Forest Enets
Bitten by wasps
A story about a boy who was bitten by wasps on his way to school from the Tundra.
Forest Enets
The mark to find the fishing nets
An Enets speaker explains his trick to find fishing nets in the snow.
Forest Enets
An entangled rope
An Enets speaker tells a brief story about an entangled rope.
Forest Enets
Three bears
A story about bears stealing a manâs food provisions and him scaring them away.
Forest Enets
To make a bolok
An Enets speaker tells of his plan to build a bolok and gather his family for a trip in the Tundra.
Forest Enets
Two dogs
An Enets speaker tells of two cheeky dogs he once owned.
Forest Enets
Two ways back
A brief chat with an Enets speaker, who describes two pathways to the village.
Forest Enets
Washing a newborn
An Enets speaker remembers the birth of a baby in the tundra and the afterbirth washing ritual.
Forest Enets
Way to the lake
A brief chat with an nets speaker discussing a path to a lake made by his people
Forest Enets
We found a duck’s nest
A brief audio recording of an Enets speaker puzzled after finding a duckâs nest in an unexpected place.
Forest Enets
We remained without moss
A story of Enets and Evenkis people who lost half of their reindeer herds because of the lack of moss.
Forest Enets
An Enets speaker tells of the time he fell in a whirlpool with his reindeer and almost froze.
Forest Enets
White salmon
An Enets speaker discusses local fish and their specificities
Forest Enets
A speaker remembers going fishing in sandy island near Priluki
Forest Enets
Worms used as a bait
A speaker explains how he fished naked in sandy island with his granddad.
Forest Enets
Young fishes
A very short chat with an Enets speaker about young fish.