
Lexical words in Even

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Search: uonna. 9 total hits in 5 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (2)
Tarawụ ụọnna ọškọla etlewu iːre.
tar -W uonna.Y škola.R e -dle -W iː -R(E)
dist -acc and.Y school.R neg -trm.cvb -poss.1sg come.in -neg.cvb
dist -acc and.Y школа.R neg -trm.cvb -poss.1sg прийти.в -neg.cvb
And that was before I went to school.
Тогда я еще не ходил в школу.
Tompo in Soviet times (4)
Ụọnna biː aːwahụ, ńọka, uːteːlkeːn bihin, kočeč.
uonna.Y biː aːwas -W ńọka üːteːn.Y -lkEːn bi -RI -n(I) koč -E-Č
and.Y 1sg brother-in-law.older -poss.1sg Yakut Yakut.house -prop be -pst -poss.3sg little -ep-ins
and.Y 1sg брат-в-law.older -poss.1sg Yakut Yakut.дом -prop быть -pst -poss.3sg маленький -ep-ins
My brother-in-law, a Yakut, had a Yakut house, little.
Еще у моего зятя якута была изба.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Nọŋardụlatnan [nọŋar] gụlụntan ere bihni bọlla, ụọnna hoːntetnen ịatnan-da atča.
nọŋan -L -(dU)LE -tEn gụlụn -tEn ere.Y bi -R(E) -n(I) buolla.Y uonna.Y hoːnte -tEn ịa -tEn =dE aːtča
3sg -pl -loc -poss.3pl bonfire -poss.3pl only.Y be -nonfut -poss.3sg ptl.Y and.Y other -poss.3pl what -poss.3pl =ptl neg.ex
3sg -pl -loc -poss.3pl bonfire -poss.3pl only.Y быть -nonfut -poss.3sg ptl.Y and.Y другой -poss.3pl что -poss.3pl =ptl neg.ex
They only had a fire burning, and there was nothing else.
У них только огонь горел, ничего другого не было.
The creation of animals (1)
"Ụọnna-hị, biː-de hinu-hi tiek eduk dʒulehki hepkuwredʒim", goːnče.
uonna.Y =sI biː =dE hin -W =sI tiek er -DUk(U) dʒul -E-skI hepke -Gr(E) -DʒI -m goːn -čE
and.Y =emph 1sg =ptl 2sg.obl -acc =emph now prox -abl future -ep-all.adv catch -hab -fut -1sg say -pf.ptc
and.Y =emph 1sg =ptl 2sg.obl -acc =emph сейчас prox -abl future -ep-весь.adv catch -hab -fut -1sg сказать -pf.ptc
"Well, then I'll be hunting you from now on", he said.
- Ну, тогда в будущем я тебя стану ловить, - сказал.
Spirits (1)
Dʒulle bọlla Bahalaj, Ụjịbaːn, Miχajil ụọnna ačča ehni, gerbe bụlkụlnar, họːjal bigrer.
dʒulle buollar.Y Vasilij.R Ivan.R Mikhail.R uonna.Y aːčča e-R(E)-N(I) gerbe bulkulnar.Y họːja-L bi-Gr(E)-r
earlier DP.Y Vasilij.R Ivan.R Michael.R and.Y NEG.EXC NEG-NONFUT-3SG name mix:up.Y many-PL be-HAB-3PL
earlier DP.Y Vasilij.R Иван.R Michael.R and.Y НЕГ.EXC НЕГ-NONFUT-3ЕД name mix:up.Y много-МН быть-ХАБ-3МН
A long time ago, it was Vasilij, Ivan, Mikhail and that's it, one would mix names, there were many (names).
Давно Василий, Иван, Михаил и больше не было, имя путается, много бывало.