Northern Khanty

Lexical glosses for Northern Khanty (English)

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The old man and the swans (5)
śit-et măn-ə-m jŭpi-na iki wan pa wan, χŭw pa χŭw ănta u-s, imŏsaj-na pɔχəl măr-ə-m sij, pŏskan măr-ə-m sij pa śi sijməlləs. iki kim ăŋkərm-ə-l pa wŭl lɔr kŭtəp-na nawi χŏtəŋ lat-m-al. nawi χŏtəŋ lat-m-al, jŏχi lăŋ-ə-s, păsaŋ elti ɔms-ə-s, χŭw pa χŭw ănt ɔms-ə-s, wan pa wan ănt ɔms-ə-s, imŏsaj-na itta niŋ jŏχi lăŋ-ə-s, kurt-eŋ sew-pi i niŋ, lujt-ə-ŋ jɔs-pi i niŋ, χănsəŋ săχ-pi i niŋ. i jɔs-l-na kăt-l asar jiŋk i kew an, mawi jiŋk i kew an. “iki, iki, iki, ma jŏχət-s-ə-m.” iki law-ə-l: “naŋ măn-m-en jŭpi-na χŭw pa χŭw ănt u-s-ə-m, wan pa wan ănt u-s-ə-m, iśi χɔrpi kurt-eŋ sew-pi χuləm niŋ, χănsəŋ săχ-pi χuləm niŋ jŏχt-ə-li-j-ə-s-ə-t, i lujt-ə-ŋ jɔs-pi χuləm niŋ. i jɔs-l-na kăt-l-ə-t asar jiŋk i kew an, mawi jiŋk i kew an. ma pa śiti law-s-ə-m: iśi χɔrpi kurt-eŋ sew-pi, iśi χɔrpi lujt-ə-ŋ jɔs-pi niŋ ma pa tăj-l-ə-m.” śi im-el pil-na pŏtər-l-ə-ŋən.
that-3PL go-0-NMLZ.PF behind-LOC old:man short and short long and long NEG be-PST one-LOC herd make:din-0-NMLZ.PF noise [gun] make:din-0-NMLZ.PF noise and FOC make:noise-0-PST old:man out look-0-NONPST and big lake middle-LOC white swan sit-NMLZ.PF-3SG white swan sit-NMLZ.PF-3SG homewards enter-0-PST table from sit-0-PST long and long NEG sit-0-PST short and short NEG sit-0-PST one-LOC that woman homewards enter-0-PST iron-PROPR scythe-PROPR one woman ring-0-PROPR arm-PROPR one woman brilliant coat-PROPR one woman one arm-3SG-LOC seize-NONPST-0-3PL bitter water one stone vessel sweet water one stone vessel old:man old:man old:man 1SG arrive-PST-0-1SG old:man say-0-NONPST 2SG go-NMLZ.PF-2SG behind-LOC long and long NEG be-PST-0-1SG short and short NEG be-PST-0-1SG same like iron-PROPR scythe-PROPR three woman decorated coat-PROPR three woman arrive-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-PST-0-3PL one ring-0-PROPR arm-PROPR three woman one arm-3SG-LOC seize-NONPST-0-3PL bitter water one stone vessel sweet water one stone vessel 1SG and so say-PST-0-1SG same like iron-0-PROPR scythe-PROPR same like ring-0-PROPR arm-PROPR woman 1SG and have-NONPST-0-1SG DP woman-3SG companion-LOC speak-NONPST-0-3DU
тот-3МН идти-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ за-ЛОК старик short and short длинный and длинный НЕГ быть-ПРОШ один-ЛОК herd make:din-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ noise [ружье] make:din-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ noise and ФОК шуметь-0-ПРОШ старик из смотреть-0-NONPST and большой озеро середина-ЛОК белый swan сидеть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД белый swan сидеть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД homewards войти-0-ПРОШ стол от сидеть-0-ПРОШ длинный and длинный НЕГ сидеть-0-ПРОШ short and short НЕГ сидеть-0-ПРОШ один-ЛОК тот женщина homewards войти-0-ПРОШ iron-ПРОПР scythe-ПРОПР один женщина ring-0-ПРОПР arm-ПРОПР один женщина brilliant