
Lexical words in Even

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Search: bọlanị. 14 total hits in 6 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (9)
Bọlọnị, bọlọnị tar.
bọlanị bọlanị tar
late.autumn late.autumn dist
late.autumn late.autumn dist
Yes, 'bọlanị' (late autumn).
Это осень.
Cannibal story (1)
Bọlọnịdụn tar bụglawụr horohnelčel.
bọlanị -DU -n(I) tar bụg -(dU)LE -WUr hor -E-s(E)n -E-L -čE -L
late.autumn -dat -poss.3sg dist homeland -loc -prfl.pl go.away -ep-lim -ep-inch -pf.ptc -pl
late.autumn -dat -poss.3sg dist homeland -loc -prfl.pl идти.прочь -ep-lim -ep-inch -pf.ptc -pl
They used to go to their homeland in the end of the autumn.
А зимой уходили.
Bear story (1)
Tar tarịŋị ńọːnịdʒị dʒe, bọlanịgịdadụ, kokeːnnen ọːdnị.
tar tar -ŋ -J ńọːn -RIdʒI dʒe.Y bọlanị -gIdE -DU kokeː -nnE -n(I) ọː -R(E) -n(I)
dist dist -aln -prfl.sg flee -ant.cvb ptl.Y late.autumn -nr -dat die -nec.ptc -poss.3sg become -nonfut -3sg
dist dist -aln -prfl.sg flee -ant.cvb ptl.Y late.autumn -nr -dat умереть -nec.ptc -poss.3sg become -nonfut -3sg
And when she fled, it was late autumn, she was about to die (of cold).
Убежала, это было осенью, она умирала от холода.
Chat about an Evenki film (1)
Tadụq ịlam anŋanụ bisidʒur, bọlanịdụ, ńaːn-da taŋnaːr ọrarbụ.
tar -DUk(U) ịlan -W anŋan -W bi -RIdʒI -L bọlanị -DU ńaːn =dE taŋ -nE -R(E) ọran -L -W
dist -abl three -acc year -acc be -ant.cvb -pl late.autumn -dat also =ptl read -intent -nonfut reindeer -pl -acc
dist -abl три -acc год -acc быть -ant.cvb -pl late.autumn -dat тоже =ptl read -intent -nonfut олень -pl -acc
Three years later, in late autumn, they went to count reindeer again.
Спустя три года, осенью, опять поехали на подсчёт оленей.
Even taboos and customs (1)
[eres] Ịadụkụn-da, stadala-da tar, ọrọlčịmŋal bọlọnịdụ aːnŋattakatan dʒọlọč ečin dʒọldawračal ịawračal, hukleːddeketen.
* ịa -DUk(U) -n(I) =dE stado.R -(dU)LE =dE tar ọralčị -mŋE -L bọlanị -DU aːnŋa -Č -REk -E-tEn dʒọl -E-Č er -čIn dʒọlda -Gr(E) -čE -L ịa -Gr(E) -čE -L hukleːn -D -REk -E-tEn
* what -abl -poss.3sg =ptl herd.R -loc =ptl dist herd.reindeer -ag.nr -pl late.autumn -dat stay.overnight -res -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl stone -ep-ins prox -adv fling.stone -hab -pf.ptc what -hab -pf.ptc -pl sleep -prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl
* что -abl -poss.3sg =ptl herd.R -loc =ptl dist herd.олень -ag.nr -pl late.autumn -dat остаться.overnight -res -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl камень -ep-ins prox -adv fling.камень -hab -pf.ptc что -hab -pf.ptc -pl спать -prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl
And from there, in the herds, when shepherds stay overnight in the night camp, with stones, they (ariwki) throw stones and stuff, while they are asleep.
И в стадах, где оленеводы когда ночуют, камнем кидают.
Tompo in Soviet times (1)
Tadụk bọllaːna tar biː abaːw kụlaːk Eloksejik etikeːn bọlarapač maj bịagan [ọːka] ọːkan beriwenew ịrụːrin.
tar -DUk(U) buollaγïna.Y tar biː abaga -W kulak.R Aleksej.R -ik.R etikeːn bọlanị -rEp -E-Č maj.R bịag -E-n(I) ọː -kEn brevno.R -W ịrụː -RI -n(I)
dist -abl ptl.Y dist 1sg grandfather -poss.1sg kulak.R Aleksej.R -dim.R old.man late.autumn -temp.nr -ep-ins May.R month -ep-poss.3sg become -trm.cvb log -acc draw -pst -poss.3sg
dist -abl ptl.Y dist 1sg дед -poss.1sg kulak.R Aleksej.R -dim.R старый.мужчина late.autumn -temp.nr -ep-ins May.R month -ep-poss.3sg become -trm.cvb log -acc draw -pst -poss.3sg
Then, my grandpa, kulak, old man Aleksej, transported logs from late autumn till May.
Мой дедушка Алексей кулак старик с мая до осени возил бревна. /Тогда мой дед, кулак, старик Алексей до месяца мая возил бревна.