Northern Khanty

Suffixes in Northern Khanty

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Search: lləm. 2 total hits in 2 transcripts.
Imi-Xili (1)
wan mɔjl-ə-s-ə-t, χŭw mɔjl-ə-s-ə-t, sikəńśa aj jɔχ, eŋəm-ti jɔχ weŋ-ə-l pil-na lŭw kŭt-l-al-na kar-na mŏlaj-na jănt-ti pit-s-ə-t. jăn-l-ə-t, ńăχ-l-ə-t. met wŭl ăt-ə-l, pŭrəś ăt-ə-l, pŭrəś pelək ăt-ə-l law-i-li-j-ə-l: “năŋ, law-ə-l, itta jănt-a-ti, mɔjl-a-ti, wŭl-a-ti. ma, law-ə-l, itta aj weń-em χŏśa, law-ə-l, jăχ-l-ə-m, χŏti pela ul-l-ə-t, law-ə-l, liramp-l-ə-lləm. itta wɔs-ə-ŋ urt iki jik-ə-t χŏśa, law-ə-l, jăχ-l-ə-m, law-ə-l, weŋ-em liramp-ti-ji.” tŏχi jŏχət-l pa śikəńśa itta wɔs-ə-ŋ urt iki jik χŏśa, ittam iki tŏχi jŏχət-l pa uw kat pelək-na kat akar jir-ə-m-ŋən, ŋări-l'-ŋən, keni-l-ŋən. ur χɔt ăntam, jŭχ χɔt. jelən naj kepa naj śaś-i-li-j-ə-l, niŋ kepa niŋ śaś-i-li-j-ə-l. “mŭŋ peli mɔs-ti neŋχuj ki, law-ə-l, lɔś-l tăχti ńălem-a-tən, jŏχi esl-l-ə-lən, juŋk-ə-l tăχti ńălem-a-tən, jŏχi pŏtk-alən. mŭŋ peli ăn mɔs-l ki, law-ə-l, siw nampər, χis nampər wer-alən, sŭk-li măns-ij-alən.” itta akar-ŋən-na epsem-ə-s-a pa wŭ-s-a pa lɔś-l ńălem-ə-s-a, juŋk-ə-l ńălem-ə-s-a, jŏχi pŏtk-ə-s-a.
short feast-0-PST-0-3PL long feat-0-PST-0-3PL DP small man grow-NMLZ.IMPF brother:in:law-0-3SG companion-LOC 3 middle-PL-3SG [card]-LOC what-LOC play-NMLZ.IMPF start-PST-0-3PL play-NONPST-0-3PL laugh-NONPST-0-3PL SUPER big thing-0-3SG old thing-0-3SG old half thing-0-3SG say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST 2SG say-0-NONPST DP play-IMP-PL feast-IMP-PL be:well-IMP-PL 1SG say-0-NONPST that small brother:in:law-1SG to say-0-NONPST walk-NONPST-0-1SG how towards be-NONPST-0-3PL say-0-NONPST investigate-NONPST-0-PL.1SG that town-0-PROPR spirit old:man boy-0-PL to say-0-NONPST walk-NONPST-0-1SG say-0-NONPST brother:in:law-1SG investigate-NMLZ.IMPF-TRANS to:there arrive-NONPST and DP that town-0-PROPR spirit old:man boy to that old:man to:there arrive-NONPST and door two half-LOC two watchdog tie-0-NMLZ.PF-DU bark-NONPST-3DU fight-NONPST-3DU forest house not:be tree house at:home sun only sun hear-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST woman only woman hear-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST 1PL DP must-NMLZ.IMPF person if say-0-NONPST ice-3SG bit lick-IMP-DU homewards release-NONPST-0-SG.2DU ice-0-NONPST bit lick-IMP-DU homewards push-IMP.SG.DU 1PL NEG must-NONPST if say-0-NONPST steam rubbish sand rubbish make-IMP.SG.DU piece-CAR tear-FREQ-IMP.SG.DU that watchdog-DU-LOC sniff-INCH-PST-PAS and take-PST-PAS and ice-3SG lick-0-PST-PAS ice-0-3SG lick-0-PST-PAS homewards push-0-PST-PAS