верхняя:одежда-ПРОПР один женщина один arm-3ЕД-ЛОК seize-NONPST-0-3МН bitter вода один камень vessel sweet вода один камень vessel старик старик старик 1ЕД прибыть-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД старик сказать-0-NONPST 2ЕД идти-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-2ЕД за-ЛОК длинный and длинный НЕГ быть-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД short and short НЕГ быть-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД same любить iron-ПРОПР scythe-ПРОПР три женщина decorated верхняя:одежда-ПРОПР три женщина прибыть-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШ-0-3МН один ring-0-ПРОПР arm-ПРОПР три женщина один arm-3ЕД-ЛОК seize-NONPST-0-3МН bitter вода один камень vessel sweet вода один камень vessel 1ЕД and так сказать-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД same любить iron-0-ПРОПР scythe-ПРОПР same любить ring-0-ПРОПР arm-ПРОПР женщина 1ЕД and have-NONPST-0-1ЕД DP женщина-3ЕД товарищ-ЛОК говорить-NONPST-0-3ДВ
After they left, over long or short, suddenly the din of thunder, the din of a gun could again be heard. The old man looked out and in the middle of the big lake a swan was sitting. A white swan was sitting, he went into the house and sat down at the table. He sat for a long or a short time, suddenly a woman entered the house, a woman with iron scythes, a woman with rings on her hand, a woman in a decorated fur coat. In one hand she was carrying a bottle of bitter water, in the other one a bottle of sweet water. “Old man, old man, old man, i have arrived.” The old man said: “After you left, over long or short three women with iron scythes, three women in decorated fur coats came, three women wit rings on their hands came. In one hand they hold a bottle with bitter water, in the other one a bottle with sweet water. I said: “I also have just such a woman with iron scythes, with just rings on her hands.” This is how they talked.
Dialogue (1)
tŭr-en păl wŏst-at-m-al, tŭr-en alt wŏst-at-l? ńar sări li-s-em. ńar sări liw-ə-m-na epl-ə-ŋ u-s mŏla epəl-li u-s? epl-ə-ŋ u-s mŏla epəl-li u-s, tŭr kŭtəp-na jesaji sărnəmt-ij-ə-s. kŭr-ŋil-an păr χăjŋareŋ-ə-t. kŭr-ŋil-an alt χăjŋareŋ-ə-t. lapət śarəs lŭp-li χɔp-na jăχ-s-ə-m. ja, śars-iji-l-al tɔŋχa aj-ə-t u-s-ə-t. śars-iji-l-al aj-ə-t ili ŭnt-ə-t, χŏj-na wan-s-a? law-l-ə-t pa wŏsti rɔwəŋ śiśki măn-m-al pa śarəs kŭtəp-na il pit-m-al. ja, śiśk-ij-el tɔŋχa aj u-s. śiśk-ij-el aj tel, un tel u-s, χŏj-na wan-s-a. law-l-ə-t pa lapət χuj-ŋil-am χɔt-na i mărχ-ə-l mătti lăŋ-ə-m. ja, jɔχ-iji-l-al tɔŋχa aj-ə-t u-s-e-t. jɔχ-iji-l-al aj-ə-t ili ŭnt-ə-t, χŏj-na wan-s-aj-ə-t? law-l-ə-t pa sew-ə-m as pun lŏwat-ə-t. sew-ə-m as pun lŏwat-ə-t. i pun-iji-l-al tɔŋχa aj-ə-t u-s-ə-t. pun-iji-l-al aj-ə-t u-s-ə-t mŏla wŭl-ə-t u-s-ə-t pa lapət lăli jiŋk-na ɔmət-l-aj-ə-t pa i pelək-l-al numən ńi-t-el. jiŋk-ij-el aj u-s tɔŋχa. jiŋk-ij-el aj u-s, mŏla wŭl u-s pa law-l-ə-t pa wŏsti rɔwəŋ χŭl-ij-en jăχ-t-al pa pŭsi ăn ńi-ti, ŏχ-ij-el ăn ńi-ti, śi.
