
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: intr. 33 total hits in 12 transcripts.
The sacred reindeer (1)
"Dʒe dʒụːlaj iːwdeːku erewu, ụọnna, ọːn-ka, ịan-da eńenni-de, ịan-da ŋiːn-de gerben emie ehni ičur."
dʒe.Y dʒụː -(dU)LE -J iː -U -DEː -W er -W ụọnna.Y ọːn =kE ịa -n(I) =dE eńen -n(I) =dE ịa -n(I) =dE ŋiː -n(I) =dE gerbe -n(I) emie.Y e -R(E) -n(I) it -U -R(E)
ptl.Y house -loc -prfl.sg come.in -tr -purp.cvb -poss.1sg prox -acc and.Y how =emph what -poss.3sg =ptl mother -poss.3sg =ptl what -poss.3sg =ptl who -poss.3sg =ptl name -poss.3sg also.Y neg -nonfut -3sg see -intr -neg.cvb
ptl.Y дом -loc -prfl.sg прийти.в -tr -purp.cvb -poss.1sg prox -acc and.Y как =emph что -poss.3sg =ptl мать -poss.3sg =ptl что -poss.3sg =ptl кто -poss.3sg =ptl name -poss.3sg тоже.Y neg -nonfut -3sg видеть -intr -neg.cvb
"But let me take him home, and, uhm, he seems to have no mother, nor anybody else in the world."
"Занесу-ка его домой - у него, видать, ни матери нет, никого".
Pear story (3) (1)
Ee, hɛːrin, tarịč [goːn] goːŋun, ịawan-kana aːwụman, hokkidu tetučeŋken aːwụčaːnnị bihni, taraŋman boːnen.
ee hie -RI -n(I) tar -E-Č goːn goːŋi -n(I) ịa -W -E-n(I) =kEnE aːwan -W -E-n(I) hok -RI -DU tet -U -Č -E-ŋkE -n(I) aːwan -KEːn -n(I) bi -R(E) -n(I) tarak -ŋ -W -E-n(I) boː -nE -n(I)
intj appear -pst -poss.3sg dist -ep-ins say call -3sg what -acc -ep-poss.3sg =contr hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg be.hot -impf.ptc -dat wear -intr -res -ep-nr -poss.3sg hat -dim -poss.3sg be -nonfut -3sg dist -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg give -intent -3sg
intj появиться -pst -poss.3sg dist -ep-ins сказать звать -3sg что -acc -ep-poss.3sg =contr hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg быть.горячий -impf.ptc -dat носить -intr -res -ep-nr -poss.3sg hat -dim -poss.3sg быть -nonfut -3sg dist -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg дать -intent -3sg
So, she appeared and called (him), uhm, whatchamacallit, his hat, he had a hat that is worn in heat, that's what she went to give him.