short feast-0-ПРОШ-0-3МН длинный feat-0-ПРОШ-0-3МН DP маленький мужчина расти-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ брат:мужа-0-3ЕД товарищ-ЛОК 3 середина-МН-3ЕД [card]-ЛОК что-ЛОК play-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-ПРОШ-0-3МН play-NONPST-0-3МН смеяться-NONPST-0-3МН SUPER большой вещь-0-3ЕД старый вещь-0-3ЕД старый half вещь-0-3ЕД сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST 2ЕД сказать-0-NONPST DP play-ИМП-МН feast-ИМП-МН be:well-ИМП-МН 1ЕД сказать-0-NONPST тот маленький брат:мужа-1ЕД к сказать-0-NONPST идти-NONPST-0-1ЕД как в:направлении быть-NONPST-0-3МН сказать-0-NONPST investigate-NONPST-0-МН.1ЕД тот город-0-ПРОПР spirit старик boy-0-МН к сказать-0-NONPST идти-NONPST-0-1ЕД сказать-0-NONPST брат:мужа-1ЕД investigate-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-TRANS to:there прибыть-NONPST and DP тот город-0-ПРОПР spirit старик boy к тот старик to:there прибыть-NONPST and дверь два half-ЛОК два watchdog связать-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-ДВ лаять-NONPST-3ДВ fight-NONPST-3ДВ лес дом not:be дерево дом at:home солнце only солнце слышать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST женщина only женщина слышать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST 1МН DP must-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ человек if сказать-0-NONPST ice-3ЕД bit lick-ИМП-ДВ homewards release-NONPST-0-ЕД.2ДВ ice-0-NONPST bit lick-ИМП-ДВ homewards push-ИМП.ЕД.ДВ 1МН НЕГ must-NONPST if сказать-0-NONPST steam мусор sand мусор делать-ИМП.ЕД.ДВ piece-КАР рвать-ФРЕКВ-ИМП.ЕД.ДВ тот watchdog-ДВ-ЛОК sniff-ИНХ-ПРОШ-ПАС and взять-ПРОШ-ПАС and ice-3ЕД lick-0-ПРОШ-ПАС ice-0-3ЕД lick-0-ПРОШ-ПАС homewards push-0-ПРОШ-ПАС
They were partying for a long or a short time, with the young man, with the brother-in-law they started to play cards. They played and laughed. The oldest one, the oldest one said: “Play now, visit, be well. I will set off to the younger brother-in-law, to see how they are living. I will go to the town hero’s son and will see my brother-in-law.” He went there, the old man came to the fish-pond hero’s son, but on two sides of the house two watch dogs were tied up, they barked, they fought. It was not a tent, it was a wooden house. In the house a woman could be heard, like the sun. “If the person is necessary to us,” she said, “lick off the snow, let him into the house, lick off the ice, push him into the house. If he’s someone we don’t need, make mincemeat of him, tear him to pieces.” The watchdogs sniffed at him, took him and licked off the snow, licked off the ice, and pushed him into the house.