throat-2SG high soot-V-NMLZ.PF-3SG throat-2SG only soot-V-NONPST fresh kind:of:fish eat-PST-SG.1SG fresh kind:of:fish eat-0-NMLZ.PF-LOC taste-0-PROPR be-PST what taste-CAR be-PST taste-0-PROPR be-PST what taste-CAR be-PST throat middle-LOC slightly-TRANS dry-FREQ-0-PST leg-DU-2SG very crooked-0-PL leg-DU-2SG only crooked-0-PL seven sea oar-CAR boat-LOC walk-PST-0-1SG DP sea-DIM-PL-3SG DP small-0-PL be-PST-0-3PL sea-DIM-PL-3SG small-0-PL [or] large-0-PL who-LOC see-PST-PAS say-NONPST-0-3PL and blue green bird go-NMLZ.PF-3SG and sea middle-LOC down fall-NMLZ.PF-3SG DP bird-DIM-3SG DP small be-PST bird-DIM-3SG small full large full be-PST who-LOC see-PST-PAS say-NONPST-0-3PL and seven man-DU-1SG house-LOC one wing-0-3SG which enter-0-NMLZ.PF DP man-DIM-PL-3SG DP small-0-PL be-PST-0-3SG man-DIM-PL-3SG small-0-PL [or] large-0-PL who-LOC see-PST-PAS-0-3PL say-NONPST-0-3PL and spin-0-NMLZ.PF Ob fish:trap size-0-PL spin-0-NMLZ.PF Ob fish:trap size-0-PL [and] fish:trap-DIM-PL-3SG DP small-0-PL be-PST-0-3PL fish:trap-DIM-PL-3SG small-0-PL be-PST-0-3PL what big-0-PL be-PST-0-3PL and seven fathom water-LOC set-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL and one side-PL-3SG above seem-NMLZ.IMPF-3PL water-DIM-3SG small be-PST DP water-DIM-3SG small be-PST what big be-PST and say-NONPST-0-3PL and blue green fish-DIM-2SG walk-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG and tail NEG seem-NMLZ.IMPF head-DIM-3SG NEG seem-NMLZ.IMPF DP
горло-2ЕД high soot-ГЛ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД горло-2ЕД only soot-ГЛ-NONPST fresh kind:of:fish есть-ПРОШ-ЕД.1ЕД fresh kind:of:fish есть-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-ЛОК taste-0-ПРОПР быть-ПРОШ что taste-КАР быть-ПРОШ taste-0-ПРОПР быть-ПРОШ что taste-КАР быть-ПРОШ горло середина-ЛОК slightly-TRANS dry-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШ нога-ДВ-2ЕД очень crooked-0-МН нога-ДВ-2ЕД only crooked-0-МН семь море oar-КАР boat-ЛОК идти-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД DP море-ДИМ-МН-3ЕД DP маленький-0-МН быть-ПРОШ-0-3МН море-ДИМ-МН-3ЕД маленький-0-МН [or] large-0-МН кто-ЛОК видеть-ПРОШ-ПАС сказать-NONPST-0-3МН and blue green bird идти-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД and море середина-ЛОК down fall-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД DP bird-ДИМ-3ЕД DP маленький быть-ПРОШ bird-ДИМ-3ЕД маленький full large full быть-ПРОШ кто-ЛОК видеть-ПРОШ-ПАС сказать-NONPST-0-3МН and семь мужчина-ДВ-1ЕД дом-ЛОК один wing-0-3ЕД который войти-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ DP мужчина-ДИМ-МН-3ЕД DP маленький-0-МН быть-ПРОШ-0-3ЕД мужчина-ДИМ-МН-3ЕД маленький-0-МН [or] large-0-МН кто-ЛОК видеть-ПРОШ-ПАС-0-3МН сказать-NONPST-0-3МН and spin-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ Ob fish:trap size-0-МН spin-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ Ob fish:trap size-0-МН [and] fish:trap-ДИМ-МН-3ЕД DP маленький-0-МН быть-ПРОШ-0-3МН fish:trap-ДИМ-МН-3ЕД маленький-0-МН быть-ПРОШ-0-3МН что большой-0-МН быть-ПРОШ-0-3МН and семь fathom вода-ЛОК set-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН and один сторона-МН-3ЕД над seem-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3МН вода-ДИМ-3ЕД маленький быть-ПРОШ DP вода-ДИМ-3ЕД маленький быть-ПРОШ что большой быть-ПРОШ and сказать-NONPST-0-3МН and blue green рыба-ДИМ-2ЕД идти-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕД and tail НЕГ seem-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ голова-ДИМ-3ЕД НЕГ seem-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ DP
Your throat is covered with soot, why is your throat covered with soot? - I ate raw fish. - When did you eat raw fish? Did it taste good or not? - Did it taste good or not? My throat got dry. - Your legs are very crooked. Why are your legs crooked? - I passed through seven seas on a boat without oars. - Well the seas were small ones? - Who saw whether the seas were small or large? They say, a blue, green bird was flying and fell in the middle of the sea. - Well your bird must have been small. - Who saw whether it was small or large? Seven lads say that one of its wings covered them like a house. - Well, the lads must have been small. - Whether the lads were small or large, who saw them? They say of the size of a braided net on the Ob. Of the size of a braided net on the Ob. - Their nets must have been small. - Whether the nets were small or large, they’re placed on the water at seven fathoms and from the top their ends are visible. - The water must have been small. - Whether the water was small or large, they say a blue green fish goes there. Its tail can’t be seen, its head can’t be seen. That’s all.
