
Lexical words in Even

This list of lexical words found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: ọː. 229 total hits in 20 transcripts.
Biblical stories (43)
Ọːča, iːndeːn ọːča.
ọː -čE iːn -DEː -n(I) ọː -čE
become -pf.ptc be.alive -purp.cvb -poss.3sg become -pf.ptc
become -pf.ptc быть.alive -purp.cvb -poss.3sg become -pf.ptc
He (sc. god) made him, he made him so that he could live.
A conversation about Even culture (29)
Nelke ọːdnị, neŋńe ọːdnị, nelke.
nelke ọː -R(E) -n(I) negńe ọː -R(E) -n(I) nelke
early.spring become -nonfut -3sg late.spring become -nonfut -3sg early.spring
рано.spring become -nonfut -3sg late.spring become -nonfut -3sg рано.spring
Spring comes, springs comes, spring.
Весна бывает.
Chat about an Evenki film (13)
Ụkọlụ ọːtnar.
ukol.R -W ọː -Č -nE -R(E)
shot.R -acc do -res -intent -nonfut(3pl)
shot.R -acc делать -res -intent -nonfut(3pl)
They went to vaccinate.
Пошли делать вакцинацию.
Even ghost stories (9)
Ečil ọːra?
e -čE -L ọː -R(E)
neg -pf.ptc -pl do -neg.cvb
neg -pf.ptc -pl делать -neg.cvb
They didn't?
Не делали?
Tompo in Soviet times (36)
Dʒeː tačịn ọːčalan bụọllaːna ele dʒụːw ọːrịtnan.
dʒe.Y tar -čIn ọː -čE -(dU)LE -n(I) buollaγïna.Y er -(dU)LE dʒụː -W ọː -RI -tEn
ptl.Y dist -adv become -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg ptl.Y prox -loc house -acc do -pst -poss.3pl
ptl.Y dist -adv become -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg ptl.Y prox -loc дом -acc делать -pst -poss.3pl
And after that, they built houses here.
Затем тут построили дом. //Сделали так и построили дом здесь.
Birds in love (2)
Tačịn ọːča orelderidʒi.
tačịn ọː-čE orelde-RIdʒI
so become-PF.PTC rejoice-ANT.CVB
так become-ПРФ.ПРИЧ rejoice-ANT.КОНВ
He became like that out of joy.
Так стало, от радости.
Tačịn ọːča orelderidʒi.
tačịn ọː-čE orelde-RIdʒI
so become-PF.PTC rejoice-ANT.CVB
так become-ПРФ.ПРИЧ rejoice-ANT.КОНВ
He became like that out of joy.
Так стало, от радости.
Bear story (4)
Emie abaga ọːča.
emie.Y abaga ọː -čE
again.Y grandfather become -pf.ptc
снова.Y дед become -pf.ptc
She became a bear.
И она стала медведицей.
Cannibal story (14)
Ikiriw ọːwkaːn, ee?
ikiri -W ọː -WkEːn e
bone -acc become -caus(nfut.3pl) ptl
кость -acc become -caus(nfut.3pl) ptl
They cooked bones?
The raven and the crow (3)
Mangịr bimi taraptụk adịkụn hutelken biče, ọːdị ọːča.
mangịr bi-mI tar-rEp-DUk(U) adị-kUN hute-E-lkEn bi-čE ọː-RI ọː-čE
raven be-COND.CVB DIST-TEMP.N-ABL how:much-ADJ child-0-PROPR be-PF.PTC become-IMPF.PTC become-PF.PTC
raven быть-КОНД.КОНВ DIST-TEMP.N-АБЛ сколько-ПРИЛ ребенок-0-ПРОПР быть-ПРФ.ПРИЧ become-ИМПФ.ПРИЧ become-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
After that time, the raven had a couple of children, it began to do so.
С тех пор у воронa стало несколько детей.