Elder brother and younger brother (1)
atul. apś-ə-l ănt es-l-ə-lli, lŭw kim ănt et-l, lŭw ɔməs-l śiti. at-ə-ŋ χătl ɔms-ə-s pa χălewət aləŋ săχati χătl kŭtəp kem-mi ji-s pa jŭw-m-al χɔrpi, iśńi ewəlt want-i-li-j-ə-l pa χătl nawi χɔrpi. kamən mŏsa sij śi śat-l. kim et-ə-s pa śikəńśa itta al-ti kes-ə-l pil-na. śi χɔrpi l'al' jŏχət-m-al pa tɔmətta χŏti χŏj-na wan-s-a, ar us-m-al, siməl us-m-al. aj juχ-ə-l aj wɔj-na lăŋ-ə-m, wŭl juχ-ə-l wŭl wɔj-na lăŋ-ə-m, wɔt i χŏl-li lɔw pŭn, χŏl-li mŭs pŭn. śikəńśa apś-el nŏχ ănt es-l-ə-lli, lŭw jelən jir-man śiti χuj-ə-l. lŭw ittam kinžal-ə-l-na wel-pəs-l-ə-ti pit-l. tijəś kerl-ə-l, sewər-l, lăr-ti pɔm iti lar-l-ə-lli, tŏχəś kerl-ə-l, sewər-l, ewət-ti warəs iti ewət-l-ə-lli. wan sewr-ə-s χŭw sewr-ə-s, itta mŭr χŏl-ə-s. χŏl-s-ə-lli l'al' mŭr-l. a mŭr-l χŏl-ə-m jŭpi-na ittam ŭp-ə-l iki sɔt sărep ŭp-ə-l iki śita nawr-i-li-j-ə-l. śilta tŏχi măn-ə-s pa law-ə-l pa law-ə-l: “năŋ-en sewərm-ə-l-em.” “pa, law-ə-l, mŏla-ji năŋ sewərm-ə-l-en? law-ə-l, ew-ə-m, law-ə-l, mŏla-ji, law-ə-l, kit-i-li-s-ə-n, năŋ wɔχ-ə-m-ə-t-l-an ănt ul-l-ə-t, law-ə-l. năŋ wɔχ-s-ə-n, ănt ki wɔχ-s-ə-n, ma χŭnti lulən kit-s-ə-lləm. năŋ wɔχ-m-en pa ma śitna-ji kit-s-ə-m.” “pa ma, law-ə-l, tăm arat wɔχ-i-li-s-ə-m, jesa śiməl-sək ăn răχ-ə-l?” “pa, law-ə-l, χŏti χălśa siməl-sək, pa raz năŋ wɔχ-s-ə-n, znacit nŏməs tărəm-ti-ji kit-ti mɔs-l.”
ever younger:brother-0-3SG NEG release-NONPST-0-SG.3SG 3 out NEG come:forth-NONPST 3 sit-NONPST so night-0-PROPR day sit-0-PST and tomorrow morning time day middle after-TRANS come-PST and come-NMLZ.PF-3SG like window from see-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST and day white like outside what noise FOC hear-NONPST out come:forth-0-PST and DP that lift-NMLZ.PF knife-0-3SG companion-LOC DP like war arrive-NMLZ.PF-3SG and yesterday how who-LOC see-PST-PAS many be-NMLZ.PF-3SG few be-NMLZ.PF-3SG small tree-0-3SG-LOC small animal-LOC enter-0-NMLZ.PF big tree-0-3SG big animal-LOC enter-0-NMLZ.PF [EMPH] one be:exhausted-CAR horse hair be:exhausted-CAR cow hair DP brother-3SG up NEG release-NONPST-0-SG.3SG 3 at:home tie-CVB so lie-0-NONPST 3 that [dagger]-0-3SG-LOC kill-N-V-NMLZ.IMPF start-NONPST to:here turn-0-NONPST cut-NONPST roll-NMLZ.IMPF grass as roll-NONPST-0-SG.3SG to:there turn-0-NONPST cut-NONPST cut-NMLZ.IMPF branch as cut-NONPST-0-SG.3SG short cut-0-PST long cut-0-PST DP people be:exhausted-0-PST be:exhausted-PST-0-SG.3SG war people-3SG [but] people-3SG be:exhausted-0-3SG behind-LOC that father:in:law-0-3SG old:man hundred relative father:in:law-0-3SG old:man there jump-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST from:there to:there go-0-PST and say-0-NONPST and say-0-NONPST 2SG-ACC/DAT cut-0-NONPST-SG.1SG and say-0-NONPST what-TRANS 2SG cut-0-NONPST-SG.2SG say-0-NONPST girl-0-1SG say-0-NONPST what-TRANS send-0-IMPF-PST-0-2SG 2SG beg-0-NMLZ.PF-0-N-PL-2SG NEG be-NONPST-0-3PL 2SG beg-PST-0-2SG NEG if be-PST-0-2SG 1SG when SBJV send-PST-0-PL.1SG 2SG beg-NMLZ.PF-2SG and 1SG therefore-TRANS send-PST-0-1SG and 1SG say-0-NONPST this much beg-0-IMPF-PST-0-1SG a:little few-COMP NEG be:possible-0-3SG and say-0-NONPST how from:where few-COMP and [time] 2SG beg-PST-0-2SG [so] mind suffice-NMLZ.IMPF-TRANS send-NMLZ.IMPF must-NONPST