Ivan Durachok (5)
nu śikəńśa ătti, imŏsaj-na jaj-ŋil-al jŏχət-l-ə-ŋən. jaj-ŋil-al jŏχət-l-ə-ŋən pa śikəńśa lŭw kŭr lɔŋ-ə-n-na nŏχ χuŋχ-ə-l, śikəńśa numəs-ij-ə-l pa: “jăm trapkaj-na săχa jɔwər-l-em.” jăm trapkaj-na nŏχ jɔwər-l-ə-lli, nŏχ jɔwər-l-ə-lli śikəńśa, śiti-ji χuj-ə-l. jaj-ŋil-al jŏχət-l-ə-ŋən, aś-el-na ińśəs-l-a: “χŏti niŋ-ə-n wŭ-s-a?” “a, aχŏj jŏχt-i-li-j-ə-s pa atəm mŏsa niŋ lɔw imi-na ătti nawərm-ə-s pa ătti lujt-ə-l wŭ-s-li i măn-ə-s mŏχti.” śikəńśa, aləŋ săχat ittam χɔn śikəńśa ătti prikaziwajet-l: “χŏj ew-em lujət wŭ-s, śit jŏχət-l, śit elti newestaj-ə-l mŏχti mă-l-em, χɔt' χŏj at ul.” itta kŭr lɔŋ-ə-n-na χuj-ə-m-ə-t śikəńśa śi atəm trapka, χŭl-eŋ trapkaj-ə-l nŏχ jɔwər-l-ə-lli pa śikəńśa lŏwat-ə-l-na nawi-ji ji-s. nu śikəńśa, itta ătti jaj-ŋil-an law-l-ə-ŋən: “mŏla-ji durit-l-ə-n ătti, tŭt wŭ-s, itta śera jŭχ il pŏn-i-l-a.” nu śikəńśa atul, itta śikəńśa ătti χɔn prikaz raz mă-s, značit ăsa măn-ti mɔs-l pa śiti u-s. śikəńśa iwanuška law-i-li-j-ə-l ătti: “dawaj, law-ə-l, ma pa măn-l-ə-m.” jaj-ŋil-an law-l-ə-ŋən: “aj, năŋ ănt mɔs-l-ə-n, χŭl-eŋ u-s-ə-n seŋk ătti, atəm u-s-ə-n, χŏj-na śiti măn-ti păr-l-aj-ə-n?” nu śikəńśa, itta ătti iwanuška jelən χiś-l.
