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Search: and. 34 total hits in 18 transcripts.
Cannibal story (1)
Ečin họːjụːl, ịadụ, omettu ečin bih bọlla, ịak-kana ńimeːreč, i...
er -čIn họːja -OO -L ịa -DU omettu er -čIn bi -R(E) buolla.Y ịa -k =kEnE ńimeːr -E-Č i.R
prox -adv many -ints -pl what -dat together prox -adv be -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y what -nom =contr neighbour -ep-ins and.R
prox -adv много -ints -pl что -dat together prox -adv быть -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y что -nom =contr neighbour -ep-ins and.R
So, there were many people living together in close neighbourhood, and...
Они тогда жили все вместе, по соседству, их было много, и...
The creation of animals (1)
"Ụọnna-hị, biː-de hinu-hi tiek eduk dʒulehki hepkuwredʒim", goːnče.
uonna.Y =sI biː =dE hin -W =sI tiek er -DUk(U) dʒul -E-skI hepke -Gr(E) -DʒI -m goːn -čE
and.Y =emph 1sg =ptl 2sg.obl -acc =emph now prox -abl future -ep-all.adv catch -hab -fut -1sg say -pf.ptc
and.Y =emph 1sg =ptl 2sg.obl -acc =emph сейчас prox -abl future -ep-весь.adv catch -hab -fut -1sg сказать -pf.ptc
"Well, then I'll be hunting you from now on", he said.
- Ну, тогда в будущем я тебя стану ловить, - сказал.
Bear story (1)
A taːk, bejdʒi ekspedisijaldu er Magadanskaj trasala mụdan biweːtkereče bidʒin.
a taːk.R bej -DʒI ekspedicija.R -L -DU er Magadanskij.R trassa.R -(dU)LE mụdan bi -WEːČ -Gr(E) -čE bi -DʒI -n(I)
and.R so.R self expedition.R -pl -dat prox Magadan.R motorroad.R -loc end be -gnr -hab -pf.ptc be -fut -3sg
and.R так.R сам expedition.R -pl -dat prox Magadan.R motorroad.R -loc конец быть -gnr -hab -pf.ptc быть -fut -3sg
Otherwise, he himself was probably on expeditions all the way to the end of the Magadan motorroad.
Так он сам бывал на экспедициях по Магаданской трассе, до конца доезжал.
Pear story (5) (1)
[gịrqa] Gịrqaddịtan, i, ile ịssịtan?, bej grụːšaw čaqaddịla ịssịtan, grụːšaw čaqaddịla bejle ịssịtan, i iːlteŋčiriten čaːskị.
gịrka gịrka -D -RI -tEn i.R ir -(dU)LE ịs -RI -tEn bej gruša.R -W čak -E-D -RI -(dU)LE ịs -RI -tEn gruša.R -W čak -E-D -RI -(dU)LE bej -(dU)LE ịs -RI -tEn i.R ielten -Č -RI -tEn čaːg -skI
walk walk -prog -pst -poss.3pl and.R which -loc arrive -pst -poss.3pl man pear.R -acc gather -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc arrive -pst -poss.3pl pear.R -acc gather -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc man -loc arrive -pst -poss.3pl and.R pass -res -pst -poss.3pl next -all.adv
идти идти -prog -pst -poss.3pl and.R который -loc прибыть -pst -poss.3pl мужчина pear.R -acc собиратть -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc прибыть -pst -poss.3pl pear.R -acc собиратть -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc мужчина -loc прибыть -pst -poss.3pl and.R pass -res -pst -poss.3pl next -весь.adv
They were walking and, where did they arrive?, they arrived to the man that was collecting pears, to the man collecting pears they arrived, and they passed by him.
The sacred reindeer (2)
Nọŋardụlatnan [nọŋar] gụlụntan ere bihni bọlla, ụọnna hoːntetnen ịatnan-da atča.
nọŋan -L -(dU)LE -tEn gụlụn -tEn ere.Y bi -R(E) -n(I) buolla.Y uonna.Y hoːnte -tEn ịa -tEn =dE aːtča
3sg -pl -loc -poss.3pl bonfire -poss.3pl only.Y be -nonfut -poss.3sg ptl.Y and.Y other -poss.3pl what -poss.3pl =ptl neg.ex
3sg -pl -loc -poss.3pl bonfire -poss.3pl only.Y быть -nonfut -poss.3sg ptl.Y and.Y другой -poss.3pl что -poss.3pl =ptl neg.ex
They only had a fire burning, and there was nothing else.
У них только огонь горел, ничего другого не было.
Even ghost stories (1)
I nọŋarbụtnan ičin-de ennes-te hepken, ennes-te ịar.
i.R nọŋan -L -W -tEn ir -čIn =dE e -nnE -s(I) =dE hepke -n e -nnE -s(I) =dE ịa -R(E)
and.R 3sg -pl -acc -poss.3pl which -adv =ptl neg -nec.ptc -poss.2sg =ptl catch -mult(neg.cvb) neg -nec.ptc -poss.2sg =ptl what -neg.cvb
and.R 3sg -pl -acc -poss.3pl который -adv =ptl neg -nec.ptc -poss.2sg =ptl catch -mult(neg.cvb) neg -nec.ptc -poss.2sg =ptl что -neg.cvb
And, you couldn't catch them in any way, you couldn't do anything.
Их не возможно было поймать, ни чем.
Chat about an Evenki film (1)
[ap] Apqattakan taraw neŋeketten họːjaw, họːjaw neŋeketten, nokukeːnellin.
a -B apka -Č -REk -E-n(I) tar -W neŋ -E-kEČ -R(E) -n(I) họːja -W họːja -W neŋ -E-kEČ -R(E) -n(I) nokukeːn -E-L -RI -n(I)
and.R -med strangle -res -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg dist -acc complain -ep-mult -nonfut -3sg much -acc much -acc bow -ep-mult -nonfut -3sg sidestep -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg
and.R -med strangle -res -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg dist -acc complain -ep-mult -nonfut -3sg много -acc много -acc лук -ep-mult -nonfut -3sg sidestep -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg
When he (sc. the wolf) strangled him (sc. the dog), he (the owner of the dog) complained a lot, he complained a lot, he (sc. the wolf) stepped away.
Когда придушил, он жаловался, жаловался, отскочил в сторону.
Biblical stories (2)
A togomi-e tarrọːčịn, toːreŋet meːnkeːn dʒe, ụdalamalmị ụdallan, emie-de emi eti.
a tiemi =E tar -WEːčIn toːr -E-ŋ -E-t(I) meːn -KEːn dʒe.Y ụda -L -mEl -mI ụdan -L -R(E) -n(I) emie.Y =dE e -mI e -RI
and.R therefore =ints dist -qual earth -ep-aln self -dim ptl.Y slow -inch -ints.des -cond.cvb rain -inch -nonfut -3sg again.Y =ptl neg -cond.cvb neg -impf.ptc
and.R therefore =ints dist -qual earth -ep-aln -ep-poss.1pl.в сам -dim ptl.Y slow -inch -ints.des -cond.cvb rain -inch -nonfut -3sg снова.Y =ptl neg -cond.cvb neg -impf.ptc
Therefore it is so, the earth by itself, when it wants to rain, it rains, and when not, not.
Вот поэтому сейчас, земля сама управляет, когда идет дождь, а когда нет.