
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: anr. 47 total hits in 11 transcripts.
Biblical stories (6)
Tar nọnọn ukčeːnedgerere, omen toːrelkeːr bičel, vsivo.
tar nọn -E-n ukčeːn -E-D -Gr(E) -R(E) omen toːre -n -lkEːn -L bi -čE -L vsego.R
dist begin -ep-anr tell -ep-prog -hab -nonfut(3pl) one speak -anr -prop -pl be -pf.ptc -pl all.in.all.R
dist начать -ep-anr говорить -ep-prog -hab -nonfut(3pl) один говорить -anr -prop -pl быть -pf.ptc -pl весь.в.весь.R
And they say that all had one language in the beginning.
Раньше так рассказывали, что у людей был один язык.
Tompo in Soviet times (12)
Kandịga gerbe toːren ịadụk hiečeːdʒin, ịak toːrenni tar Kandịga gerbe, ewedi-gu, ńọkadị-gu?
Khandyga.R gerbe toːre -n ịa -DUk(U) hie -čEːdʒI -n(I) ịa -k toːre -n -n(I) tar Khandyga.R gerbe ewen -DI =GU ńọka -DI =GU
Khandyga.R name speak -anr what -abl appear -prob -3sg what -nom speak -anr -poss.3sg dist Khandyga.R name Even -adjr =q Yakut -adjr =q
Khandyga.R name говорить -anr что -abl появиться -prob -3sg что -nom говорить -anr -poss.3sg dist Khandyga.R name Even -adjr =q Yakut -adjr =q
The word 'Khandyga', where does it come from, what kind of word is it, 'Khandyga', Even or Yakut?
Откуда произошло слово «хандыга», это эвенское слово или якутское?
A conversation about Even culture (17)
Obom amŋadda, ebedi toːrem.
ewen -W ọmŋa -D -R(E) ewen -DI toːre -n -W
Even -acc forget -prog -nonfut(3pl) Even -adjr speak -anr -acc
Even -acc забыть -prog -nonfut(3pl) Even -adjr говорить -anr -acc
They have forgotten Even, the Even language.
Стали забывать эвенский язык.
Cannibal story (2)
"Ọːn-gal, ečin-gel, ịak amtannị erek?".
ọːn =gEl er -čIn =gEl ịa -k amta -n -n(I) er -k
how =ptl prox -adv =ptl what -nom taste -anr -poss.3sg prox -nom
как =ptl prox -adv =ptl что -nom taste -anr -poss.3sg prox -nom
"What is it, what kind of taste is this?"
Думал вкус совсем другой.
Stories of God and the Devil (4)
Ŋenị bimi aːč toːrene ọːwkaːnča, abalannịdʒị.
ŋịn -J bi -mI aːč toːre -n -LE ọː -WkEːn -čE abal -E-n -RIdʒI
dog -prfl.sg be -cond.cvb neg speak -anr -prv become -caus -pf.ptc lack -ep-mult -ant.cvb
собака -prfl.sg быть -cond.cvb neg говорить -anr -prv become -caus -pf.ptc lack -ep-mult -ant.cvb
And he made the dog speechless, lacking.