INTJ DP DP one-LOC elder:brother-DU-3SG arrive-NONPST-0-3DU elder:brother-DU-3SG arrive-NONPST-0-3DU and DP 3 oven top-0-2DU-LOC up climb-0-NONPST DP think-FREQ-0-NONPST and good [rag]-LOC then wrap-NONPST-SG.1SG good [rag]-LOC up wrap-NONPST-0-SG.3SG up wrap-NONPST-0-SG.3SG DP so-TRANS lie-0-NONPST elder:brother-DU-3SG arrive-NONPST-0-3DU father-3SG-LOC ask-NONPST-PAS how woman-0-2DU bring-PST-PAS [but] who arrive-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-PST and bad what woman horse woman-LOC DP jump-0-PST and DP ring-0-3SG take-PST-SG.3SG [and] go-0-PST soon DP morning time that king DP DP [decree]-NONPST who girl-1SG ring take-PST that come-NONPST that from [bride]-0-3SG soon give-NONPST-SG.1SG [though] who OPT be that oven top-0-2DU-LOC lie-0-NMLZ.PF-N DP DP bad [rag] dirt-PROPR [rag]-0-3SG up wrap-NONPST-0-SG.3SG and DP size-0-3SG-LOC white-TRANS come-PST INTJ DP that DP elder:brother-DU-2SG say-NONPST-0-3SG what-TRANS [be:naughty]-NONPST-0-2SG DP fire take-PST DP [sulphur] tree down put-FREQ-NONPST-PAS INTJ DP ever DP DP DP king [order] [if] give-PST [so] all go-NMLZ.IMPF must-NONPST and so be-PST DP Ivanushka say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST DP [let’s] say-0-NONPST 1SG and go-NONPST-0-1SG elder:brother-DU-2SG say-NONPST-0-3DU small 2SG NEG must-NONPST-0-2SG dirt-PROPR be-PST-0-2SG very DP bad be-PST-0-2SG who-LOC so go-NMLZ.IMPF order-NONPST-PAS-0-2SG INTJ DP that DP Ivanushka at:home remain:behind-NONPST
МЕЖД DP DP один-ЛОК старший:брат-ДВ-3ЕД прибыть-NONPST-0-3ДВ старший:брат-ДВ-3ЕД прибыть-NONPST-0-3ДВ and DP 3 oven top-0-2ДВ-ЛОК вверх climb-0-NONPST DP think-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST and хороший [rag]-ЛОК тогда завернуть-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД хороший [rag]-ЛОК вверх завернуть-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД вверх завернуть-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД DP так-TRANS лежать-0-NONPST старший:брат-ДВ-3ЕД прибыть-NONPST-0-3ДВ отец-3ЕД-ЛОК спросить-NONPST-ПАС как женщина-0-2ДВ принести-ПРОШ-ПАС [но] кто прибыть-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШ and плохой что женщина horse женщина-ЛОК DP прыгать-0-ПРОШ and DP ring-0-3ЕД взять-ПРОШ-ЕД.3ЕД [and] идти-0-ПРОШ soon DP утро время тот king DP DP [decree]-NONPST кто girl-1ЕД ring взять-ПРОШ тот прийти-NONPST тот от [bride]-0-3ЕД soon дать-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД [though] кто OPT быть тот oven top-0-2ДВ-ЛОК лежать-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-N DP DP плохой [rag] dirt-ПРОПР [rag]-0-3ЕД вверх завернуть-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД and DP size-0-3ЕД-ЛОК белый-TRANS прийти-ПРОШ МЕЖД DP тот DP старший:брат-ДВ-2ЕД сказать-NONPST-0-3ЕД что-TRANS [be:naughty]-NONPST-0-2ЕД DP огонь взять-ПРОШ DP [sulphur] дерево down положить-ФРЕКВ-NONPST-ПАС МЕЖД DP ever DP DP DP king [приказать] [if] дать-ПРОШ [так] весь идти-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ must-NONPST and так быть-ПРОШ DP Ivanushka сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST DP [let’s] сказать-0-NONPST 1ЕД and идти-NONPST-0-1ЕД старший:брат-ДВ-2ЕД сказать-NONPST-0-3ДВ маленький 2ЕД НЕГ must-NONPST-0-2ЕД dirt-ПРОПР быть-ПРОШ-0-2ЕД очень DP плохой быть-ПРОШ-0-2ЕД кто-ЛОК так идти-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ приказать-NONPST-ПАС-0-2ЕД МЕЖД DP тот DP Ivanushka at:home remain:behind-NONPST
Then the brothers arrived. The brothers arrived, and he climbed up on the oven and thought: “I’ll wrap it up with a good rag.” He wrapped it up with a good rag and lay there. His brothers arrived and their father asked them: “So, did you get a wife?” “Not very likely! Somebody came and leapt up on a bad horse and took the ring and left right away.” In the morning the tsar gave the order: “Whoever took my daughter’s ring should come. I will give him the bride immediately. Whoever it was, it’s all the same.” Then he, lying up on the oven, took off the poor, filthy rag and everything lit up. His brothers said: “Why are you so naughty? You lit fire, now put the matches down.” Well, once the tsar gave an order, everybody had to go. Ivanushka said: “Well, I’ll come along.” The brothers said: “You are not wanted, you are filthy, you are bad. Who ordered you to go?”