ever younger:brother-0-3ЕД НЕГ release-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД 3 из НЕГ come:forth-NONPST 3 сидеть-NONPST так ночь-0-ПРОПР день сидеть-0-ПРОШ and завтра утро время день середина после-TRANS прийти-ПРОШ and прийти-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД любить window от видеть-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST and день белый любить снаружи что noise ФОК слышать-NONPST из come:forth-0-ПРОШ and DP тот lift-НМЛЗ.ПРФ нож-0-3ЕД товарищ-ЛОК DP любить война прибыть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД and yesterday как кто-ЛОК видеть-ПРОШ-ПАС много быть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД несколько быть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД маленький дерево-0-3ЕД-ЛОК маленький животное-ЛОК войти-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ большой дерево-0-3ЕД большой животное-ЛОК войти-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ [ЭМФ] один be:exhausted-КАР horse hair be:exhausted-КАР корова hair DP брат-3ЕД вверх НЕГ release-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД 3 at:home связать-КОНВ так лежать-0-NONPST 3 тот [dagger]-0-3ЕД-ЛОК убить-N-ГЛ-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-NONPST to:here turn-0-NONPST резать-NONPST катиться-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ grass as катиться-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД to:there turn-0-NONPST резать-NONPST резать-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ branch as резать-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД short резать-0-ПРОШ длинный резать-0-ПРОШ DP народ be:exhausted-0-ПРОШ be:exhausted-ПРОШ-0-ЕД.3ЕД война народ-3ЕД [но] народ-3ЕД be:exhausted-0-3ЕД за-ЛОК тот father:in:law-0-3ЕД старик стоянка relative father:in:law-0-3ЕД старик там прыгать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST from:there to:there идти-0-ПРОШ and сказать-0-NONPST and сказать-0-NONPST 2ЕД-АКК/ДАТ резать-0-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД and сказать-0-NONPST что-TRANS 2ЕД резать-0-NONPST-ЕД.2ЕД сказать-0-NONPST girl-0-1ЕД сказать-0-NONPST что-TRANS послать-0-ИМПФ-ПРОШ-0-2ЕД 2ЕД beg-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-0-N-МН-2ЕД НЕГ быть-NONPST-0-3МН 2ЕД beg-ПРОШ-0-2ЕД НЕГ if быть-ПРОШ-0-2ЕД 1ЕД когда СОСЛ послать-ПРОШ-0-МН.1ЕД 2ЕД beg-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-2ЕД and 1ЕД therefore-TRANS послать-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД and 1ЕД сказать-0-NONPST этот много beg-0-ИМПФ-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД a:little несколько-КОМП НЕГ be:possible-0-3ЕД and сказать-0-NONPST как from:where несколько-КОМП and [время] 2ЕД beg-ПРОШ-0-2ЕД [так] ум suffice-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-TRANS послать-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ must-NONPST
Fine. He did not let his brother go, he himself did not go outside, he just sat. He sat for twenty-four hours, the next day noon arrived. When it came he looked out the window, it was a bright day. Outside some sort of noise could be heard. He went out with the shaman’s knife. War had arrived, who could see whether many or few, few or many. Small animals went under the small trees, large animals went under the large trees, see, the endless horse-hair, the endless cow-hair. He did not let his brother go–he was tied up in the house and lay there. He started to kill with this dagger. When he turned one direction, he hewed, as if he were cutting grass, when he turned the other direction, he hewed as if he were cutting branches for carving. He hacked away for a short time, for a long time, the people were consumed. The warriors were gone. After the people were gotten rid of, his father-in-law, the old man with a hundred relatives, came running. He came there and the other said: “I’ll hack you to death.” “Well,” he said, “why should you hack me to death. Why did you send my daughter? What you asked for doesn’t exist. You asked, if you hadn’t asked, when would I have sent it? You asked and that’s why I sent it.” “And I,” he said, “asked for only so much. A bit less would not have been possible?” “Well,” he said, “why less? You did ask after all, I had to send to satisfy you.”