Ivanovič.R now.Y speak -3sg make.statement -nonfut -3sg
dist -abl ptl.Y Spiridonov.R Vlas.R Ivanovič.R сейчас.Y говорить -3sg делать.statement -nonfut -3sg
Then, Spiridonov Vlas Ivanovič spoke, made a statement.
Затем выступил Спиридонов Влас Иванович. /Тогда выступил Спирдонов Влас Иванович.
Cannibal story (11)
Ečin-de emnewu-de taraw tiek dʒọn.
er -čIn =dE e -mnE -W =dE tar -W tiek dʒọn
prox -adv =ptl neg -hyp -poss.1sg =ptl dist -acc now remember(neg.cvb)
prox -adv =ptl neg -hyp -poss.1sg =ptl dist -acc сейчас remember(neg.cvb)
So I (probably) couldn't remember it at all now.
Наверное ни как не вспомню.
Chat about an Evenki film (7)
"Biː tiek emdʒim, amarla", goːnni, "Horli!".
biː tiek em -DʒI -m amar -(dU)LE goːn -n(I) hor -LI
1sg now come -fut -1sg back.side -loc say -3sg(nonfut) go.away -imp.2sg
1sg сейчас прийти -fut -1sg назад.сторона -loc сказать -3sg(nonfut) идти.прочь -imp.2sg
"I'll come soon, later", he said, "Move!".
- Я скоро вернусь, попозже, - сказал отец, - А ты езжай.
Even ghost stories (1)
Anị meːndʒur egrečel ičur tol'ko.
anï.Y meːn -DʒUr e -Gr(E) -čE -L it -U -R(E) tol'ko.R
now.Y self neg -hab -pf.ptc -pl see -intr -neg.cvb onlyR.
сейчас.Y сам neg -hab -pf.ptc -pl видеть -intr -neg.cvb onlyR.
But they themselves wouldn't show themselves.
Только их не было видно, они не показывались на глаза людям.
Stories of God and the Devil (2)
Itče, erek arịwkị anị ittidʒi erew, əə, mọːw gadịdʒị ečin dọgụdʒaːnča.
it -čE er -k arịwkị anï.Y it -RIdʒI er -W əə mọː -W ga -RIdʒI er -čIn dụgụ -dʒEːn -čE
see -pf.ptc prox -nom evil.spirit now.Y see -ant.cvb prox -acc hesit wood -acc take -ant.cvb prox -adv sting -dur -pf.ptc
видеть -pf.ptc prox -nom evil.spirit сейчас.Y видеть -ant.cvb prox -acc hesit wood -acc взять -ant.cvb prox -adv sting -dur -pf.ptc
He saw, that devil saw him now, took a stick and pricked him like this.
Pear story (2) (2)
Ometel karzịːnaw hurunikeːn horunnen anị tar [...] čakụŋka toːreŋnej urečin.
omen -tEl korzina.R -W hor -U -nIkEːn hor -U -nnE -n(I) anï.Y tar čak -E-ŋkE toːr -E-ŋ -(dU)LE -J urečin
one -distr basket -acc go.away -tr -sim.cvb go.away -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg now.Y dist gather -ep-nr land -ep-aln -loc evid
один -distr basket -acc идти.прочь -tr -sim.cvb идти.прочь -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg сейчас.Y dist собиратть -ep-nr земля -ep-aln -loc evid
Carrying the baskets one by one, he was then supposed [...] to take them to the place where he collects them (=to his place for gathering), apparently.
Black force and White force (1)
"Tiek, mandụdʒịm biː ńọːbatịkaːn bejeldu-de aj bideːn, erek biː bụgụ-da aj bideːn."
tiek manrụ -DʒI -m biː ńọːbatị -KEːn bej -E-L -DU =dE aj bi -DEː -n(I) er -k biː bụg -W =dE aj bi -DEː -n(I)
now strive -fut -1sg 1sg white -dim man -ep-pl -dat =ptl good be -purp.cvb -poss.3sg prox -nom 1sg homeland -poss.1sg =ptl good be -purp.cvb -poss.3sg
сейчас strive -fut -1sg 1sg белый -dim мужчина -ep-pl -dat =ptl хороший быть -purp.cvb -poss.3sg prox -nom 1sg homeland -poss.1sg =ptl хороший быть -purp.cvb -poss.3sg
"So, I, the White Force, will strive to improve the life of the people, to improve my country."
- Вот я буду стараться, чтоб людям было хорошо, чтоб земле моей было хорошо.