Burials (1)
xälal pǟ śikənśa wu-l-a pǟ somətt-ə-l-a, somett-ə-t-a pit-l-a. wǟj-l-al somətt-i-l-aj-ə-t ätti, săx-l-al somətt-i-l-aj-ə-t, maĺśaŋ-l-al äsa păn-l-aj-ə-t. kisi lišnij ätti ol-l-ə-t, äsa păn-l-aj-ə-t. ǟn-ə-t-na păn-l-aj-ə-t. nu mălaj-ə-l o-s, äsa păn-l-aj-ə-t. starij wǟj-l-al, jiləp wǟj-l-al äsa păn-l-aj-ə-t. i śikənśa ätti χam juχan-na păn-l-a, śikənśa śi or-na tu-l-a. or-na tu-l-a, jäm ewəlt χir-ə-l ewəlt wul χir-ə-l ewəlt śikənśa lǟnt kǟwər-l-aj-ə-t, put kǟwər-l-aj-ə-t, sǟj put-ə-t kǟwər-l-aj-ə-t, śitta ǟn-na am-ə-t-l-aj-ə-t. kälaŋ-l-al wel-l-aj-ə-t kälaŋ neŋχuj. ǟmp-l-al wel-l-aj-ə-t. oxəl-l-al χij-l-aj-ə-t. i mălaj-ə-t o-s-ə-t pǟ ǟrat-ə-l-na xij-l-aj-ə-t. jaχ neŋχuj ǟt o-l, niŋ neŋχuj ǟt o-l, äsa lilaŋ neŋχuj ti somətt-ə-l-a lǟmpi. jernas-ə-l ǟt o-l, mălaj-ə-l ǟt o-l, äsa păn-l-aj-ə-t.
dead and DP take-NONPST-PAS and dress-0-NONPST-PAS dress-0-NMLZ.IMPF start-NONPST-PAS boots-PL-3SG dress-FREQ-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL DP coat-PL-3SG dress-FREQ-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL parka-PL-3SG put-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL boots [extra] DP be-NONPST-0-3PL all put-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL cup-0-PL put-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL [well] what-0-3SG be-PST all put-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL [old] boots-PL-3SG new boots-PL-3SG all put-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL [and] DP DP coffin place-LOC put-NONPST-PAS DP FOC forest-LOC take-NONPST-PAS forest-LOC take-NONPST-PAS good from sack-0-3SG from big sack-0-3SG from DP porridge cook-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL pot cook-NONPST-PAS-0-3SG tea pot-0-3PL cook-NONPST-PAS-0-3SG there cup-LOC sit-0-TRANS-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL reindeer-PL-3SG kill-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL reindeer person dog-PL-3SG kill-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL sledge-PL-3SG leave-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL [and] what-0-3PL be-PST-0-3PL and size-0-3SG-LOC leave-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL man person let be-NONPST woman person let be-NONPST all living person like dress-0-NONPST-PAS perhaps dress-0-3SG let be-NONPST what-0-3SG le be-NONPST all put-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL
dead and DP взять-NONPST-ПАС and платье-0-NONPST-ПАС платье-0-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-NONPST-ПАС сапоги-МН-3ЕД платье-ФРЕКВ-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН DP верхняя:одежда-МН-3ЕД платье-ФРЕКВ-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН parka-МН-3ЕД положить-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН сапоги [extra] DP быть-NONPST-0-3МН весь положить-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН cup-0-МН положить-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН [хорошо] что-0-3ЕД быть-ПРОШ весь положить-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН [старый] сапоги-МН-3ЕД новый сапоги-МН-3ЕД весь положить-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН [and] DP DP coffin место-ЛОК положить-NONPST-ПАС DP ФОК лес-ЛОК взять-NONPST-ПАС лес-ЛОК взять-NONPST-ПАС хороший от sack-0-3ЕД от большой sack-0-3ЕД от DP porridge варить-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН pot варить-NONPST-ПАС-0-3ЕД tea pot-0-3МН варить-NONPST-ПАС-0-3ЕД там cup-ЛОК сидеть-0-TRANS-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН олень-МН-3ЕД убить-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН олень человек собака-МН-3ЕД убить-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН нарта-МН-3ЕД оставить-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН [and] что-0-3МН быть-ПРОШ-0-3МН and size-0-3ЕД-ЛОК оставить-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН мужчина человек let быть-NONPST женщина человек let быть-NONPST весь living человек любить платье-0-NONPST-ПАС perhaps платье-0-3ЕД let быть-NONPST что-0-3ЕД le быть-NONPST весь положить-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН
So, they take the dead body and dress it, they start dressing it. They put the boots on, the coats, the parkas, they put everything. If there are extra boots, they boot them too. They put cups. They put everything that they have. The old boots, the new boots, everything. They put it in the coffin and take to the forest. They take it to the forest and cook porridge from the good big sack, make a pot, make tea, then put out the cups. They kill reindeer of the person with reindeer. They kill his dogs. They leave his sledges. Whatever there is, they leave it. Let it be man or woman, they dress the dead body like a living person. Let is be a dress or whatever, they put everything.