Chat about an Evenki film (1)
Tala dʒawụsantan, holučinten ičun, goːnni ńaːn uŋtekij, huttekij bejekeːn, goːnni qụŋaːqaːjaqaːntaqị:
tar -(dU)LE dʒaw -E-s -E-n -tEn hol -U -Č -E-n -tEn it -U -n(I) goːn -n(I) ńaːn uŋ -t(E)kI -J hute -t(E)kI -J bej -E-KEːn goːn -n(I) kụŋaː -KEːn -jEkEːn -t(E)kI
dist -loc grasp -ep-mult -ep-anr -poss.3pl go -tr -res -ep-anr -poss.3pl see -intr -3sg(nonfut) say -3sg(nonfut) also hesit -all -prfl.sg child -all -prfl.sg man -ep-dim say -3sg(nonfut) child -dim -dim -all
dist -loc схватить -ep-mult -ep-anr -poss.3pl идти -tr -res -ep-anr -poss.3pl видеть -intr -3sg(nonfut) сказать -3sg(nonfut) тоже hesit -весь -prfl.sg ребенок -весь -prfl.sg мужчина -ep-dim сказать -3sg(nonfut) ребенок -dim -dim -весь
One could see how they were getting caught and driven, and he, the man, said to, erm, to his child, to the little boy:
Там было видно, как они бегают, считают. Отец сказал:
The creation of animals (1)
"Dʒepńej, omen-ńun aːnŋam-da dʒeple, dʒebepne uldelkeːn bihem", goːnče
dʒeb -ńEj omen =ńUn aːnŋa -n -W =dE dʒeple dʒebepne ulre -lkEːn bi -R(E) -m goːn -čE
eat -impers.nec one =only stay.overnight -anr -acc =ptl food food meat -prop be -nonfut -1sg -1sg say -pf.ptc
есть -impers.nec один =only остаться.overnight -anr -acc =ptl еда еда мясо -prop быть -nonfut -1sg -1sg сказать -pf.ptc
"It is edible, but I have meat that can serve as food for only one day", he said.
- Съесть то съела, одно мясо, новую еду.
Pear story (3) (1)
Erek kụŋ(aː)kaːkaːn abụgadị beličidden grụːšaw [ka] grụːšaw čakandụ.
er -k kụŋaː -kEːkEːn abaga -DI bel -E-Č -E-D -R(E) -n(I) gruša.R -W gruša.R -W čak -E-n -DU
prox -nom child -dim grandfather -dat.prfl.sg help -ep-res -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg pear.R -acc pear.R -acc gather -ep-anr -dat
prox -nom ребенок -dim дед -dat.prfl.sg помогать -ep-res -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg pear.R -acc pear.R -acc собиратть -ep-anr -dat
This child is helping his grandfather in gathering pears (to gather pears).
Even ghost stories (1)
Dʒeː ewedile araːhnaj toːren họːja, arịwkị-da goːweːtte, higin-de - higin gerbe ńọkadịč bọlla.
dʒe.Y ewen -DI -(dU)LE araːhïnaj.Y toːre -n họːja arịwkị =dE goːn -WEːČ -R(E) higin =dE - higin gerbe ńọka -DI -Č buolla.Y
ptl.Y Even -adjr -loc different.Y speak -anr many evil.spirit =ptl say -gnr -nonfut evil.spirit =ptl - evil.spirit name Yakut -adjr -ins ptl.Y
ptl.Y Even -adjr -loc different.Y говорить -anr много evil.spirit =ptl сказать -gnr -nonfut evil.spirit =ptl - evil.spirit name Yakut -adjr -ins ptl.Y
There, there are different words in Even, 'ariwki' (evil spirit) is used, also 'higin' (evil spirit) - 'higin' is Yakut.
У эвенов очень много слов, они по разному говорят, и аривки говорят, и хигин - хигин - это по якутски.
Pear story (4) (1)
Tarjakaːn [hor] elgenni ičurin ečin, ńaːn, tar qụŋaːqaːjakaːn horurin.
tar -jEkEːn elge -n -n(I) it -U -RI -n(I) er -čIn ńaːn tar kụŋaː -KEːn -jEkEːn hor -U -RI -n(I)
dist -dim lead.on.leash -anr -poss.3sg see -intr -pst -poss.3sg prox -adv also dist child -dim -dim go.away -tr -pst -poss.3sg
dist -dim lead.на.leash -anr -poss.3sg видеть -intr -pst -poss.3sg prox -adv тоже dist ребенок -dim -dim идти.прочь -tr -pst -poss.3sg
It was shown how he took it with him, and, the little boy took it away.
Было видно, что он его вел за собой, и ребенок унес.