The cuckoo (3)
o-s imi. ńil jik-ə-l o-s. ńǟwrem-l-al luw χŏś-el-na än χollət-s-ə-t, χătl χuwat ńŏχəmti-l-ə-t, jän-l-ə-t laś χŏśa, aləŋ säχat ewəlt ila pela măsa-t-na am-el χŏśa än ńat-s-ə-t. jŏχi ji-l-ə-t pǟ wăj-l-al jiŋk-ə-t, malśaŋ-l-al jiŋk-ə-t, pas-l-al jiŋk-ə-t am-el elti sar-ə-l-ta mä-s-l-ə-t. am-el elti śokat-ə-s śiməś ol-ə-psi ewəlt. śiti ol-t-al ewəlt mosaŋ-ŋi ji-s pǟ χoj-ə-s. śi χoj-ə-l. imăsa păraj-ə-t-na jiŋk jiś-ta li-ta pit-s-a. “ńǟwrem-ə-t, juw-a-ti sǟ, män-em jiŋk mij-a-ti. tur-am sarəs. män-em jiŋk tuw-a-ti”. ǟr pus waχ-s-ə-lli ńǟwrem-l-al, ńǟwrem-l-al änt ji-l-ə-t. wul jik-ə-l lǟw-ə-l: “mǟ wäj-l-am äntam-ə-t”. kimət jik-ə-l lǟw-ə-l: “mǟ mil-am äntam”. χolmət jik-ə-l lǟw-ə-l: “mǟ măsaj-l-am äntam-ə-t”. a ǟj jik-ə-l nemăsa änti lǟw-ə-s. am-el-na waχ-l-aj-ə-t: “jäχ-a mǟ χŏśŋ-em-na ... tuta răχ-ə-l jiŋk. män-a-ti sǟ, jäŋχ-a-ti sǟ, män-em jiŋk tuw-a-ti. ńǟlm-am ńur sar-ə-s. jiŋk jiś-ta lit-l-aj-ə-m”.* a ńǟwrem-l-al χat ewəlt kim ńŏχəm-s-ə-t, χuw jän-s-ə-t, wǟn jan-s-ə-t, or χat lipi-na jŏχi änt läŋt-i-l-ə-t.
be-PST woman four boy-0-3SG be-PST child-PL-3SG 3 to-3SG-LOC NEG obey-PST-0-3PL day along run-NONPST-0-3PL play-NONPST-0-3PL snow to morning time from evening towards what-PL-LOC mother-3SG to NEG help-PST-0-3PL homewards come-NONPST-0-3PL and boot-PL-3SG water-0-PL mitten-PL-3SG water-0-PL coat-PL-3SG water-0-PL mother-3SG dry-0-CAUS-NMLZ.IMPF give-TR-NONPST-0-3PL mother-3SG from suffer-0-PST such be-0-N from so be-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG from ill-TRANS come-PST and lie-0-PST DP lie-0-NONPST one time-0-PL-LOC water drink-NMLZ.IMPF want-NMLZ.IMPF start-PST-PAS child-0-PL come-IMP-PL DP 1SG-ACC/DAT water give-IMP-PL throat-1SG dry-0-PST 1SG-ACC/DAT water bring-IMP-PL many time beg-PST-0-SG.3SG child-PL-3SG child-PL-3SG NEG come-NONPST-0-3PL big boy-0-3SG say-0-NONPST 1SG boot-PL-1SG not:be two.ORD boy-0-3SG say-0-NONPST 1SG hat-1SG not:be three.ORD boy-0-3SG say-0-NONPST 1SG what-PL-1SG not:be-0-PL [but] small boy-0-3SG nothing NEG say-0-PST mother-3SG-LOC beg-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL walk-IMP 1SG side-1SG-LOC there be:possible-0-NONPST water go-IMP-PL DP walk-IMP-PL DP 1SG-ACC/DAT water bring-IMP-PL tongue-1SG really dry-0-PST water drink-NMLZ.IMPF want-NONPST-PAS-0-1SG [but] child-PL-3SG house from out run-PST-0-3PL long play-PST-0-3PL short play-PST-0-3PL forest house inside-LOC homewards NEG enter-FREQ-NONPST-0-3PL
быть-ПРОШ женщина четыре boy-0-3ЕД быть-ПРОШ ребенок-МН-3ЕД 3 к-3ЕД-ЛОК НЕГ obey-ПРОШ-0-3МН день вдоль бежать-NONPST-0-3МН play-NONPST-0-3МН snow к утро время от вечер в:направлении что-МН-ЛОК мать-3ЕД к НЕГ помогать-ПРОШ-0-3МН homewards прийти-NONPST-0-3МН and сапог-МН-3ЕД вода-0-МН mitten-МН-3ЕД вода-0-МН верхняя:одежда-МН-3ЕД вода-0-МН мать-3ЕД dry-0-CAUS-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ дать-TR-NONPST-0-3МН мать-3ЕД от suffer-0-ПРОШ such быть-0-N от так быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕД от больной-TRANS прийти-ПРОШ and лежать-0-ПРОШ DP лежать-0-NONPST один время-0-МН-ЛОК вода drink-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ хотеть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-ПРОШ-ПАС ребенок-0-МН прийти-ИМП-МН DP 1ЕД-АКК/ДАТ вода дать-ИМП-МН горло-1ЕД dry-0-ПРОШ 1ЕД-АКК/ДАТ вода принести-ИМП-МН много время beg-ПРОШ-0-ЕД.3ЕД ребенок-МН-3ЕД ребенок-МН-3ЕД НЕГ прийти-NONPST-0-3МН большой boy-0-3ЕД сказать-0-NONPST 1ЕД сапог-МН-1ЕД not:be два.ОРД boy-0-3ЕД сказать-0-NONPST 1ЕД hat-1ЕД not:be три.ОРД boy-0-3ЕД сказать-0-NONPST 1ЕД что-МН-1ЕД not:be-0-МН [но] маленький boy-0-3ЕД ничего НЕГ сказать-0-ПРОШ мать-3ЕД-ЛОК beg-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН идти-ИМП 1ЕД сторона-1ЕД-ЛОК там be:possible-0-NONPST вода идти-ИМП-МН DP идти-ИМП-МН DP 1ЕД-АКК/ДАТ вода принести-ИМП-МН tongue-1ЕД really dry-0-ПРОШ вода drink-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ хотеть-NONPST-ПАС-0-1ЕД [но] ребенок-МН-3ЕД дом от из бежать-ПРОШ-0-3МН длинный play-ПРОШ-0-3МН short play-ПРОШ-0-3МН лес дом inside-ЛОК homewards НЕГ войти-ФРЕКВ-NONPST-0-3МН
There lived a woman. She had four sons. Her children did not obey her, all day long they ran around, they played in the snow, from morning to night they did not help their mother at all. They would come home and let their mother dry the water on their shoes, the water on their coats, the water on their mittens. Such a life was hard for their mother. While she was living like that, she became ill and lay down. She was lying. Once she wanted to drink water. “Children, come here, give me water. My throat is dry, give me water.” She called her children many times, the children did not come. The eldest son said: “I have no shoes.” The second son said: “I have no hat.” The third son said: “I have no clothes.” But the youngest son said nothing. The mother called: “Come here to me, I need water. Bring and give me water. My tongue is dry. I want to drink.” But the children ran out of the house, they played for a long or a short time, they did not go into the house.